OpenLDAP on Windows 7 not starting due to unclean shutdown detected - openldap

OpenLDAP was running and the laptop and since the battery power of the laptop did not last and the WIndows 7 OS shutdown. After restating WIndows 7 OS, tried to start OpenLDAP and get following error.
Tried to see if there is any lock or any kind of information on the internet / google search but none of them gave a good response.
53021aca backend_startup_one: starting "dc=my-domain,dc=com"
53021aca bdb_db_open: "dc=my-domain,dc=com"
53021aca bdb_db_open: database "dc=my-domain,dc=com": unclean shutdown detected; attempting recovery.
53021aca bdb_db_open: database "dc=my-domain,dc=com": dbenv_open(../var/openldap-data).
53021aca bdb_db_open: database "dc=my-domain,dc=com": alock_recover failed
53021aca ====> bdb_cache_release_all
53021aca bdb_db_close: database "dc=my-domain,dc=com": alock_close failed
53021aca backend_startup_one (type=bdb, suffix="dc=my-domain,dc=com"): bi_db_open failed! (-1)
53021aca slapd shutdown: initiated
53021acb ====> bdb_cache_release_all
53021acb bdb_db_close: database "dc=my-domain,dc=com": alock_close failed
53021acb slapd destroy: freeing system resources.
53021acb slapd stopped.
Above is the logs from the OpenLDAP server...
OpenLDAP was running and the laptop and since the battery power of the laptop did not last and the WIndows 7 OS shutdown. After restating WIndows 7 OS, tried to start OpenLDAP and get following error.
Tried to see if there is any lock or any kind of information on the internet / google search but none of them gave a good response.

Delete alock file
Just solved my own problem with exact same error log.
Go to your LDAP installed directory /var/openldap-data
there should be a file named alock . Delete this file . Start your LDAP.
You are welcome.
Also try this , from :
select the dos window in which it is running and type CTRL-C, the server will stop and you will be offered a prompt Terminate Batch Job?, typing y to this prompt will close the window.
If this procedure is not followed (for example you closed your PC
without terminating the LDAP server) the server will probably
subsequently refuse to start. If this is the case navigate to the
directory c:\openldap\var\run and delete any files in this directory
(slapd.args and The server should now restart. Failing
this look at the log file (default in \var\log).


Artifactory service fails to start upon Fedora 35 reboot

I have installed on Fedora 35 jfrog-artifactory-oss (v7.31.11-73111900.x86_64) and enabled it as a system service to start at boot. But whenever I boot up my OS, the server never starts properly. I will always need to kill the PID of the active running Artifactory process. If I then do sudo service artifactory restart it will bring up the server cleanly and everything is good. How can I avoid having to do this little dance? Is there something about OS boot up that is causing Artifactory to get thrown off?
I have looked at console.log when the server is not running properly after bootup, I see some logs like:
2022-01-27T08:35:38.383Z [shell] [INFO] [] [] [main] - Artifactory Tomcat already started
2022-01-27T08:35:43.084Z [jfac] [WARN] [d84d2d549b318495] [o.j.c.ExecutionUtils:165] [pool-9-thread-2] - Retry 900 Elapsed 7.56 minutes failed: Registration with router on URL http://localhost:8046 failed with error: UNAVAILABLE: io exception. Trying again
That shows that the server is not running properly, but doesn't give a clear idea of what to try next. Any suggestions?
2 things to check,
How is the artifactory.service file in the systemd directory
Whenever the OS is rebooted, what is the error seen in the logs, check all the logs.
Hint: From the warning shared, it seems that Router service is not able to start when OS is rebooted, so whenever OS is rebooted and issue comes up check the router-service.log for any errors/warnings.

Azure Cosmos DB Emulator Not running - It Starts and then throws Error

I am trying to install and run Cosmos DB Emulator on my machine but it is not letting me to connect to Azure Cosmos DB Emulator. When I run the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator, it shows the "Started" notification and then opened a page in browser but the page is not loaded. I am tired of doing everything which I have found on google.
Here is the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator Error:
And when the page is opened on link https://localhost:8081/_explorer/index.html, the Firefox browser shows "Unable to connect"
The strange thing is, when I installed it on another machine, it ran there without any issue.
After full of 3 hectic days, I have successfully run Cosmos DB Emulator. Here is the work around.
Shut down Azure Cosmos DB Emulator
I tried to run lodctr /R in command line by running it as "Run as Administrator", it threw an error: "Error: Unable to rebuild performance counter setting from system backup store, error code is 2"
Found a solution for the lodctr /R error which is to run another command as below:
"c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i"
It will install ASP.NET (2.0.50727). Here is the link:
Then again run the command lodctr /R, it sets the counter
Then start Azure Cosmos DB Emulator and it will run.
I used to get this constantly, I realised I was shutting down my pc before stopping the emulator. Once I started stopping the emulator before shutdown, this issue went away for me.
There are 5 ports the emulator runs on out of the box: 10251,10252,10253,10254. You can confirm this by typing:
.\CosmosDB.Emulator.exe -h
And you'll see:
/DirectPorts= Comma-separated list of 4 ports to use for direct connectivity. Default is 10251,10252,10253,
What tends to be my issue is that the emulator is still running on one of the above ports but .\CosmosDB.Emulator.exe /Shutdown doesn't effectively stop the process.
To combat this, I search to see which port is active:
PS C:\Program Files\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator> netstat -ano | findstr :10251
PS C:\Program Files\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator> netstat -ano | findstr :10252
PS C:\Program Files\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator> netstat -ano | findstr :10253
And then I stop that process:
stop-process 27772 // this is using powershell but that's unimportant
Then I can start the emulator again without issue:

MPI A process or daemon was unable to complete a TCP connection

Open MPI: 4.0.1a
I am in machine 34bb0519eAAA. And I could use ssh a2935f150BBB to connect a2935f150BBB successfully. And also ssh 34bb0519eAAA In machine a2935f150BBB to connect 34bb0519eAAA successfully .
But when I mpiexec command . I get error message
****Warning: Permanently added '[XX.XX.XX.XX]:XX' (a2935f150BBB'IP address) to the list of known hosts.**
A process or daemon was unable to complete a TCP connection
to another process:
Local host: a2935f150BBB
Remote host: 34bb0519eAAA
This is usually caused by a firewall on the remote host. Please
check that any firewall (e.g., iptables) has been disabled and
ORTE was unable to reliably start one or more daemons.
This usually is caused by:
* not finding the required libraries and/or binaries on
one or more nodes. Please check your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
settings, or configure OMPI with --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default
* lack of authority to execute on one or more specified nodes.
Please verify your allocation and authorities.
* the inability to write startup files into /tmp (--tmpdir/orte_tmpdir_base).
Please check with your sys admin to determine the correct location to use.
* compilation of the orted with dynamic libraries when static are required
(e.g., on Cray). Please check your configure cmd line and consider using
one of the contrib/platform definitions for your system type.
* an inability to create a connection back to mpirun due to a
lack of common network interfaces and/or no route found between
them. Please check network connectivity (including firewalls
and network routing requirements).
I am very confused that.Because I run ssh to each other successfully . How could fail that.
Here is ssh connection
ssh a2935f150BBB
Warning: Permanently added '[XX.XX.XX.XX]:XX to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.

OpenStack - Web console connection refused

Just getting started with OpenStack.
got everything set up on a Ubuntu VM (under Parallels).
When I attempt to log into the browser console as admin (the password was set during the DevStack install) - I get:
HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8774): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/a586870bde4c4dfc993dc40cab8047b7/extensions (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)
I am however able to run CLI commands such as keystone-tenant-list, and all others, on the actual server.
I made sure that I'm able to ping the virtual Ubuntu host from my Mac. When I first enter http://myhost.mydomain I do get a login page, but, as soon as I enter admin's credentials - I get this ugly (and super long error)
What things could I check to fix this?
1) Wiped clean my Ubuntu host
2) Followed set-by-step instructions here:
Everything now works without a glitch.

Jmap - Error connecting to remote debug server

My requirement is to create a dump file of heap memory of a remote server using Jmap.
I did this way.
jmap -dump:file=remoteDump.txt,format=b 3104
This worked fine as 3104 is the pid of a process from my local machine.
How do I do the same with remote server?
I tried
jmap -dump:file=remoteDump.txt,format=b 3104
But it's failed.
I tried creating a debug server using jsadebugd, as below.
1.Started rmiregistry
rmiregistry -J-Xbootclasspath/p:$JAVA_HOME/lib/sa-jdi.jar
2.Ran jsadebugd
>jsadebugd 11594
But the step 2 is throwing the following error:
Error attaching to process or starting server: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.D
Exception: Windbg Error: WaitForEvent failed!
at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.windbg.WindbgDebuggerLocal.attach0(Na
at sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.windbg.WindbgDebuggerLocal.attach(Win
at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.attachDebugger(
at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.setupDebuggerWin32(HotSpotAgent.j
at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.setupDebugger(
at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.go(
at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.startServer(
at sun.jvm.hotspot.DebugServer.main(
at sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServer.main(
Help me get out of it.
The reason why you can not attach to process could be that it is already attached to some other debuger or executed on other visual machine than your jmap is running.
Try to assure that process is not attached to any debuger and you attach to the same VM.
