a plot in R coming out of the margins? - r

I have a plot in R and for some reason, when I enlarge the axis font, the plot window does not become larger as well. This makes the text of the axis be cut. Any ideas how to fix that?
I am talking about the Y axis here.
I am using R on Mac OS X.


Make Julia outer plot dimensions the same in atom

This is for viewing purposes. The actual scales are the same.
A short version of my question would be "Force grids to be square in plots".
As can be seen in the screenshot taken from the plot in Atom, while the axis are the same increments numerically, the grids are rectangular rather than square. I am not sure how to fix this. because the plot is wider than it is high, it skews the plot when I look at it.
if you do a quick estimate of the height of the Z and length of the X axis just using your fingers, you can tell that the X axis is considerably longer.
I think you want ratio=1, at least in Plots.jl:
julia> using Plots
julia> plot(rand(20,3), randn(20,3); ratio=1,
xticks=[-1,0,1], yticks=[-1,0,1], size=(600,300))

Change the size/dimension of graph in ggplot2 R

How do I change the size of a plot made with ggplot2?
My actual issue is: I'm using ggplot2 R to plot data in Ipython, and I have a horizontal barplot with a lot of bar to be displayed, so I want to increase the height of the graph so I can see it better.
Thanks a lot!
Maybe you should check option coord_cartesian(xlim=c(x,y), ylim=(x,y)) to rescale your graph, but if the output in Ipython is not in the demand size I think thisi rather Ipython figure height/width options-like question

qcc pareto.chart: bars are squashed - how to adjust the y axis?

I've produced a pareto.chart using the QCC package in R. In the default plot, the Y axis is scaled too large & for that reason the bars are too small. Most of the plot is wasted to empty white space. I assume this is a result of the long tail (right-skew) in the data ?
How is it possible to re-scale the Y-Axis so that the bars of the chart will be taller and more prominent (and differences between the bars more visible) ?
This is my first question and I can't post images yet. Please follow the link to an illustration of the problem:
If you type help(pareto.chart) you will see there is an option ylim to specify the limits if the y-axis. If you provide some sample data I could try it out.
Otherwise, try including in your function call
pareto.chart(..., ylim=c(0,10000))
and see if that rescales your y-axis.

axis values doesnt display in figure while working in octave

Hi I am using GNU Octave, version 3.2.4.
While using plot or stem axis values are not shown in the figure window.
I am using GNUPLOT Version 4.4. When I plot something separately in gnuplot, it gives no error. For example in gnuplot:
set xrange [1:100];plot(x);
The above shows a plot with values on both axes, but the same isn't working in octave:
This results on a figure window without any axis values.
I have tried all axis property options available in octave. Auto scaling works but values are still not displaying. Can anyone suggests how to correct this issue?

How to center an R plot after removing axis labels

I'm working on visualizing a matrix in R (almost exactly like http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/MatrixPlot.html), and I've been using
to draw the picture. However, I noticed that with the y-axis turned off, the plot isn't centered--the space is still there for the axis ticks + label. I can finagle some centering with
but this seems inefficient and error-prone (if my matrix were to change dimensions/become non-square). Is there a better way to force the graphic to center?
Reference image http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/9891/metropolis.png
The right hand margin is significantly smaller than the left.
