my div are positioning different in different browser [closed] - css

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Am making changes on a home page. i have background images and links to the image as buttons.
However when creating divs for each image i found out that the best way was to add div for each image as that will allow me to position the images side by side. i was told to use a class, however with class i would not able to put images side by side.:
this is my finished page as you can see the 7 images on the middle of the screen.
however if you open this in Firefox it comes out all messy :/
what is the best solution for this to have it positioned like the link i provided. but in all browsers. is divs the best way?
This is my js fiddle with the code:
<div id="testimage">
<div id="a1">Awards</div>
any help will be grateful.
I've added floats to #testimage2-6 and margins to the last two to space them out
float: left;clear: both;
on #testimage2 to make it sit on a new line


sidebar is hanging over page wrapper tag [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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In my attempt to be terribly clever and have my #secondary sidebar sit on top of the slideshow on my homepage, I have somehow made the area dangle over the #wrapper on all the secondary pages. Have added a removed a whole bunch of div tags, nudged things around and tried everything else I can think of. Anyone have a suggestion how to fix this?
This is the homepage: and the sidebar dangles on any other page (the shame!) Thanks!
You won't have a problem once you add content to those pages, though. Not sure what the issue is. An absolutely positioned element is taken out of the document flow, so the wrapper will not take any notice of the sidebar. You could alternatively float it and give it a negative top margin on the home page.

how to make a div floating fixed on the after scrolling to a point [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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this is the example, the left Nav div can float on the top once hitting to a point when scrolling down
Look into WayPoints jQuery plugin... I use it, and it does very nice things!
Once you hit the div that reflects the glossary, you could make jquery search for the 'selected' link, remove the link class from it, and set the class to the new link. It would take a little time to make it work perfectly, but would do great.

Non-responsive site will not resize to fit mobile browsers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to take a template that was designed to be responsive and make it "unresponsive."
The width of the page is set to 960px. When I view it on an iPad or iPhone, you have to scroll to the side to see the entire page. Do you know what in my CSS is causing that? I would like the entire site to "fit" into a browser so the user does not have to scroll to the side.
It's a big job to change an unresponsive site to a responsive one.
But you could try something like this to get started.. .wraper currently has it's width set to 960px.
use % for width, height and other margins. Use media queries also. If not, do zoom:1(2,3 or something);
Start by scaling the website with min/max widths and additionally use percentages instead of px.

how to get a css that does not cause overflow of words beyond box [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I've got a problem with long tag words (like Best Practices below).
I'd really appreciate if someone could go to the URL and make specific recommendation for the correct CSS change that would get the words like "Best-Practices" to clip when it goes over the edge rather than just flood over the edge into the screen. Sadly, I'm not very good at css and general instructions will not do me much good since I'm not and don't have a css guy to help me.
It will be good for you karma and we will appreciate it very much.
If I add word-wrap:break-word to the .TagCloud element, the words effectively wrap to the next line. You don't need a fixed width, just adding the word wrap property should effectively work.
Another alternative would be FitText. It is a jQuery plugin that condenses the font size to always fit in the allotted space.
It works for me on Chrome ! Do you still have the problem?
By the way you should give a fixed width to your div TagCloud and maybe use this
or this
div.TagCloud {
width: 250px;
word-wrap: break-word;
Why not just add overflow: hidden to the box? If you just want it to clip.

CSS Height Messing Up [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am having a terrible time getting my height of my DIVs to properly scale with the height of the DIV's containted inside of them. Currently the DIVs that contain other content DIVS are not set to any specific height, but for some reason they have a height way beyond the content that is contained in them (which currently isn't anything)
Here is the link:
As you can see, the 1st blue area is super tall, and the lighter blue area below is the same. I'm not sure if some other CSS element is messing with it. I've been looking at it and messing with different perameters for a few hours now.
#content_container is set to 100% height. Remove that and you'll be fine.
Why do you have height: 100% at #content_container?
(Also, you should never have two HTML elements with the same ID...)
