Encrypting a Private Message - drupal

I am using both the Private Message module and the Encrypt modules. I can of course create a field which is encrypted, but it looks like I must alter the PM module since its storage in the database is not encrypted. Isn't exactly private then is it. Permissions are not enough to make it a Private Message.
I assume I will need to add the Encrypt code directly to the module itself. Does anyone have any idea where I would add it and how?

The module is named "private messages" because the messages are private between the sender & recipient, no one else can see the messages.
If you want to encrypt the database, then you can directly use the database API hooks. You will also have to alter the schema of private messages module I believe.
For HTTPS you can use https://drupal.org/project/securepages
And for encrypting the form submitted data, you can go with http://www.jcryption.org/ or even more interesting http://crypto.stanford.edu/sjcl/

I've done something similar before to store encrypted images directly in the DB (for passport photos).
I've just had a quick look at the private messages module and it looks like you'll need to modify the main .module file. Search though it for db_insert. At around line 1836 is the bit that saves the message to the db.
If you add:
$message->body = encrypt($message->body);
before the line:
$args['body'] = $message->body;
Then that will handle the encryption.
Then you need to find where it gets back out the DB and put the decryption function in there.


Authorization failed for URI for DBMS_CLOUD.send_request

I am facing issue with running DBMS_CLOUD.send_request to invoke a function via Autonomous DB.In the credential I am giving the right API signing key but it doesn’t seem to work and keeps trowing “Authorization failed for URI” not sure what am I missing as I am able to invoke the same function with the same credentials using SDK and same invoke endpoint. Also, in the private_key parameter of DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL i am providing the private key content without the line breaks and excluding the BEGIN and END RSA PRIVATE KEY, would like to know if this is the right way to provide the key content.
Also, Please note that my Autonomous DB workload type is "APEX" and I have given EXECUTE GRANT on DBMS_CLOUD to my APEX Principal using ADMIN
Is your private key protected with a passphrase ...? AFAIK these are not supported, so you might work without a passphrase.
Also, you might try creating an APEX Web Credential (Use the OCI type), and then use APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REST_REQUEST to call the REST API. This would at least help to verify the credential.

How to change encrypted password in context file without using the studio

I am using a group context to configure the db connection. The password of the db has a password type. When deploying the job, the password is automatically encrypted in the default.properties under the contexts folder.
What if i want to change the password without using the studio (on a client environment)? what can i use to encrypt the new password?
I was able to do it by creating a separate encryption job with a tjava component and the following code:
where context.Password is an input context variable of type String. When running the job, the user is prompted to enter a password and then the encrypted Talend password will be printed. It will have the following format: enc:routine.encryption.key.v1:[encryptedPassword] The routine encryption key can be modified if needed by following this link: https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/8.0/installation-guide-data-integration-windows/rotating-encryption-keys-in-talend-studio
There's actually a few ways for this:
myJob.sh --context_param myPassword=pass123
this unfortunately can be seen by anyone via ps / task manager.
You can also edit the contexts/contextName.properties file and change the context parameters there. This way the context can only be seen if you have access to the file.
Theoretically both should be able to accept the cleartext/encrypted password.
Implicit context load feature can also be used to load contexts: https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/8.0/data-integration-job-examples/creating-job-and-defining-context-variables

nCipher HSM retarget JCE key

Is it possible to "retarget" keys generated via the ncipher JCE API to pkcs11? I know that you can retarget via the generatekey command but I don't see how to do it to an existing JCE key. The first prompt is for the "source application" and the options don't seem to include JCE. Does it support other options beyond the ones listed there or should I be looking at a different way of retargeting?
The ultimate goal here is to export a couple keys (asymmetric and symmetric) that were generated via nCipher's JCE API (yes, I know that an HSM's job is to secure the keys and exporting is usually not a good idea but it is a requirement here). We are able to export keys that were generated via the PKCS11 interface but not ones that were generated via the JCE so our thinking is that if we can retarget it from JCE to PKCS11 we might be able to export these keys as well. If there is another way to do this we are open to that as well.
Lastly, the JCE keys show up as "recovery enabled" when executing the nfkminfo on them. Does that mean that they are exportable or does recovery here mean something else?
Disclaimer: I work for Thales e-Security but do not speak for the company.
Yes you can retarget a jcecsp key to pkcs11. If you have any jcecsp keys in your kmdata/local, /opt/nfast/bin/generatekey will offer jcecsp as a source option. If you have no keys of that ilk, it will quietly omit that option from the source list. However, this retarget process may not do what you think it does. All retargeting does is change the application type and potentially the associated metadata: it doesn't change the fundamental capabilities of the key as those were baked into the protected key blob at generation time and cannot be changed.
The Security World uses nShield key ACLs to limit the key's capabilities (Sign, Verify, Encrypt, Decrypt, Wrap, Be Wrapped, etc.). PKCS#11 pulls its parameters (CKA_SIGN, etc.) directly from the key ACLs, and when generating keys through the API, the ACLs saved in the key blob are derived directly from the parameters in the key template. If you set CKA_SENSITIVE to FALSE, and your Security World allows it, you can generate and save an exportable key. JCE is not that sophisticated: it has no concept of key capabilities at all, so the Provider has to guess at the user's intent with the key and it defaults to a fairly generous set. However, since as you point out the whole idea of HSMs is to protect key bits and not let you have them, Export is not one of the defaults. And what's not baked into the key file when you create it, you don't get by retargeting the key.
One thing you could do if you want to use JCE is to generate the key using a different Provider and then store it in an nCipher.sworld KeyStore using the nCipherKM Provider: this will import the key into the Security World (if your World allows that) and save it as a key_jcecsp_* file. However this has nothing to do with key security so from an HSM perspective it's not recommended. Another thing you could do is to drop down to the native nCore API, generate the key with the ACL entries you require, and then polymorph it to a JCE Key Object and save it in the HSM-backed KeyStore. You can shoot yourself in the foot as many times as you want with the ACLs on the key you create. The polymorphing is very poorly documented: ask Thales Support and they can guide you.
Finally, the Recovery capability means that in addition to the Working Key blob which may be protected by an Operator Card Set, the key file has a Recovery Blob. This is in case that Operator Card Set is lost: the Recovery Blob can be opened up by the Administrator Card Set of the Security World using the rocs utility (Replace Operator Card Set), which will write a new key file under a new OCS. No, this does not mean the key is exportable. It just means that you are protected against losing the OCS. Of course losing the ACS is a non-starter as that is your Root of Trust.

Encrypt alfresco password

I want to encrypt db.username and db.password written in alfresco-global.properties .
Can anyone please help me in this, where that username & password is used so that i can write decryption code there, so that alfresco can understand.
I am using Alfresco 4.2 Enterprise.
Can't you just change permissions on alfresco-global.properties so only the user running the Alfresco JVM can read it ?
Anyways, that said the values are used in tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/core-services-context.xml. Create a custom bean baseDefaultDataSource deriving from org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource and handle the decryption in that class. Make sure to pass the decrypted value to the jdbc driver. Also make sure the definition gets processed after the defaults kick in. You might want to drop your spring context into tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension.

How would allow clients to self regiter over HTTP using sometype of public key fingerprint?

I'm working on creating small relay stations out of tiny embedded Linux boxes. They have some sensors connected to them and transport data back to a server via HTTP POST. Right now the server just accepts their message, along with a unique ID (the MAC address of eth0).
I want to expand this to include some type of security. I want to be able to deploy these little devices with minimal configuration. I'd like to copy a base firmware to the device, hook them up in the field, and they self-register. The first time they connect, I'd like the server and device to do some type of negotiation where I can store a fingerprint. Subsequent requests I could then authentication/verify the device using that fingerprint.
That way, once a device registers with its unique ID, I can be assured all data from that ID is from the same device. If a rouge device or set of devices does register, I'll just delete them (I store IPs to so I can delete by unknown ranges and block them).
My question is what's the best way to go about doing this? I think back to the idea of SSH fingerprints, where the first time you connect to a server you get a server fingerprint. If a future request yields a different fingerprint, you get a huge warning and have to manually delete the fingerprint out of your authorized_keys file if the server's keys have actually regenerated (e.g. you did a reinstall without saving your old SSH keys).
Is something like this possibly with HTTP, possibly avoiding having to use preshared keys?
If it matters, the clients are running Python2 and the server they connect to is written mostly in Scala on Tomcat.
Basically, all you need to do is tell the server the public key, and then sign all of your messages with it. If you don't want pre-shared keys, then the server cannot be assured that someone new who is registering is actually one of your devices. You can still validate that the message came from the same device that originally registered with that identifier, however.
The process basically goes like this:
Client generates a new key pair (e.g. an RSA public/private key pair).
Client registers with server, sending its public key. The server stores this public key.
When the client sends a message, it generates a signature of its message, which it attaches to the message. When the server receives the message, it validates the signature to ensure that the message was sent by someone holding the corresponding private key.
The code for this in PyCrypto goes something like this:
Generate key pair
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
key = RSA.generate(2048)
private_key = key.exportKey()
public_key = key.publickey().exportKey()
# private_key is a string suitable for storing on disk for retrieval later
# public_key is a string suitable for sending to the server
# The server should store this along with the client ID for verification
Generate signature
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
# where private_key is read from wherever you stored it previously
digest = SHA.new(message).digest()
signature = key.sign(digest, None)
# attach signature to the message however you wish
The server should load the public key as it has previously stored, and use a "verify" method provided by the Scala/Java crypto API you use, and accept the message only if it succeeds.
It is important to understand the caveats of each approach, as various techniques only protect against certain types of attacks. For instance, the above approach does not protect against a "replay attack", in which an attacker records a message with a certain meaning and then re-transmits it to the server at a later time. One way of protecting against this would be to include a timestamp in the message which is hashed; another would be to use an appropriately encrypted transport (e.g. SSL/TLS).
