Databasename is current availability (code: 588) -

I am currently working on application... I have restored a database and tried to establish a connection string on localhost, connection has been established, but when I run the app in a browser it does not give errors it only says,
Databasename is current availability (code: 588)
What does it mean and why i browser don't show me the application interface???
Although I have searched it a lot, I cannot find a solution for this.

Please give us some more information on this.
And the error 588 means the following:
"*You can only perform a full backup of the master database.
Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database"
got it from here


"The transaction log for database is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'" in a shared host

I have an Asp.Net MVC 5 website with EntityFramework codefirst approach in a shared hosting plan. It uses the open source WebbsitePanel for control panel and its SQL Server panel is somewhat limited. Today when I wanted to edit the database, I encountered this error:
The transaction log for database 'db_name' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'
I searched around and found a lot of related answers like this and this or this but the problem is they suggest running a query on the database. I tried running
db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER DATABASE db_name SET RECOVERY SIMPLE;");
with the visual studio (on the HomeController) but I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: ALTER DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
How can I solve my problem? Should I contact the support team (which is a little poor for my host) or can I solve this myself?
In Addition to Ben's Answer, You can try Below Queries as per your need
USE {database-name};
-- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE.
ALTER DATABASE {database-name}
-- Shrink the truncated log file to 1 MB.
DBCC SHRINKFILE ({database-file-name}, 1);
-- Reset the database recovery model.
ALTER DATABASE {database-name}
Update Credit #cema-sp
To find database file names use below query
select * from sys.database_files;
Call your hosting company and either have them set up regular log backups or set the recovery model to simple. I'm sure you know what informs the choice, but I'll be explicit anyway. Set the recovery model to full if you need the ability to restore to an arbitrary point in time. Either way the database is misconfigured as is.
Occasionally when a disk runs out of space, the message "transaction log for database XXXXXXXXXX is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'" will be returned when an update SQL statement fails.
Check your diskspace :)
This error occurs because the transaction log becomes full due to LOG_BACKUP. Therefore, you can’t perform any action on this database, and In this case, the SQL Server Database Engine will raise a 9002 error.
To solve this issue you should do the following
Take a Full database backup.
Shrink the log file to reduce the physical file size.
Create a LOG_BACKUP.
Create a LOG_BACKUP Maintenance Plan to take backup logs frequently.
I wrote an article with all details regarding this error and how to solve it at The transaction log for database ‘SharePoint_Config’ is full due to LOG_BACKUP
This can also happen when the log file is restricted in size.
Right click database in Object Explorer
Select Properties
Select Files
On the log line, click the ellipsis in the Autogrowth / Maxsize column
Change/verify Maximum File Size is Unlimited.
After chaning to unlimited, database came back to life.
I got the same error but from a backend job (SSIS job). Upon checking the database's Log file growth setting, the log file was limited growth of 1GB. So what happened is when the job ran and it asked SQL server to allocate more log space, but the growth limit of the log declined caused the job to failed. I modified the log growth and set it to grow by 50MB and Unlimited Growth and the error went away.

Contained database SQL 2012 - and ODBC connection creation failing

Hi Guys Im having trouble understanding how to get around this error
When trying to create a ODCB connection we cant get past the error Error 18470 Login failed for user ####. Reason : The account is disabled.
Of course we have tested that the login to the contained database works through SMSS.
But cant google find anything on how to do a ODBC connection string to work around the .
ODBC is needed for the application that is going to be setup to use the contained databases...
Any suggestions appreciated...
I fixed this because i remembered that often when you create the ODBC connection when setting up a sql account - you can fool the gui - put the details in of the account your trying to use - password - and then simply untick the use this account box – MoOriginal 1 min ago edit
Even though this greys out the box the details are still stored and allow you proceed to the next stages of setup so you can achieve connection by explicitly specifying the database in the next step - cut and paste - then you can go ahead and finally test the connection- this is what i did and this allowed me to create the connection. – MoOriginal just now edit

ORA-24778: cannot open connections

I am getting the ORA-24778: cannot open connections, what are the possible causes?
We have a number of applications deployed in WAS7 profile and they connect to a number of schemas in Oracle 11g.
One of the schema is connecting through other schema via public DB link.
I cannot identify a solution for this cause.
After restarting the WAS7 profile, it is ok for a while and again start hitting the error.
Pls help!!
I assume you missed to tell us a few details:
You are using XA
You are using XA in combination with database links
You are using shared database links
The ora-24778 is not happening all the time
Either you haven't configured shared server option or you are not connected to a shared server. However Oracle requires you to user shared server if you want to use XA and database links.
Or the parameter OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE is not set sufficiently. Keep in mind mind that there is also a open_links init.ora parameter. The open_links parameter does not apply to XA.
This error can occur when you invoke a dblink in a existing transaction.

Error while running ASP site

I have set Data Source(ODBC) for running ASP Site in my local Computer selected Microsoft Access Driver.
Now I can run the whole site with out error.But If i apply leave then it will show an error.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an
updateable query. /eleave/leaveApplicationOut.asp, line 39
After giving the Write permission following error is showing
Error Type:
jmail.Message (0x8000FFFF) The message was undeliverable. All servers
failed to receive the message /eleave/leaveApplicationOut.asp, line 80
Thank you very much for your support.
It is solved..
4 possible causes are highlighted here:
I am guessing it's #1:
The most common reason is that the Internet Guest account (IUSR_MACHINE), which is by default part of the "Everyone" group, does not have Write permissions on the database file (.mdb). To fix this problem, use the Security tab in Explorer to adjust the properties for this file so that the Internet Guest account has the correct permissions.
First error (which seems like you solved) has to do with write permissions on the database..
The updated question ,though, seem to be completely unrelated..
You seem to be trying to send an email, right ? and it says it failed..
Perhaps the SMTP service is not running and so it cannot send the email ? could it be a wrong IP address defined somewhere ? wrong credentials for the email accounts ? (read for possible problem)
give some code about the configuration you do to the jmail ..

Create SQL Server Deployment script using database publishing wizard

I'm getting the following error when using the Database Publishing wizard to script a SQL Server Express database for deployment. I have googled for hours unsuccessfully. Anyone had this isssue or know how to solve it?
Timeout expired. The timeout period
elapsed prior to obtaining a
connection from the pool. This may
have occurred because all pooled
connections were in use and max pool
size was reached.
Is the database held remotely? - Have you checked firewall settings...?
The error is what it says it's timed out trying to connect.
Make sure you can connect via other means (SQL Management Studio, the app itself). Check the connection string, even try copying the database locally and scripting it that way.
So I downloaded the latest Database Publishing Wizard and it seems to work :-)
