There are two applications A and B under the same Biztalk group (reading the same BiztalkMsgDB)
Is it possible to set the application A cannot get (from sendport/orchestration etc) the message received from application B?
It is the prevent Biztalk support of application A set the sendport filter wrongly such that it gets the messages received from application B.
No, there is no way to administratively enforce any boundaries between applications running on the same BizTalk Group.
However, because mis-subscribing, either accidentally or intentionally, requries Administrative provledges anyway, the risk is really a user problem, not a technical one.
I have .Net core App deployed on azure and enabled application insights.
Sometimes Azure application insights End-to-end transaction details do not display all telemetry.
Here it only logs the error and not request or maybe request logged but both do not display together over here(difficult to find out due to many people use it)
Should be like:
Sometimes request log but with no error log.
What could be the reason for happening this? do I need to look into application insights specific set-up/feature?
As suggested by people here, try to disable the Sampling feature but still not works, Here is open question as well.
This usually happens due to sampling. By default, adaptive sampling is enabled in the ApplicationInsights.config which basically means that only a certain percentage of each telemetry item type (Event, Request, Dependency, Exception, etc.) is sent to Application insights. In your example probably one part of the end to end transaction got sent to the server, another part got sampled out. If you want, you can turn off sampling for specific types, or completely remove the
from the config which completely disables sampling. Bear in mind that this leads to higher ingestion traffic and higher costs.
You can also configure sampling in the code itself, if you prefer.
Please find here a good overview of how sampling works and can be configured.
This may be related to :
When using SDK 2.x, you have to track all events and send the telemetries to Application insights
When using auto-instrumentation with 3.x agent, in this case the agent collect automatically the traffic, logs ... and you have to pay attention to the sampling file applicationinsights.json where you can filter the events.
If you are using java, below the accepted Logging libraries :
-Log4j, which includes MDC properties
-SLF4J/Logback, which includes MDC properties
In the case of two ADFS servers using wid (adfs1 and adfs2) load balanced and two ADFS Proxy servers (proxy1 and proxy2) also load balanced. An error message was logged on proxy1 that "the federation proxy server could not renew its trust with the Federation Service" (event id 394).
The fix seems to be to make sure proxy1 is talking to the primary ADFS server adfs1 (instead of the VIP which load balanced adfs1 and adfs2 as and to re-register it. I did this by setting the FQDN to point to adfs1 in the hosts file on proxy1. I expect it will keep wanting to renew the trust so I should leave it that way. This would seem to break the full mesh redundancy of having 2x2 since proxy1 will only talk to adfs1. Is there a better way to deal with this issue in this configuration?
I understand moving to SQL server may be an option but is another single point of failure I would like to avoid since this is not a huge deployment. Any other ideas?
Thank you for your help!
You dont need to point a WAP at a specific AD FS (such as the primary you are doing now). You should use the load balanced address to get WAP reach one of the two AD FS.
The difference is when establishing a trust with a WID based (no SQL in use) AD FS, the trust setup will either complete near instantly or within 6 mins based on whether the load balancer picked the primary or not. This is by design as any setup done via the secondary is redirected to the primary and then has to synchronize back to the secondary which happens every 5 mins by default.
Keep your deployment as simple as possible and dont make it more complex than it needs to be. explains the WID limits which should influence whether you need SQL.
You should troubleshoot WAP trust issues using guide at . If still stuck contact Microsoft support.
Can I access persisted data of running orchestration Instances from the BizTalk database?
My BizTalk application deals with long-running processes and hundreds of orchestration instances can be running at a time.
I would like to access data persisted by these orchestration instances and display it on my application's UI. The data would give an insight about how many instances are running and at which state each of them is.
Let me try to be a little more specific.
My BizTalk application gets ticket requests (messages) from a source and after checking some business rules they are to be assigned to different departments of the company. The tickets can hop between inbox of different departments as each department completes its processing.
Now, the BizTalk orchestration instances are maintaining all the information that which department owns a particular ticket at a given time. I would want to read this orchestration information and generate inbox for each of the department at runtime. I can definitely do this by pushing this information to a separate database and populate the UI from there BUT as all this useful information is already available in the form of orchestration instances I would like to utilize it and avoid any syncing issues.
Does it make any sense?
The answer to your specific question is NO.
BAM exists for this purpose exactly.
Yes it is doable. Your question is little confusing. You can't get the data which is persisted for your orchestration instance, however You can get number of running or dehydrated instances using various options like WMI, ExplorerOM library. As a starting point you can look at some samples provided as part of BizTalk installation under SDK\Samples\Admin folder. Also you should be looking at MSBTS_ServiceInstance WMI class to get the service instances. You can also look at a sample here. You can also use powershell to perform the same operation
We are applying unittests, integration tests and we are practicing test driven and behaviour driven development.
We are also monitoring our applications and servers from outside (with dedicated software in our network)
What is missing is some standard for a live monitoring inside the apllication.
I give an example:
There should be a cron-like process inside the application, that regularily checks some structural health inside our data structures
We need to monitor that users have done some regular stuff that does not endanger the health of the applications (there are some actions and input that we can not prevent them to do)
My question is, what is the correct name for this so I can further research in the literature. I did a lot of searching but I almosdt always find the xunit and bdd / integration test stuff that I already have.
So how is this called, what is the standard in professional application development, I would like to know if there is some standard structure like xunit, or could xunit libraries even bee used for it? I could not even find appropriate tagging for this question, so please if you read this and know some better tags, why not add them to this answer and remove the ones that don't fit.
I need this for applications written in python, erlang or javascript and those are mostly server side applications, web applications or daemons.
What we are already doing is that we created http gateway from inside the applications that report some stuff and this is monitored by the nagios infrastructure.
I have no problem rolling some cron-like controlled self health scheme inside the applications, but I am interested about knowing some professional standardized way of doing it.
I found this article, it already comes close: Link
It looks like you are asking about approaches how to monitor your application. In general, one can distinguish between active monitoring and passive monitoring.
In active monitoring, you create some artificial user load that would mimic real user behavior, and monitor your application based on these artificial responses from a non-existing user (active = you actively cause traffic to your application). Imagine that you have a web application which allows to get weather forecast for specific city. To have active monitoring, you will need to deploy another application that would call your web application with some predefined request ("get weather for Seattle") every N hours. If your application does not respond within the specified time interval, you will trigger alert based on that.
In passive monitoring, you observe real user behavior over time. You can use log parsing to get number of (un)successful requests/responses, or inject some code into your application that would update some values in database whenever successful or not successful response was returned (passive = you only check other users' traffic). Then, you can create graphs and check whether there is a significant deviation in user traffic. For example, if during the same time of the day one week ago your application served 1000 requests, and today you get only 200 requests, it may mean some problem with your software.
I am designing a error logging feature so our servers (each donig different things) can have a central data store for logging errors.
Would it be a good idea to have the various applications writing to the error log file using a WCF service, or is that a bad idea?
they can do it just by ADO.NET to the database, which I think is the simpler route.
How about having a look at syslog? It was made for exactly that purpose.
I'd say just log to your local data store. The advantages are :
Speed - it's pretty rapid to just
dump your chosen error report to an
existing data connection.
Tracability - What happens if you
have an error in your service? You
lose all ability to chase down
errors on all servers.
Simplicity - If you change the
endpoint for your errors service,
you have to update every other
application that uses the error
Reporting - Do you really want to
trawl through error reports from
tens / hundreds of applications in
one place when you could easily find
them in the data store local to the
Of course, any of these points could be viewed from the other side, these are just my opinions.
We're looking at a similar approach, except for audit logging as well as error handling.
Looking at using WCF over netTcp, also looking at using the event log, but that seems to require high trust settings, and maybe performance issues.
Not convinced by ZombieSheep's objections:
It's pretty rapid to dump your chosen error report over an existing WCF connection. Seriously. Plus, you can do it async/queued. Not a key factor for me.
You log to the central service and the local service. When the erroer service comes back on line, you poll your machines for events since the last timestamp. Problem solved.
Use a dns alias, and don't change the path - the way you should do internal addressing anyway IMO.
What if you have multiple apps on a single machine? What if you want to see the timing of errors across multiple apps?