Load content (FRONT-END) from two separate WP installation - wordpress

I'm struggling in an idea to have one main site (possibly WP but not necessarily) which shows contents taken from 3 or more separate WP installations sharing the same DB. The aim is to completely restyle an old (huge) portal and make it as a hub of contents with a vertical structure (News, business, real estate, etc...) each of these vertical site is a separate WP installation. I've currently setup a test environment composed of 2 separate WP installation sharing the same user table, that means a backend user can login in one part and move to the other, that's the first part. Now the problem is how to build the front-end. Is there a way to query the different WP installations to show contents taken from all of them??...
Any idea would be much appreciated.
P.S. I'm not using Multisite.

in WordPress 3.0 there is now a native ability to create multiple blogs, referred to as a network of sites. This is because the codebase for WordPressMU was merged into core.
See this page on how you can create a network.


Theme/plugin customization: Is it possible to create 1 shared user profile that ties together and combines user profiles from separate plugins/themes?

Disclaimer: I am below even a beginner level of coding/promgramming. I have created a wordpress website using the listingpro business directory THEME (includes a consumer login for customers). I also have a subdomain using the Dokan multivendor marketplace PLUGIN (includes a consumer login for customers).
Currently, my website visitors will create two separate logins by using my site: one for the main domain, the other for the subdomain.
I had to create it this way because I do not have the knowledge to create a combination directory and ecommerce marketplace, and could not find a pre-existing commercial option.
To make for a better user experience, I would like for my site users to be able to create one login that works for both domain and subdomain, linking them together somehow.
A truly beautiful possibility would be to completely merge the theme and the plugin functionalities, but even my beginner knowledge makes me think that is impossible or crazy expensive.
Is there any way to accomplish my desired task?

How to link 2 wordpress websites

Is there any way or pluggin to link 2 wordpress websites together which means when i publish a post in the first site, the second one publish the same post automatically.
notice that 2 sites on the same host.
thanks in advance.
I have looked into this few months ago for a project which one of the requirements was to automatically duplicate posts between Wordpress sites, short answer is yes, but out of the box you can't.
Long answer:
Yes, you can have three different scenarios:
You can clone posts manually through different blogs sitting in a multi-site installation using the Multisite Post Duplicator plugin, this however requires you to move both websites within a single installation of wordpress and make them run into multi-site mode. Also, you will need to manually duplicate them.
You can install on the second website a WPAuto plugin (there are few options out there, so I am not going to link every single one) which allows you to import automatically some RSS feeds into your second website. However RSS feeds must be enabled on the first website to make these plugin fetch correctly the content, on top of that the content won't be created instantly but it will be fetched after a certain amount of time, (5/10 mins interval, maybe more, according to the plugin and host settings)
You can develop something custom, you can open up a REST endpoint on the second website and through the Wordpress APIs create programmatically a new post for each request received. On the First website you need to hook your Publish post function to send the data across to the second website to process it. As far as I am aware there are no plugins which does that so you'll have to do something on your own, requires a bit of time and you need to keep in considerations all the security implications in doing that.
Needless to say that I strongly hope you have access to both websites and the content you are trying to clone is yours or you have been authorized to republish it from the original author.

Migrating issue of drupal website

I have developed a site using drupal. Now I moved from test server to live server. Now if I make changes to the test site its reflecting to live site too. I am surprised. Please could anyone tell that how should I fix above problem.
Ok, assuming you mean changes at the content level (like content types, menus, taxonomies, users, ..), then it probably means you're sharing the database between the two sites. You'll need to point the one of them to a copy of that database so you split the sites. This can be done by adjusting the sites/default/settings.php file typically.

Multiple wordpress sites using the same files?

I want to automate the creation process. My idea is:
1- the client creates an account in my site
2- I confirms this account and creates one wordpress instalation to my client.
3- The client logs into the admin area and chooses one pre-fixed theme and fills the wordpress with content.
Ok. My doubts are related with the file structure to this project.
If I have 5 clients, can I use 5 different sql tables connected to just one wordpress archives directory?
See that would be 5 different sites with different themes and different databases using the same files.
You should also check out wordpress multisite. You may find that the functionality is already there, and all you have to do is unlock it.
A multisite build will allow each user to have a completely custom site, and if you want, you can theme all of the sites under the same theme.

Managing 2 websites from 1 admin panel

Is it possible to control 2 different Drupal website from 1 admin panel? 2 different domain, but on same host-server.
one of my client came up with the idea and I wasn't sure if it can be done.
Appreciate advices! Thanks a lot!
If you're just trying to have two domains point to the same Drupal installation (e.g. http://example.com/ and http://example2.com point to the same Example Drupal website), this is supported out of the box as long as you don't use a multisite setup.
That is, normally, you'd just stick your settings.php file in sites/default/. If you did that, any domain that's pointed to the Drupal directory will use the same Drupal site. You don't need to do anything else.
If you've stuck your site in sites/example.com, you could create a symbolic link with the name of the other domain; i.e. you'd have sites/example.com and a symbolic link to it called sites/example2.com.
If you're trying to run two disparate sites through the same admin panel, you can't do it per se: that is, you can't manage most aspects of Drupal through its default administration system because it's not designed to do that.
However, if you're trying to simulate something like Plesk or Cpanel—that is, you just want to easily manage Drupal deployments using one control panel—there is a project under heavy development called Aegir. I've used it on a few different occasions and it works pretty great, but it's a somewhat involved setup process.
With http://drupal.org/project/domain you can simulate two websites. Is not actually two different Drupal installation.
You can take a look http://drupal.org/node/346385 for more information about the different multi-site options.
No, not that I am aware. As well as the content, all the administration aspects of the site are stored in the site's database, so the admin area and the front end of the site are joined at the hip! 1 database per site, so 1 admin area per site.
There is Aegir http://www.aegirproject.org which is a multi-site manager dashboard system. It's more for creating and managing the site than for managing content, but it might be what you're looking for.
