Navigation column tall as Content one: maybe with calc()? - css

I have classical 2 columns layout, but I have constrained about NAVIGATION and CONTENT blocks are both floated left (side-by-side). Below them there is FOOTER block that spans across entire windows width and is floated left too, but below others divs.
Obviously CONTENT has an auto height based on its content, but I wish that NAVIGATION has an equal height.
I was investigating about
property that seems very promising, but.... I was not avble to reach my objective.
How to solve this?

Not enough points to comment your post…
I think your answer is here:
CSS - Equal Height Columns?


Vertical alignment to top AND bottom of a parent div

I am attempting to implement the following layout without using javascript and without using tables:
There are a LOT of rows on a page. Each row is filled by four content elements, the tallest of which determines the height of the row. Each content element has two other elements, in this case, an image and a caption. The image is aligned to the top of the row while the caption is aligned to the bottom.
In the HTML structure, the image and caption must stay together in the content element.
Some solutions I've tried:
Splitting each row into two: a row of images and a row of captions, separates the images from the captions.
Using the famous equal height column div structure results in an ugly absolutely-positioned Matryoshka Doll arrangement of divs.
The issue with tables is that the page will be made MUCH more dynamic in the future (rearrangable content, fluid layout, dynamic searching, content of varying width), and tables will be extremely annoying to do this with.
If I'm imagining your markup correctly, perhaps this will work for you:
I absolutely positioned the .caption to the bottom of .row. I made it a point to position .caption to .row instead of the immediate parent .content because of the varying heights of .content. The image remains in the flow of the document. I Added some additional padding to the bottom of .row to account for the text and put in a simple clear fix (I suggest using a better option in your production code)
Hope this helps solve your problem or possibly ignites an idea or two!

2 column div layout: right column fixed width, left fluid, height relative to eachother

I want a layout with two columns, two divs, where the left one has fluid width and the right one has fixed width. So far so good - see jsfiddle below - however, the height of the right column must be in relation to the height of the left column. So that if I have some content in the fluid column and would resize the browser window, thereby increasing or decreasing the height of the left column, the right one should follow and getting the same height.
What I got so far:
Edit: Resolved, see comment below
Ah, the ol' two column layout. Unless you want to resort to JavaScript to track the height of one column to adjust the other, you're not going to be able to do it in the way you expect. Using height="100%" usually doesn't work in these situations, either.
What you can do is something like the old Faux Column technique. The div's don't resize, but you have a background image on the parent element that tiles vertically, giving the illusion of equal columns. Old school, yes, but effective.
You can use JavaScript to get the height of the left div, then set the right div to this height.
To get height of the left div:
var divHeight = document.getElementById('left').offsetHeight;
To set height of right div:
document.getElementById('right').style.height = divHeight+'px';
Your JSFiddle example fixed.
So, I got an answer to my question from #thirtydot (see comment above):
Do you need to support IE7? If not, you can use display: table-cell

side-by-side divs not working in FF

Ok, I have finally got my divs to sit nicely side-by-side in a parent div.
But....I can not seem to put a margin between them. Sample of code is here. The two ids/divs in question are importInfo and newDevelopment. Both are absolute positioned with tops at 0 and left/right at 0 (respectively), widths at 50%. These two divs need to be fluid so that they extend vertically when the user adjusts their browser window horizontally. I need someone to point out my dumb mistake.
That's because they're not positioned correctly. Margins, padding, and border are by default not included in the calculation of the box's width. This is how your box actually appears on the page:
You really shouldn't be using absolute positioning for something as simple as this. Try setting both of the boxes as display: table-cell instead or find another more suitable solution to position the boxes next to each other.

DIV wrapping on browser resize

So basically the website I'm designing has 3 divs inside a container div. One floating to the left. Two to the right one above and one below. They work fine when the browser is maximized. Problem is, when the browser is resized, the right divs wrap below the left div even though I've set min-widths. I want the divs to remain where they are and a scroll bar to appear instead. I did try overflow, no luck. Any solutions?
PS- Initially I had added min-width for the inner divs too. They didn't seem to solve the problem, so I removed them.
A solution or a nudge in the right direction would be really appreciated.
Here's a link to the jsFiddle -
Thank you, Matthew. Although that fixed the wrapping issue, my site now has a thin line of pixels on the right hand side. Any idea how I remove it? It continues from the header till the footer. It isn't affected by any changes to the CSS elements pertaining to the header or navigation bar or footer.
Okay, I found the reason to the extra space on the right side. If I increase my margins for the outer div, the space increases. Is there a way to increase the margins without getting a space?
You might be able to wrap them in this:
<div style="white-space:nowrap;">
... to prevent that from happening.
It's hard to know exactly where the problem is, could you post some code or make a JSFiddle?
I believe the problem is that you are using % based widths and px for margins - it's easy to lose track of how much available space you have and subsequently your layout falls apart. Consider that two left floated DIVs of 50% width with 1px of margin each will break on to two lines every time because that's more than 100%.
I changed your fiddle a bit:
... just by moving the left margin from your first DIV and right margin from your other two to the parent container seems to give enough room for everything.
P.S. You can use % based margins and just make sure everything you want to be on one line stays <= 100%.
the simpl css framework shows you how to do percentage based columns with pixel based margins which is what you want.

Div Floats and Overflow in relation to size of the browser

I have a website built with divs floated to various parts of the pages to create the look I want. My problem is, when I make my browser smaller the floats all cram to the left side instead of holding their positions and simply giving a scroll bar.
All I want is for my pages to hold their form when the browser is not maximized.
I suggest you put a min-width on the div wrapping all your floating divs.
Than all your div will be floating as normally, but when the browser will be smaller you will have a scroll bar.
Yeah the code would really help, but a solution (I think) would be to wrap all your floated divs in a div that has a defined width.
