Contained database SQL 2012 - and ODBC connection creation failing - odbc

Hi Guys Im having trouble understanding how to get around this error
When trying to create a ODCB connection we cant get past the error Error 18470 Login failed for user ####. Reason : The account is disabled.
Of course we have tested that the login to the contained database works through SMSS.
But cant google find anything on how to do a ODBC connection string to work around the .
ODBC is needed for the application that is going to be setup to use the contained databases...
Any suggestions appreciated...

I fixed this because i remembered that often when you create the ODBC connection when setting up a sql account - you can fool the gui - put the details in of the account your trying to use - password - and then simply untick the use this account box – MoOriginal 1 min ago edit
Even though this greys out the box the details are still stored and allow you proceed to the next stages of setup so you can achieve connection by explicitly specifying the database in the next step - cut and paste - then you can go ahead and finally test the connection- this is what i did and this allowed me to create the connection. – MoOriginal just now edit


Excel ODBC Connection Issues and HY000 CURLError

I am trying to connect Excel to our Snowflake instance so that users can pull data into Snowflake. I've installed the latest ODBC driver and set the User and Server as required. The authenticator is set to externalbrowser. When we attempt to use that connection within Excel, one of two things occurs:
A bunch of browser tabs open but the user is able to connect and bring in data. Not sure why we have multiple tabs but at least they get what they need.
The connection just spins, and ultimately we end up with a HY000 error saying that the REST Request for our URL failed; code=52 msg=Server returned nothing (no headers, no data), oS code=2, osMsg='No such file or directory'.
We have tried multiple options and all of our other connections (JDBC for example) works just fine with the external browser setting. There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between users that can connect and those that can't.
There is a good Knowledge Base article written about connecting to Snowflake from Excel.
Skip Step 1: Configure SSO with Azure AD if you are not using SSO. Go on to Step 2 onward.
This is the article:

Error while extracting data from Oracle DB in SSIS

I have been trying to connect to Oracle DB (11g) in SSIS (VS2015) from past few days and tried all possible solutions but still getting error. I am passing query through SSIS variable, no other parameter is passed, it is just test query which need to retrieve two rows.
Case 1: Tried using Oracle Provider for OLEDB, test connection is successful but getting below error while Preview data:
The system cannot find message text for message number 0x80040e51 in the message file for OraOLEDB. (OraOLEDB)
Case 2: Tried using Microsoft OLEDB Provider for Oracle, test connection is successful but getting below error while Preview data:
Provider cannot derive parameter information and SetParameterInfo has not been called.
I have been struggling to solve this problem, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
Edit: After setting Run64bitRuntime to false, I can extract data when using Oracle Provider for OLEDB, but Preview still gives same error.
Set Run64bitRuntime to false for the package and then it should work.
Right click Project and click Properties
In Configuration Properties at left side click Debugging
set Run64BitRunTime options as false
Some advice on this is all focused on "Preview". Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. With VS 2017 enterprise I got the "cannot find message text ... " message with Preview but was able to put oracle data into ms sql as a job (the gui has a problem, but not the run time job). I did set AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage to true on Component Properties in Advanced Editor on the OLEDB oracle task.

Databasename is current availability (code: 588)

I am currently working on application... I have restored a database and tried to establish a connection string on localhost, connection has been established, but when I run the app in a browser it does not give errors it only says,
Databasename is current availability (code: 588)
What does it mean and why i browser don't show me the application interface???
Although I have searched it a lot, I cannot find a solution for this.
Please give us some more information on this.
And the error 588 means the following:
"*You can only perform a full backup of the master database.
Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database"
got it from here

How to change data source in reportviewer control

I have a reportviewer (Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms) control on my page. All my reports use one data source. I want to be able to let my reports run on a different database when started from my UAT enviroment. So the location of the reports is the same, but the data comes from a different db. I cannot seem to find how this is done, is it even possible?
EDIT: They are server reports on SQL Server . I know you can set the dataset programmaticaly but I just want the reports to point to a different db and leave the rest of the report intact.
Did you want to pass a full connection string to the report as a parameter? You can do it but sometimes SSRS gets funny and make sure you delete the report off the server before you deploy a new copy when doing this...
1. Make a parameter - let's call ours connectionStr. Make it not null, not blank, single select and text as the data type. Eventually, you will want to hide this parameter but for testing please leave it visible.
2. So the value you will be using as the connection string... (for testing I set this as the default for the parameter, with nothing put under the available values section) Data Source=MySQLServerName;Initial Catalog=MyDatabaseName;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserNameForTheServer;Password=MyPasswordForTheServer;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
3. You need an unattended execution account on your report server or you get this: unattended execution account is not specified. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting). I can't provide more details because my boss had to do this part for me.
4. Under your datasource properties in SSRS... check Embedded Connection, select the type (mine is just a normal MS SQL Server), for the connection string, open the expression box and put: =Parameters!connectionStr.value and then click credentials and make sure the last option for no credentials is selected.
5. Your datasets for that datasource will no longer be happy when you try to edit them in design view but you can switch the datasource connection properties back to how they were, not using the parameter based connection string, for editing them.
My reports are on different servers, with different instances of the Report Server, too. On some servers, they need to get their data from various databases depending on whatever, stuff. This way, with the connection string as a parameter, I can use the same reports everywhere and just deploy them to the different servers. If you are having to pass this connection string around your app or to a report viewer, I suggest using encryption.
Like I said... SSRS get's funny when you start doing this, though. Your reports should always work in preview mode after doing this, if they don't even when provided with the correct connection strings, then you have an issue that won't be solved by just deploying to the server. Trouble shooting problems with this once they are on the server but not working include checking permissions, making sure the report receives the correct connection string and making all your stored procedures and functions within the SQL database are all the same.
If you want to just pass the database name and everything else is the same (server name, username, password) then just set the connection string parameter equal to your database name and for the datasource expression value use
="Data Source=MySQLServerName;Initial Catalog=" + Parameters!connectionString.value + ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserNameForTheServer;Password=MyPasswordForTheServer;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
I needed to pass the whole thing in, and you can play around with the credential settings - you might be able to save the server username/password info in there for each report so that the unattended execution account is not needed.

Error while running ASP site

I have set Data Source(ODBC) for running ASP Site in my local Computer selected Microsoft Access Driver.
Now I can run the whole site with out error.But If i apply leave then it will show an error.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an
updateable query. /eleave/leaveApplicationOut.asp, line 39
After giving the Write permission following error is showing
Error Type:
jmail.Message (0x8000FFFF) The message was undeliverable. All servers
failed to receive the message /eleave/leaveApplicationOut.asp, line 80
Thank you very much for your support.
It is solved..
4 possible causes are highlighted here:
I am guessing it's #1:
The most common reason is that the Internet Guest account (IUSR_MACHINE), which is by default part of the "Everyone" group, does not have Write permissions on the database file (.mdb). To fix this problem, use the Security tab in Explorer to adjust the properties for this file so that the Internet Guest account has the correct permissions.
First error (which seems like you solved) has to do with write permissions on the database..
The updated question ,though, seem to be completely unrelated..
You seem to be trying to send an email, right ? and it says it failed..
Perhaps the SMTP service is not running and so it cannot send the email ? could it be a wrong IP address defined somewhere ? wrong credentials for the email accounts ? (read for possible problem)
give some code about the configuration you do to the jmail ..
