How to link 2 wordpress websites - wordpress

Is there any way or pluggin to link 2 wordpress websites together which means when i publish a post in the first site, the second one publish the same post automatically.
notice that 2 sites on the same host.
thanks in advance.

I have looked into this few months ago for a project which one of the requirements was to automatically duplicate posts between Wordpress sites, short answer is yes, but out of the box you can't.
Long answer:
Yes, you can have three different scenarios:
You can clone posts manually through different blogs sitting in a multi-site installation using the Multisite Post Duplicator plugin, this however requires you to move both websites within a single installation of wordpress and make them run into multi-site mode. Also, you will need to manually duplicate them.
You can install on the second website a WPAuto plugin (there are few options out there, so I am not going to link every single one) which allows you to import automatically some RSS feeds into your second website. However RSS feeds must be enabled on the first website to make these plugin fetch correctly the content, on top of that the content won't be created instantly but it will be fetched after a certain amount of time, (5/10 mins interval, maybe more, according to the plugin and host settings)
You can develop something custom, you can open up a REST endpoint on the second website and through the Wordpress APIs create programmatically a new post for each request received. On the First website you need to hook your Publish post function to send the data across to the second website to process it. As far as I am aware there are no plugins which does that so you'll have to do something on your own, requires a bit of time and you need to keep in considerations all the security implications in doing that.
Needless to say that I strongly hope you have access to both websites and the content you are trying to clone is yours or you have been authorized to republish it from the original author.


I'm trying to implement external REST APIs in my wordpress website. Can anybody have idea how to do it (whether with a plugin or with programming)

I tried to use one plugin called "WP Data Sync". I am also going through its documentation/ support for the same. I am also having wpbakery page builder in my website. So is there any way that we sync with that also?
Note - We have to sync data in the form of images, image gallery, events listing, and the blog posts.
Did you check out WP Data Syncs website at and create an account to check out an API key?
I'm not sure about all APIs, but the ones I've used in the past would require me to register with the API's website, get issued an API key and maybe even designate the key to a specific website (your WordPress site in this case) for security reasons. After that, you would then go to your WP site and setup the API there via WP DataSyncs plugin.
I hope I understood your question and that this helps.

How does static site generator work with a CMS like wordpress

I have been exploring using Vue for wordpress frontend, and I came across so many different technologies, like Nuxt.js, Gridsome, VuePress, and they help to create sites into SPA, SSR, or static sites. I really like these ideas, because I want to move into modern frontends instead of using the WordPress default. So I am looking into headless WordPress.
After some research, I think I kind of like Gridsome with Wordpress, as Gridsome helps to build static site by compiling content from CMS and templates at build time.
So I have a very newbie question, CMS like wordpress gets updated everyday by users, to update pages, add new posts etc, does that mean you need to build the site every time people add some content to the CMS?
I'm going to build a sort of internal portal, with WordPress and I want to try out Vue, so with all these technologies out there, I am lost at what framework best suit my project with dynamic content.
Any suggestions or insights? Thanks.
So I have a very newbie question, CMS like wordpress gets updated everyday by > users, to update pages, add new posts etc, does that mean you need to build the > site every time people add some content to the CMS?
Yes that's the concept of a statically generated site.
Still it's a choice of how you design your application.
Normally when a new post is created there can be an event / webhook triggering a build job which would automatically build and deploy the page with the latest post.
Still you can have in your deployed application client side Vue components which call the API directly to retrieve data and display it. For example for the comments it could make sense to do this.
Netlify is a good example which has the whole static site generation eased up with a nice CI / CD which can be triggered automatically as soon as your site. They also have a CMS which works on top of markdown files. As soon as a changed / new markdown file is commited to the repository it triggers a build to deploy the latest version of the page.
I hope this helps.
Thanks and best regards,

Post to 2 (two) Wordpress websites at the same time

I'm running two Wordpress websites on two different servers with two different domain names.
Sometimes I would like to be able to post on one website and have that post push to the other Wordpress website too so I don't have to copy-paste again.
I've tried searching but there's nothing concrete that came up. Is there a solution to this issue? If it's a paid plugin that works, that's even better. I would prefer a paid plugin over a hack since updating it for every Wordpress update is going to be a pain.

Load content (FRONT-END) from two separate WP installation

I'm struggling in an idea to have one main site (possibly WP but not necessarily) which shows contents taken from 3 or more separate WP installations sharing the same DB. The aim is to completely restyle an old (huge) portal and make it as a hub of contents with a vertical structure (News, business, real estate, etc...) each of these vertical site is a separate WP installation. I've currently setup a test environment composed of 2 separate WP installation sharing the same user table, that means a backend user can login in one part and move to the other, that's the first part. Now the problem is how to build the front-end. Is there a way to query the different WP installations to show contents taken from all of them??...
Any idea would be much appreciated.
P.S. I'm not using Multisite.
in WordPress 3.0 there is now a native ability to create multiple blogs, referred to as a network of sites. This is because the codebase for WordPressMU was merged into core.
See this page on how you can create a network.

Managing Multiple Wordpress Sites

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, sorry if its not. I build a lot of Wordpress sites. My problem is, the number of them is getting big and harder to update them all when new releases come out.
I have written an app that will download the latest Wordpress release, and manually ftp the new files to all the clients, but this takes forever... need a new way.
I wanted to restructure this while I can or start a new process at least. Whats the best way to manage multiple Wordpress sites and keep them all updated? Some people have said 1 DB and modded config, others I have seen said to keep all installs separate and use plugins to automatically upgrade, but I don't know whats best to do. Ideas? Thanks :)
If these were all sites you managed on your own server, I'd recommend using a Multisite installation rather than separate instances of WordPress. This way you only have one set of themes, one set of plug-ins, and one copy of WordPress to maintain.
If these sites are on different servers (i.e. you're maintaining sites for clients remotely), I'd recommend you look in to a beta account with WP Remote. This is a service specifically built to allow you to remotely monitor and update multiple WordPress installations. It might be the best solution for you because it allows you to use the one-click update rather than manually downloading/FTP-ing the new files.
You can use this free self hosted app
No limitation in number of sites being managed. You can update WP/plugin/themes, do backups, one click login to your WordPress admin panel.
EAMann is right, especially with the new Multi Site features in Wordpress 3.0, there is no better way to manage multiple sites under one umbrella. Being a developer myself, I know the pain of having to login to all those different accounts!
The way to set it up is create a "master domain name" that you will log into. Place this in your WP Config:
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
Then login to your admin panel, navigate to TOOLS>Network.
After you've set everything up, copy/paste what it tells you to your HTAccess and WP Config file.
The next step, especially if you are putting clients on this network, is they will want their own domain name, not right? Thats where Domain Mapping comes in:
Check that out and good luck!
What you need is it can do all of that for you plus a ton of other excellent features.
