Is it possible to exclude objects/object types from sqlpackage? - sql-server-data-tools

I would like to exclude certain object, for example all logins & users, from extract or publish operation of sqlpackage.exe.
This is possible from within Visual Studio, so I hope it is also possible from the sqlpackage.exe.
Or is it not possible?
The reason is that I would like to be able to auto-deploy to various environments/servers, where the logins & users are different.
NOTE: Logins & Users is only an example, the question is more general.

It is now. Please update the tools and look at this post.

I solved this problem by creating a DeploymentPlanModifier contributor (following their SchemaBasedFilter sample) that I pass-in through in an argument (/p:AdditionalDeploymentContributors) for SQLPackage.exe, it looks for any drop operations of security object types.
(Code on Prevent dropping of users when publishing a DACPAC using SqlPackage.exe)

Your best bet at this point is to look at doing this in post-deploy scripts and excluding all logins/users from your projects. We have similar issues where each environment has a different set of logins/users and SSDT just does not handle this well out of the box. I've written about the process we use on my blog (borrowed heavily from Jamie Thomson).
I'll also note that the user "pavelz" left a comment briefly describing the process they use w/ composite projects - main project for objects and sub-projects for permissions. That could work as well.
The only issue we have run into with the post-deploy process is if you enable publishing to drop permissions/logins not in the project, you could have some down time until you re-add the permissions at the end. Once set, I highly recommend turning off those options.

Sadly, as of now sqlpackage.exe utility does not have any option of excluding a specific object. However, it does have options to exclude an entire object type.

All of the same options available inside Visual Studio can be used in SqlPackage.exe. See "Publish Parameters, Properties and SQLCMD variables" in the documentation for a full list of options you can pass. They generally look like "/p:IgnoreUserSettingsObjects=True" and are passed alongside the regular arguments when calling SqlPackage.


How to disable dropping and creating views and functions when publishing database project?

When I publish Visual Studio database project targeting SQL Server 2012 it generates script containing drop views and functions statements and then creating these views and functions, although there are no changes in these views and functions in DB project at all comparing to database. How can I disable this behavior?
I would like to have publish output equal to what I get when I generate script after schema compare (project to database), so only affect objects for which there are changes.
Are you absolutely sure that there are no differences? Even a difference in the "NOT FOR REPLICATION" options can cause issues. Do a compare of the live database against your project and see what is different (Tools - SQL - Compare Schema). If there are differences, fix them. Otherwise, you shouldn't be seeing anything to actually change. As Keith noted, check to make sure you don't have the "always re-create" option enabled. That could be giving you trouble, though it doesn't usually drop individual items, but the entire database. You may also want to check collations - if those are different you could have issues.
Make sure the "Always re-create database" option is unchecked in the Advanced publish settings.
Finding the reason for why SSDT thought the scheme was different I think is the first point of call. SQL Scheme compare is your friend here. (In VS under Tools => SQL => New Scheme Comparison...)
Computed column definitions and constraint definitions were definitely candidates, as was potentially column ordering. Ironically I did have one issue with a computed column but it was not the definition, it was the fact that I didn't add NOT NULL to the end of the column definition (which is the default of course) but SSDT saw that as different everytime.

Possible to search through all JSPs in Adobe CQ5 repository with CRXDE?

We have a couple of relatively simple websites running on Adobe CQ 5.5 that were developed by a third party. I'm pretty familiar with how CQ works, but I'm working with somebody else's code here and I need to be able to search through all components in the system for a particular string.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a way to search across all of the various .jsp files stored with the various system components. I would have figured that the query tool in CRXDE Lite would have done the trick with something like this:
/jcr:root//*[jcr:contains(., 'Find this exact string in a JSP')] order by #jcr:score
But I've had no luck.
What I am looking for is some sort of global search that includes JSP files. Is that possible? Were I using a regular Java system, any IDE worth the download would be able to do this.
Might not be easiest way, but you can use the VLT tool to checkout the repository into your filesystem. Then you can lookup using whatever tool you prefer. It might even be faster in the long run
I don't have the actual answer but I suppose the JSPs are indexed via a filter that strips out some of their content.
It should be possible to configure the repository to index them as is instead, based on the info at and
Sorry about the vagueness of this answer - I know the basic principles but to provide the details I would need more time than I can afford now ;-)

Can I delete the SDL Tridion Default Groups?

I've assumed there was something unique or special about the default Tridion groups (e.g. Editor, Chief Editor, etc) because creating a new Publication seemed to get these groups automatically.
I actually see that new publications get all of the groups in its assigned parent upon creation, it's not necessarily because they're default groups.
Can I delete these default groups? Aside from the out-of-the-box workflow options, any reason to leave these in Tridion from a programming or technical perspective?
New Publications outside of an existing BluePrint will pick up the default rights from the default groups. If you don't need any out of the box settings, you should be OK deleting them (but I have never tried, so it may not be possible). In the database they have a special flag (IS_DEFAULT_GROUP).
I tend to use them for controlling rights, and make my other groups members of Authors,and Editors etc so that I get some basic rights out of the box for all publications.
In the original design of R5 security it was possible to delete the predefined groups, and this was intentional. If you are getting a specific message telling you it is not possible, then this constraint must have been added later, presumably as code was re-written for 2011.
The thinking back in R5 was that the predefined groups would offer a good "out-of-the-box" experience, and save people some configuration. (And of course, it offered backwards compatibility with R4.) Other features echoed this: for example, if you create a publication in a blueprint, the Rights of predefined groups are cloned from the parent publication. For groups you've created yourself, this doesn't happen. After all - if you've chosen to go for a custom security set-up it's reasonable to expect you to customise everything yourself, right?
I can't think of a good reason for preventing their deletion. Perhaps someone thought the "custom" approach was just too unfriendly, but I'm speculating. (Anyone know the real reason?)
No, it is not possible to delete a predefined group -- you will always get an error saying as much.
I can't speak as to the reasons for this, but I imagine the fact that they are used for new Publications is at least part of the reason.
You are not required to actually use them, though.

What is a typical scenario for and end-user reports design?

I'm wondering what would be the typical scenario for using an end-user report designer.
What I'm thinking of is to have a base report with all the columns that I can have, also with a basic view of the report (formatting, order of columns, etc.) and then let the user to change that format and order, take out or add (from the available columns) data to it, etc.
Is that a common way to address what is called end-user designer for reports or I'm off track?
I know it depends on the user (if it's someone that can handle SQL or not for example), but is it common to have a scenario where the user can build everthing from the sql query to the formatting?
The first thing I would think about is to put them in a very tightly controlled sandbox, both for security and also to prevent monstrous, server-eating queries. Beyond that, I think giving them a "menu" of limited options is a good path. I would not give them direct access to SQL.
First question is do you want users creating SQL that could become a run away query (think Cartesian join gone wild).
Depending upon your tooling you might want to publish your report as Excel. Creating a pivot table or a simple spreadsheet may provide the flexibility you are looking for but in a safe environment. Most users can handle removing columns, formatting, etc, in Excel and there are lots of self-help references that you might not find in a report writer tool.

How do you handle attachments in your web application?

Due to a lack of response to my original question, probably due to poor wording on my part. Since then, I have thought about my original question and decided to reword it, hopefully for the better! :)
We create custom business software for our customers, and quite often they want attachments to be added to certain business entities. For example, they want to attach a Word document to a customer, or an image to a job. I'm curious as to how other are handling the following:
How the user attaches documents? Single attachment? Batch attachment?
How you display the attached
documents? Simple list? Detailed list?
And the killer question, how the
user then edits attached documents? Is this even possible in a web environment? Granted the user can just view the attachment.
Is there a good control library to help manage this process?
Our current development environment is ASP.NET and C#, but I don't think this is a pretty agnostic question when it comes to development tools, save for the fact I need to work in a web environment.
It seems we always run into problems with the customer and working with attachments in a web environment so I am looking for some successes that other programmers have had with their user base on how best to interact with attachments.
Start with one file upload control ("Browse button"), and use JavaScript to dynamically add more upload controls if they want to attach multiple files in a single batch.
Display them in a simple list format (Filename, type, size, date), but provide full details somewhere else if they want them.
If they want to edit the files, they have to download them, then re-upload them. Hence, you need a way that they can say "this attachment overrides that old attachment".
I'm not familiar with C# and ASP.NET, so I can't recommend any libraries that will help.
