The URL added while adding featured image in wordpress - wordpress

I am working with wordpress latest version.
As in wordrpess, we can add URL while adding a featured image in a post as there are text fields like caption, title, alt text, description, URL etc.
I've added a link like
I am fine to show the featured image in the blog post but I want that link as
So that, if anyone clicks on the featured image he/she will go to that link.
Any help would be appreciated.

If you are using the default theme with the latest version of WordPress, you can edit content.php in the 2014 theme directory.
You need to wrap <?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?> with the link code pointing to your URL.
This code should be around line 13 in content.php.
<?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
To link to the current blog post, you could add this code:
<?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
If you are using a different theme than the default, open the file which contains The Loop in your theme, search for the_post_thumbnail or a similarly named function, and change the code as above.
The exact answer will vary depending on theme, but 98% of the time the fix should be similar to the above. Hope this helps.
Edit: Here's some more information:

Thanks for your prompt reply.
You are right that it's 98% depending on the theme.
The theme is using a meta_value to add a custom URL for the featured image.
So, I need to get that URL through get_post_meta
I've got from here.
And I am fine with it now. :-)


Wordpress - TwenteenSeventeen picture instead of a title

I'm really new in coding, especially in css. I already read some tutorials but I like to change a specific thing. For my Website I use Wordpress. I also edited a few things in my CSS which already worked. Now I can't find a answer for how I can replace the title with a custom picture.
Click here to watch a picture to understand what I mean.
Click here to acess my website.
I already tried some things, but it would be nice if someone can explain me how to do it.
You can edit header.php in the twenty seventeen to display only a picture.
This source code is on your wordpress server in wp-content/themes/twenty-seventeen/header.php:
You'll want to replace line 31:
<?php get_template_part( 'components/header/header', 'image' ); ?>
With something like
<img src="banner.png" />
You'll have to adjust the location of banner.png to where you actually upload the image.
After you've got that working and it's basically what you want, you can wrap the image tag in a a tag so the banner links back to your home page, if you'd like.

Removing Comment Section and Date in Wordpress Projects and Posts

I was just wondering if there is a simple way to hide the comment box and date in WP posts and projects. I've followed everything and have unchecked the options under the screen options tab for both projects and posts and they are still showing. Anything other than good old CSS to hide this stuff?
You can erase the HTML source code directly in yours templates files.
Open up your theme files, and look for your single.php file.
Look for a post meta section, and simply comment out/delete the part that generates the date, more than likely
<?php the_date(); ?>
Towards the bottom of the single.php file, there will most likely be some code that adds the comments form, again simply delete or comment it out, maybe: <?php comment_form(); ?>

Wordpress excerpt not working?

I am using wordpress eduma Learn press plugin. The courses page excerpt box is there but text is not displaying. can you please help me? Other pages meta tags is displayed
Add below code in your theme
add_post_type_support('page', 'excerpt');
So is the problem that when viewing the page, the whole content is shown instead of just an excerpt?
If so, try to find the appropriate theme file and if it uses:
replace it with:

Opening Wordpress Gallery from a link

Is it possible to open a wordpress gallery using an anchor tag so that the gallery appears on the same page in a lightbox? I cannot figure out how to do so. It seems like it should be such a simple thing to do but I have tried various plug ins and cannot work out a simple solution.
first, install this plugin
Then go to setting->anthing-pop there will be a shortcode
then click to edit it and put the [galley] shortcode
Now use the shortcode on click see screenshot
you can use the shortcode into post or page or in file like this
<?php echo do_shortcode('[AnythingPopup id="1"]'); ?>

remove and disable featured image in posts

I write a post in new post editor and then add media. I can see the images in the editor but when i publish them they aren't loading up and a frame with little square in the middle comes up. This is the link to one of my posts: . For some people only link to the image comes up and it opens up with 404 error. See the line after OUTPUT: bit stuffing.
Also i want to remove the featured image from appearing in my posts. I have a option in my theme on a new post: "disable featured image" - but that doesnt work . Also if i dont put the image or i remove the featured image the empty image appears: see the home page: Please help me to solve this problem
You should not use relative paths on WordPress, only Absolute paths.
The problem is that you are using ../wp-content/... as your URL's for image paths.
When adding images, you should have the option to give it a path, you should opt to link to the media file.
For the disable feature image, if you go into the page.php or single.php code, it should have a line of code in it for calling in the featured image.
It should look something like this:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
You just need to remove or comment out this code and it should stop showing up on the pages.
