problem while connecting google search console with analytics - google-analytics

I am using search console and analytics with the same e-mail address. I wanted to link search console with analytics so, I went to search console > settings > Associations. I found the associate button disabled. When I hovered over it it tells that we couldn't find a google analytics property for "my mail". But I have used the same mail for analytics and search console. Please help me. Waiting for the reply.

I suspect your Google Analytics account is a new GA4 one and not the previous Universal (GA3) one. If the sidebar contains a "Monetisation" option it is GA4.
Connecting to GA4 is not possible yet.


Google analytics tracking. I can't find where is coming from

I am auditing your Google Analytics account, and because of the non-standard implementation, I can't figure out how GA (universal analytics) is pushed into the site. Google Tag Assistant is detecting the Google Tag Manager container, but this is not where tracking is initiated (container is empty).
This is all that I see :
<script async="" src=""></script>
<script async="" src=""></script>
w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js', });
var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';
There is no UA-related item in the devtools>network section. I can see only analytics.js
Tag Assistant occasionally only registers GTM. On refresh, it shows the correctly executed tag sometimes, and the UA tag with an error other times.
Error :
At the same time, I'm looking at a real-time UA report, and the site is definitely being tracked.
I hope someone can shed some light on this. We are looking to move tracking to Google Tag Manager but are unsure where the current tracking is coming from.
Maybe the problem is that you are watching a different google tag manager account so you can not see the container full.
Ensure you are administrator and that you are using an administrator acount.
If you are not the administrator, request via google tag manager or via google analytics become one. Then you will be able to see the container full.
The GA might only comes from GTM or hard code on website.
Here is a way :
Open the devtool
Search for the UA property id in Network
Click one of the request
See the Initiator, there should have information about it is coming from tag manager or hard code to website.
Or you can share the screenshot from your side and let us check.
From the screenshot you provided.
It's installed through hard-code in the loadGA.js
You might need to see if you have the permission to check the source code or you need to ask the related developer to do it for you and remove them.

GA4 user data not available as column in Google Ads

I'm using Google Analytics to add data to the corresponding and connected Google Ads campaign, visible in the Googla Ads backend.
Connecting Analytics UA with Google Ads worked fine, but the user data delivered by GA4 does not appear in Google Ads.
I connected the new GA4 account with the matching Google Ads account.
The data, that should appear as columns in the Ads campaign data, can be found in the settings for the columns. Go to "Campaigns", then "Columns" - Modify columns - Google Analytics.
Here should appear "% Engaged sessions (GA4)", "Events/session (GA4)", "Avg. session duration (seconds) (GA4)".
In some cases it does, but mostly not. (2 out of 6 it works)
I tried to find differences or similarities to get to the bottom of the problem. Although some of the installations are using GTM and some are not the ones with the problem do not correlate to the one with or without GTM.
Settings and connection in Google Ads and GA4 should be similar as far as I can see. GA4 accounts are listed under the "tools and settings" - "setup" - "linked accounts" in Google Ads.
In "Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase" - "Manage & Link" I can see a difference in the columns. The accounts with the correct data have the entry "Linked: App and web metrics activated" in Status and an extra column "Apps and web metrics", where it says "Deactivate".
I had the same problem.
I am fairly sure what the solution is now.
Looking at this post - GA4 data not available in Google Ads
I didn't enable Google Signals, but did everything under 'user data collection'.
I waited 24 hours.
It didn't work.
I waited 48 hours.
It did work!
It seems like Google fixed the problem. Today I could activate the "App and web metrics" in all Google Ads with connected GA4 via the Linked Accounts - Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase settings.

Google Analytics Measurement Protocol events sent via REST API are not seen on the dashboard

I am trying to use the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol to record some events happening on my server-side code. I am using the REST API as suggested here but I don't see any events on the Google Analytics dashboard.
When I try to add the event via the Google Analytics Hit Builder, then I am able to see that event in the dashboard.
I don't think any authentication is required while using the REST API and only a correct tracking ID is required which is present. I have confirmed that the POST request is not failing.
I am looking at the Realtime > Events to check whether the events are pushed or not. Is there a place where I can check the historical data to see if the events are present there.

Testing google analytics code for website

How google analytics tool used on a website can be tested on desktop/notepad or mobile ?
It is required in the project for tracking number of clicks on save button and for many other similar things.
Someone plsss help.
You should use Events for tracking clicks:
Then for example in Firebug you should check if when clicking on button where you set Event tracking there is sent request to Google Analytics.
It will look like:
Try Analytics Debuger to track all Analytics calls

Integrating Google Analytics Into Google Doc

I'm trying to pull data from a google analytics and put it into a google doc spreadsheet. The main issues seems to be I can't enter my GA Key. All the tutorials have said to enter it in a text box that should be at the end of the resources -> use Google API form. But I see no textbox there, only a message that I have to enable the APIs in the API console to use them.
I've confirmed that I do have Google Analytics enabled in the API console.
The error messages I get are either User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile. or Analytics not defined if I try to type my API key in the text box that says 'Analytics' (which leads me to believe that's defining the variable image).
Since the script is running as "you" you do not need to enter the GA id - it will use the permissions for the account that you were logged in with while creating and authorising that script. That account needs admin permissions for the Google Analytics account you intend to query.
The box that you thought is for the API key holds the name for the analytics object in the script. If you change that you'd need to change all instances of "Analytics" in the script to the name you entered.
For example there is a line in the script that goes:
var accounts = Analytics.Management.Accounts.list();
This will list all accounts connected to the user who authorised that script. You see that the first part is "Analytics" (the global Analytics object in the script), if you enter something in the resources->Google APIs tab you'd need to change that as well - that's why you get an error message "Analytics is not defined" when you change that value.
Hard to tell about your actual problem, probably you are just missing admin permissions in analytics.
