Is it possible to include DocuSign document in an iFrame - iframe

I am looking for a way to show the DocuSign document in an iFrame. Is that possible ?

If you are willing to have the signing ceremony embedded in an IFrame, look at the embedded signing feature that DocuSign offers.
This documentation actually mentions the possibility of having the ceremony displayed into an IFrame :
Similar to Embedded Signing, your app or website can generate a sending URL and integrate directly into your workflow using a Redirect, Webview, or an iFrame.

You can use the URL for a PowerForm to embed the form into a web page as a link. You can get the URL for PowerForm as described in Distribute a PowerForm.
For more information:


How to track a PDF view (not click) on my website using Google Tag Manager

How can I track that someone visited the following URL of my website
I tried using a Page View trigger on a Page View tag. I'm completely new at Google Analytics so not sure how to proceed. Most people are going to be going to that pdf directly via URL, as there is no link to it on my website, but I really want to be able to track how many people view it.
Thanks in advance!
You cannot track PDF views with the help of GTM. GTM for web is a javascript injector, and one cannot inject Javascript into a PDF document from the browser.
One way to circumvent this is to have a gateway page, i.e. have the click go to a HTML page that counts the view before redirecting to the document in question (naturally you could use GTM in that page). Since people go directly to the PDF URL this would require a bit of scripting - you would have to redirect all PDF links to your gateway page via a server directive, count the view and then have the page load the respective document.
Another even more roundabout way would be to parse your server log files and send PDF requests to GA via the measurement protocol (actually many servers allow to have log writes redirected to another script, so you could do this in realtime). I would not really recommend that approach - it's technologically interesting, but probably more effort than it is worth.
The short version is, if you are not comfortable fiddling a little with your server setup you will probably not be able to track pdf views. GTM does not work on PDF files.
Facing same issue…
My solution was to use url shortener (like which includes opening statistics.
Not the perfect solution but it works for direct pdf access from external source (outside your site).

How to build a simple HTML Form that sends email on Firebase?

I'm new to Firebase. I just want to build a simple HTML form on Firebase that sends email to me as well as to the user who fills up the form upon submit button click. I do not need any user authentication or database. After that I want this HTML form to be able to embed on my Blogger website, probably using iFrame. So how can I go about doing this?
Based on my understanding, for a HTML form to send email requires server-side coding like ASP.NET and PHP, may I know which language should I use on Firebase? Does Firebase provide such SDK that I can simply write in JavaScript and create a .js file for my form handler?
I already know how to deploy HTML files to my Firebase project using Node.js and get the URL of every file that I deployed, e.g. images, css files etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
With Third Parties (by now)...
After many hours researching about this, the solution seems not to be inside Google at the moment, but using a third party: SendGrid.
Tyson Bailey created a small example and explains this methodology in this blog post.

Does calling wordpress's json api affect the page view in google analytics?

I have a page in wordpress. And I developed an android application that calls to word press's rest api , to retrieve existing pages in json format. Then I parse json and display in application.
My question is that, does my requests to rest api, affect page view in google analytics?
The answer to your question is: NO.
the reason is as simple as the fact the there is no html being loaded when you make a JSON request.
the analytics api is a javascript code that is being loaded with the page in your site but JSON pages are just pages with a string inside of them.
so there is no real HTML being loaded > the analytics code is not activated.
If you want users to count in your analytics you should use the Analytics SDK

Linking to Google Maps from Desktop App

I want to provide a button in my commercial Windows Forms desktop application which just opens a link to (Google Maps) in a webbrowser control or in the user's default Web Browser with the start and destination address populated. I just String.Format the parameters into a URL, I end up with a URL like this:
and then open that URL with the webbrowser control, or associated app calling Process.Start and passing in the URL, like this:
Dim URL as String = ""
If _useWebBrowser then
Dim sInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(URL)
End If
I am not using the API here (am I?), just linking to the Google's maps site with a URL with a start and end address, but I am now worried this might violate terms of service of some kind. I can't find any good definition of this anywhere.
The closest I can find, on the Google "Permissions" page for Maps, everything else relates to use of the APIs:
Feel free to use a hyperlink on your website or within your application to send users to Google Maps — we appreciate it! Our one request is that you do not use the Google or Google Maps logos as the hyperlink. Please just use text or another image of your choice.
Can I legally create a URL programmatically, and call that URL in a webbrowser control, IE, Chrome, etc?
I am completely confused.
So you just have a link that opens the Google Maps website in a web browser (which includes a webbrowser control)? And you're not using a Google logo for the link? That's fine! As they said, they appreciate it. :-)
Generating the link dynamically doesn't change that. And no, you're not using the Maps API, so the API terms of service don't apply.

JavaScript API for Office Web Apps

Is there a JavaScript API for Office Web Apps (specifically - Word Web App) that I can use in order to get notifications from the Word doc?
My scenario is this:
I have an ASP.NET application, in which I want to display a word document using the Word Web App (on premises). I would like to embed the document in the web page using iFrame (haven't tried it yet, hope it'll work...).
I would like to get notification when the user saved the document, so that when this happens, I can remove the iFrame and display something else.
Is that possible?
I recently read MSDN article on this - Hope that helps.
