Does calling wordpress's json api affect the page view in google analytics? - wordpress

I have a page in wordpress. And I developed an android application that calls to word press's rest api , to retrieve existing pages in json format. Then I parse json and display in application.
My question is that, does my requests to rest api, affect page view in google analytics?

The answer to your question is: NO.
the reason is as simple as the fact the there is no html being loaded when you make a JSON request.
the analytics api is a javascript code that is being loaded with the page in your site but JSON pages are just pages with a string inside of them.
so there is no real HTML being loaded > the analytics code is not activated.
If you want users to count in your analytics you should use the Analytics SDK


Website for display list of Json objects

I am purely a back-end developer, I have API server which gives me back List of Json objects over the REST API which I want to display on a webpage. Website design has to be slick and modern. It should also provide different arrangments of displaying the content of Json objects. With this background, is there any website creation platform I can use to hook my API and update my website daily by calling API? Thanks

Is it possible to include DocuSign document in an iFrame

I am looking for a way to show the DocuSign document in an iFrame. Is that possible ?
If you are willing to have the signing ceremony embedded in an IFrame, look at the embedded signing feature that DocuSign offers.
This documentation actually mentions the possibility of having the ceremony displayed into an IFrame :
Similar to Embedded Signing, your app or website can generate a sending URL and integrate directly into your workflow using a Redirect, Webview, or an iFrame.
You can use the URL for a PowerForm to embed the form into a web page as a link. You can get the URL for PowerForm as described in Distribute a PowerForm.
For more information:

Kentico Google Analytics page view

I'm looking at the GA traffic and I'm seeing page views for pages like this: /cms/getdoc/2d22c1db-ae83...angobjectlifetime=request
Is this page used when a user is viewing a document (PDF, Word, etc.)?
Not necessary. It could be any page within the content tree (including files). The cms prefix means it requires authentication (it's usually within the administration interface) and the getdoc handler means the url is permanent one (uses the GUID that follows), so you always get this page/file no matter where in the content tree it is (after you move it for example)
Google Analytics records anything hit to your website which is used to access either to access a legitimate page or used to access a resource on your website. You should use filters during report to filter out this data.

How would you go about writing a custom script that grabs the Adobe or Google Analytics image request?

If I wanted to build a scraper that pings each URL on a site and stores the adobe (or Google) image request, how would I go about this? I.e. I just want something that grabs all the parameters in the URL posted to Adobe in a csv or something similar. I'm familiar with how to build simple web scrapers, but how do I grab the URL I see in for example Fiddler that contains all the variables being sent to the Analytics solution?
If I could do this I could run a script that lists all URLs with the corresponding tracking events that are being fired and it would make QAing much more manageable.
You should be able to query the DOM for the image object created by the tag request. I am more familiar with the IBM Digital Analytics (Coremetrics) platform and you can find the tag requests using accessing the following array document.cmTagCtl.cTI in the Web Console on a Coremetrics tagged page. I used this method when building a Selenium WebDriver test case and wanted to test for the analytics tags.
I don't have the equivalent for Adobe or GA at the moment since it depends in the library implementation am trying the do the same as you for GA.

How can I show my google analytics traffic report via or classic asp?

How can I show my google analytics traffic report (AKA 'View Report') via or classic asp?
There are several APIs for querying data from Analytics. For example in both JavaScript and C#. See the developer guide for more information.
I don't think there is an easy way to just include their report into an existing page. You would have to use the APIs.
you can use the google data APIs to pull feed data as xml look at this tool it lets you run text queries and see the results
then make a call to data feed and parse with Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0") to output the results
im writing an article on how to do it right now ill post here when im done...
