2 column div layout: right column fixed width, left fluid, height relative to eachother - css

I want a layout with two columns, two divs, where the left one has fluid width and the right one has fixed width. So far so good - see jsfiddle below - however, the height of the right column must be in relation to the height of the left column. So that if I have some content in the fluid column and would resize the browser window, thereby increasing or decreasing the height of the left column, the right one should follow and getting the same height.
What I got so far: http://jsfiddle.net/henrikandersson/vnUdc/2/
Edit: Resolved, see comment below

Ah, the ol' two column layout. Unless you want to resort to JavaScript to track the height of one column to adjust the other, you're not going to be able to do it in the way you expect. Using height="100%" usually doesn't work in these situations, either.
What you can do is something like the old Faux Column technique. The div's don't resize, but you have a background image on the parent element that tiles vertically, giving the illusion of equal columns. Old school, yes, but effective.

You can use JavaScript to get the height of the left div, then set the right div to this height.
To get height of the left div:
var divHeight = document.getElementById('left').offsetHeight;
To set height of right div:
document.getElementById('right').style.height = divHeight+'px';
Your JSFiddle example fixed.

So, I got an answer to my question from #thirtydot (see comment above):
Do you need to support IE7? If not, you can use display: table-cell


Navigation column tall as Content one: maybe with calc()?

I have classical 2 columns layout, but I have constrained about NAVIGATION and CONTENT blocks are both floated left (side-by-side). Below them there is FOOTER block that spans across entire windows width and is floated left too, but below others divs.
Obviously CONTENT has an auto height based on its content, but I wish that NAVIGATION has an equal height.
I was investigating about
property that seems very promising, but.... I was not avble to reach my objective.
How to solve this?
Not enough points to comment your post…
I think your answer is here:
CSS - Equal Height Columns?

Have a fixed width right floated div drop below other content?

I have a two column layout, The left hand column is flexible in size, but the right hand column has a fixed width. When you resize the browser, the left hand column shrinks to allow the right hand one always to fit.
At a set size however, when the left column reaches a min width (as dictated by the overall width of the window), we need to stack the columns using a media query, so that they can be unfloated and fill the space available to them.
The problem is that when this happens, the right hand column appears above the left column due to the way the markup has to be written. I need the right hand column (containing less important info) to be below the left hand column on smaller screens.
Is it possible to have the right column naturally fall below the left one? Either by achieving the size effect having it further along in the markup, or through some pure CSS solution?
I don't want to have to resort to javascript to change the element order, and if possible I don't really want to have to have duplicate divs with the same content to hide/unhide, however I understand if that's the only viable solution.
There's a demo fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/jmxu2/
<div class='column-contain'>
<div class='c-right'>
The right floated div is secondary content, but fixed width. It should drop below the primary content when there isn't enough room.
<div class='c-left'>
This left div is primary content, but non fixed in size. When there isn't enough room to nicely display side by side, this div should be on top.
The right column will appear on top because it is first in the HTML. If its not possible to reorder the elements in HTML try adding the following to your media query:
.c-left {display: table-header-group; }
.c-right {display: table-footer-group; }
This will place each elements with those classes in a pseudo table and reorder them in the flow accordingly. The elements displayed as headers appear above those displayed as a footer.

Floating Columns: Left float must load before right float can start

I'm trying to create a two columns layout where there is one column floated left, and there are two DIVs floated right. The sum of the two right DIVs is a height that is less than the height of the left DIV. I think I'm missing some CSS that allows this to happen. As of right now the second right DIV is appearing below the end of the left DIVs because of the height difference.
It's probably easier to view the page itself to see the issue. I need to have the DIV close the end of the right content so that it appears that all of the text is within a box.
I can add a negative margin to accomplish this, but I'm assuming I'm going about this all wrong.
Un-float both (or all, if you plan to add more) of your righthand divs, put them inside a wrapper, and then give that wrapper a margin-left value equivalent to the width of your left div.
screenshot: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/677/0314515048.png
demo: http://jsbin.com/aviyok/1/edit
You should also remove the huge negative margin on your right content div; that breaks very easily.

Centered fixed width layout with 100% padding on one side only

I really like Elliot Jay Stock's new blog's layout:
As you can see, the left part of the content column stretches out all the way to the edge. He achieves this effect by using percentages to make sure the column fills 100% of the window.
But how could you achieve the same effect with a fixed width central column?
I think you need to do it by "faking" the padding. See this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/jYHc9/2/.

How can create a two-column layout in CSS where one column shrinks to it's content, and the other expands to fill the remaining space?

I have two <div>s on my page. I want to arrange them side-by side, so that the first (right) shrinks to fit it's contents (unknown width), and the second (left) expands to fill the remaining horizontal width.
The two columns do not need to be equal in height.
Additionally, I would like to create a 5px gap between the edges of the two boxes.
Is this layout possible without using a table?
Here's a table version to show you the kind of behavior I'm looking for.
I think one of my answers on another question solves this:
xHTML/CSS: How to make inner div get 100% width minus another div width
Am I understanding your question correctly?
Yes it is! You can float the first column left, and play with margins to create your gap.
Ths should do it ( tested only on IE6 and Opera ).
Additional feature exist that the main container will stop expanding ,
when sidebar is less then 100px wide .
P.S. sorry , i cant past URLs .. my rep is too low.
Sure, here are two different fiddles showing how you could do it. The #float example uses a float: left and then a margin-left on the other div that equals the #float width.
The #absolute one uses one absolute column of fixed width and then the other column sets a margin-left that equals the #absolute column's width.
