How to give environmental variable path for file appender in configuration file in log4cxx - log4cxx

I have different logs locations in development and in production, they also may be different platforms, so I want to configure the logs just one time using a environment variable.
Possible locations:
In this question they need just that, but it is applied to Java and is using the Java system properties, obviously not available in C++.
So, is there a way to use a environment variable in the log4cxx config file?

It works just the same way as in Java.
For example, in an XML configuration read with log4cxx::xml::DOMConfigurator::configure, containing <param name="file" value="${LOG_DIR}/traces.log"/>, the environment variable LOG_DIR will be correctly substituted. Tested on Linux/Ubuntu 12.01 with log4cxx 0.9.7.
Also see my question and the answer here:


changing the JVM timezone in sparklyr

I am desperately trying to change the timezone of my JVM in Sparklyr (using spark 2.1.0). I want GMT everywhere.
I am setting:
config$`driver.extraJavaOptions` <-"Duser.timezone=GMT"
in my spark_config() file but unfortunately, in the Spark UI I still see (under System Properties) that user.timezone is set to America/New_York.
Any ideas?
A few things:
The name of the property is spark.driver.extraJavaOptions.
The value is missing leading -. Should be -Duser.timezone=GMT.
For consistency you need both spark.driver.extraJavaOptions and spark.executor.extraJavaOptions.
In general case spark.driver.extraJavaOptions and similar properties should be set outside the application. As explained in the official documentation:
In client mode, this config must not be set through the SparkConf directly in your application, because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead, please set this through the --driver-java-options command line option or in your default properties file.
On the driver calling corresponding Java methods should work
# sc is spark_shell_connection / spark_connection
sparklyr::invoke_static(sc, "java.util.TimeZone", "getTimeZone", "GMT") %>%
sparklyr::invoke_static(sc, "java.util.TimeZone", "setDefault", .)
but might not be reflected in the UI, and you'll still need spark.executor.extraJavaOptions.
In general case you should edit spark-defualts.conf in the configuration directory to include
spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -Duser.timezone=GMT
spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -Duser.timezone=GMT
If you cannot modify main configuration you can create an application specific directory and point to it using SPARK_CONF_DIR environment variabl.e
In the recent versions you can also set spark.sql.session.timeZone in the application itself (note that it is different than corresponding JVM options and affects only Spark queries).

order of precedence of Sling run modes

I have a doubt over this question
Question: What is the correct order of precedence to setup runmodes in aem? (From left to right, left beign the highest)?
A. System property, Sling properties file, jar file
B. jar file, sling properties file, system property
C. Sling properties file, jar file, system property
D. jar file, System property, Sling properties file
Answer : B
I had gone through various docs and had done multiple experiments over this.
Acc to Adobe documentation the order is -, System property, jar file
Similarly, this Adobe doc has a contradictory opinion - jar file,, system property
Also, Apache Sling Doc says that any property to option D (-D) set in manner, n=v, overwrites same named properties in the file. which means system property has higher precedence then
Now, these are all according to docs, what I had experimented is-
I made a path ${dir}/crx-quickstart/conf and created a file and wrote Then renamed the jar file as cq-author-7502.jar. Then run this jar with the command java -jar cq-author-7502.jar
This is my observation:
1. When the jar runs, Setting '' to 'publish' from this message is shown in the terminal.
2. The instance up in author mode. And
3. When I checked the instance-mode in felix console, it was prod
I am totally confused about the order of precedence. As everything seems contradictory to me.
It would be grateful if anyone can put some light on it..
Thank you
I think it depends on when we are checking the run mode precedence, at the time of installation or later on a running instance and how we are starting our instance. There are 2 kinds of run modes. Installation time run mode, custom run modes.
Installation time run mode - As explained by official run modes documentation and setup instructions, this can be set only one time at the time of installation. This includes author,publish,nosamplecontent,samplecontent
Custom run mode - Own customized run modes e.g. dev, qa, prod etc
I did some tests (AEM 6.1), precedence is working in following way
Initial setup
Start jar (by double clicking) - In this you do not have option to set run mode in, start script first time. JAR name takes precedence.
Unpack jar and specify run mode as system properties in start script - JAR name doesn't comes to picture here. In this you do not have option to set run mode in System properties takes precedence.
Running instance
Even if we change run mode in JAR name, it doesn't changes the installation time run mode. For custom run mode, JAR file name is not applicable. Order of precedence is -> specifying -r option (command line jar option) -> system properties (start script)
As far as the question (seems to be AEM certification question), the context is not clear with respect to which they are asking. Helpx article is contributed by community, context might be different. Sling documentation link (it seems as per this link the launchpad version in AEM is old, not 2.4.0). Need to ask Adobe to confirm :).
There are two conflicting Adobe articles that say something quite different
Article 1: (Assumed more recent)
Starting CQ with a specific run mode If you have defined
configurations for multiple run modes then you need to define which is
to be used upon startup. There are several methods for specifying
which run mode to use; the order of resolution is: file
-r option
system properties (-D)
Filename detection
From this Reference: Configure Run Modes
- the answer is C
Article 2:
Behavior when run modes are specified more than one way The run mode
specified in the naming of the jar file takes precedence. If run modes
are not specified in the naming of the jar file, the values in the file are used. If run modes are not specified in
either the naming of the jar file or the file, the
system property (or JVM argument) is used.
From this Reference: Configure Run Modes
- the answer is B
However based on my experience and based on process of elimination I'd go with answer B.

Overriding settings per user in SBT?

Given a build.sbt which is committed to a code repository, what is a general pattern which allows users to override setting values defined in this script?
On the surface, this appears to have been answered in Where should local settings (per user, and not version-controlled) go in newer (0.10+) versions of SBT?. The answer there is to simply define two scripts in the same directory -- build.sbt and local.sbt, and rely on the fact that sbt will combine these scripts together. This may work for augmenting values (i.e., appending lists), but I don't see how it works for overriding the script value, since if a setting's value is set in both scripts, I don't know which of the two values will survive after sbt has combined the scripts.
It could be that I'm missing something very simple.
I'd recommend using ~/.sbt/0.13 global directory where your .sbt files are processed during project load and after the other files in the project itself.
I found ~/.sbt/0.13/global.sbt a good place for global settings - the name always hints me for its purpose.

How to use environment variable in xcconfig #include?

in my project, I want to refer to an other xcconfig file, located in InDesign SDK. As this SDK may be installed at different locations, depending upon the machine, I prefer to declare an environment variable for locating it.
Nest step is obviously to use variable (aptly named ID_CS5_SDK_DIR) in my xcconfig include directive.
Unfortunatly, when I try the simple
// InDesign sdk project build settings (based on common build settings)
#include "$(ID_CS5_SDK_ROOT)/build/mac/prj/_shared_build_settings/common.xcconfig"
XCode throws me a
[WARN]AutocatPlugin.xcconfig line 7: Unable to find included file "$(ID_CS5_SDK_ROOT)/build/mac/prj/_shared_build_settings/common.xcconfig"
How can I make it work ?
I've been trying to do this too and also came to the conclusion that it is not possible.
I once tried to achieve that and came to the conclusion that you can't. I would be happy if someone proves us it's possible though then delete my answer
It seems like .xcconfig files can only DEFINE and set value to environment variables (which prevail only throughout the build session) but not USE or evaluate environment variables.
Maybe it is because .xcconfig files serve as a base layer of build-settings, and are not parsed.
Unfortunately this is not possible, but instead of making one include the other, you can use two different xcconfig files per target. Just select one for the Project and one for the Target.
If you put the environment variable in /etc/config/launchd.conf and then reboot it will be accessible to the .xcconfig file.
Short Instructions for experienced users:
Edit the read-only file /etc/launchd.conf and add 'setenv VARIABLENAME /FOLDER/PATH' to the file, then reboot.
Steps For Inexperienced Users
Open Application/Utilities/Terminal, and entersudo nano /etc/launchd.conf
Create the Environment Variable by adding a line like setenv VARIABLENAME FOLDER/PATH and then pressing ENTER.
Save the file using Ctrl-O, Ctrl-M, (Possibly Ctrl-Y to overwrite), then Ctrl-X to exit the editor.
(Optional) type cat /etc/launchd.conf to see that your changes are present
Restart your computer. (Logoff doesn't work)
You can now access the variable in your .xcconfig file as$(VARIABLENAME)
This creates a GLOBAL environment variable, accessible to all users. It probably doesn't make sense to set this to something in your home directory (e.g ~/MyFolder). If you do this, however, you need to use the full pathname, such as /Users/MyUserName/MyFolder).
Stack Overflow - Setting Environment Variables in OSX
Stack Overflow - Are there any differences between /etc and /private /etc

MSdeploy : Web transformation files and parameterization mutually exclusive?

I created a transformation file "Web.Release.config" with a specific configuration (appsetings,connectionstring, bindings). In the same project, I created the parameters.xml file as well, and added a couple of parameters of my configuration (app setings, bindings).
After this I built the deployment package ""
I went and modified the setparameters.xml file with the intention of deploying using a different configuration to the one specified in the transformation file "Web.Release.config". But when I deployed the package, msdeploy ignores the parameterization, even though I specify to use the setparameter.xml during deployment.
are transformation files and parameterization mutually exclusive?
I am not sure if I fully understand your question, but here is a shot.
In Visual Studio 2010 Web.config transformations are executed based on the build configuration that is being used to publish/package. So in your example you stated that you created a config transform, Web.Release.config, and then you said "...with the intention of deploying using a different configuration...". If you want to deploy a different configuration (i.e. not Release) then your config transformation will not kick in. You will need to create another web.config transformation which has similar content (or the same) as web.release.config.
Can you let me know if that helps, if not can you provide more details?
