axis values doesnt display in figure while working in octave - plot

Hi I am using GNU Octave, version 3.2.4.
While using plot or stem axis values are not shown in the figure window.
I am using GNUPLOT Version 4.4. When I plot something separately in gnuplot, it gives no error. For example in gnuplot:
set xrange [1:100];plot(x);
The above shows a plot with values on both axes, but the same isn't working in octave:
This results on a figure window without any axis values.
I have tried all axis property options available in octave. Auto scaling works but values are still not displaying. Can anyone suggests how to correct this issue?


Modify axis on plotted model to log scale

I want to use the shown plot and generated it with plot_model(model, type="int") using sjPlot. But as you can see since one of the graphs overshoots by a lot the others can't be read properly. So i would like to scale the y-axis logarithmicly. How can i achieve this ? (R beginner so maybe i am missing the obvious)

R, plot keeps appearing in bottom left corner instead of centered

For some reason, when using ordihull and orditop to create a plot for my NMDS plot, I cannot for the life of me get it to be centered. I am using RStudio.
I have tried to reset the plot area using, followed by and using default values such as par(mfrow=c(1,1) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)).
But here is an image of what my plot looks like using, par(mar=c(10,10,10,10))
No matter what I put in par(mar), it is always cutting off my plot. I have no idea why this is happening or how to fix it.
Seems like when using ggplot2 (which is one the libraries I did load), the plot works by first running an empty plot such as plot(example_NMDS) without any other features, or running plot(example_NMDS, type="n") to set up the empty space first. Then run ordiplot. I think ordiplot(type="none") will also do the trick.

How to change the precision of ticks in julia plot

I'm plotting in julia for the first time and have installed the Juno IDE. I'm plotting with Plots.jl and every time I plot, the y-axis tics have lots of decimals.
I've tried multiple backends, like GR, Plotly, PlotlyJS, but none have changed the behavior I'm seeing.
This is the code I have currently producing my results:
using Plots
x = 1:10; y = rand(10)
p = plot(x,y)
And the figure that's output:
That's a temporary bug caused by some changes to Showoff, the package that Plots uses to create the axis ticks. It should be fixed already, so updating your packages should work (]up). If it doesn't work yet, and you're in a hurry, installing master of the two packages should do the trick (] add Plots#master followed by ] add Showoff#master).

Difference in plot when shown in R Studio and exported with ggsave()

I want to add an additional tick to my plot in ggplot2, and used Solution 2 as described in the post Annotate ggplot with an extra tick and label.
It worked fine for me, giving the following result in R Studio:
But when I try to save the result using ggsave() to create the a .pdf, .ps, or .png file, the red number is cut off half like this:
I have the feeling that the inner plot is printed first and later the margins are plotted on top of this.
Anybody has a hint?
Thank you Z. Lin! I just had a grid.draw(g) instead of g <- grid.draw(g). This dot in R always activates my python brain region :)

a plot in R coming out of the margins?

I have a plot in R and for some reason, when I enlarge the axis font, the plot window does not become larger as well. This makes the text of the axis be cut. Any ideas how to fix that?
I am talking about the Y axis here.
I am using R on Mac OS X.
