VBScript Dictionary using variables for in/out - dictionary

As a rank amateur I am trying to cobble together a VBScript that contains the following concept:
Using objDictionary with approx. 130 key/item pairs I wish to (output/retrieve and place into a variable) the item value corresponding to the entry of the key value from another variable. Other sites / books do not seem to handle the basics of inputting and outputting except to HTML pages etc. (not of use to me).

Using a variable (sKey) to read/write a value from/to a dictionary:
>> Set dicX = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
>> dicX("one") = 1
>> sKey = "one"
>> nVal = dicX(sKey)
>> WScript.Echo sKey, nVal
one 1
>> dicX(sKey) = 11
>> nVal = dicX(sKey)
>> WScript.Echo sKey, nVal
one 11


The encryption won't decrypt

I was given an encrypted copy of the study guide here, but how do you decrypt and read it???
In a file called pa11.py write a method called decode(inputfile,outputfile). Decode should take two parameters - both of which are strings. The first should be the name of an encoded file (either helloworld.txt or superdupertopsecretstudyguide.txt or yet another file that I might use to test your code). The second should be the name of a file that you will use as an output file.
Your method should read in the contents of the inputfile and, using the scheme described in the hints.txt file above, decode the hidden message, writing to the outputfile as it goes (or all at once when it is done depending on what you decide to use).
The penny math lecture is here.
Program: pennyMath.py
Author: CS 1510
Description: Calculates the penny math value of a string.
# Get the input string
original = input("Enter a string to get its cost in penny math: ")
cost = 0
Go through each character in the input string
for char in original:
value = ord(char) #ord() gives us the encoded number!
if char>="a" and char<="z":
cost = cost+(value-96) #offset the value of ord by 96
elif char>="A" and char<="Z":
cost = cost+(value-64) #offset the value of ord by 64
print("The cost of",original,"is",cost)
Another hint: Don't forget about while loops...
Another hint: After letters -
skip ahead by their pennymath value positions + 2
After numbers - skip ahead by their number + 7 positions
After anything else - just skip ahead by 1 position
The issue I'm having in that I cant seem to get the coding right to decode the file it comes out looking the same. This is the current code I have been using. But once I try to decrypt the message it stays the same.
def pennycost(c):
if c >="a" and c <="z":
return ord(c)-96
elif c>="A" and c<="Z":
return ord(c)-64
def decryption(inputfile,outputfile):
with open(inputfile) as f:
fo = open(outputfile,"w")
count = 0
while True:
c = f.read(1)
if not c:
if count > 0:
count = count -1;
elif c.isalpha():
count = pennycost(c)
elif c.isdigit():
count = int(c)
count = 6
inputfile = input("Please enter the input file name: ")
outputfile = input("Plese enter the output file name(EXISTING FILE WILL BE OVER WRITTEN!): ")

Cannot modify specific variable values over a specific dimension in netcdf

I have a netcdf file containing 4-D variables:
double maxvegetfrac(time_counter, veget, lat, lon) ;
maxvegetfrac:_FillValue = 1.00000002004088e+20 ;
maxvegetfrac:history = "From Topo.115MaCTRL_WAM_360_180" ;
maxvegetfrac:long_name = "Vegetation types" ;
maxvegetfrac:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
maxvegetfrac:name = "maxvegetfrac" ;
maxvegetfrac:units = "-" ;
double mask_veget(time_counter, veget, lat, lon) ;
mask_veget:missing_value = -1.e+34 ;
mask_veget:_FillValue = -1.e+34 ;
mask_veget:long_name = "IF MYVEG4 EQ 10 AND I GE 610 AND J GT 286 THEN 16 ELSE MYVEG4" ;
mask_veget:history = "From desert_115Ma_3" ;
I'd like to use the variable "mask_veget" as a mask to alter values of the variable "maxvegetfrac" over specific regions, and over chosen values of its "veget" dimension.
To do so I am using ncap2. For example, if I want to set maxvegetfrac values over the 5th rank of veget dimension to 500 where mask_veget equals 6, I do :
> ncap2 -s "where (mask_veget(:,:,:,:)== 6) maxvegetfrac(:,5,:,:) = 500" test.nc
My problem is that in the resulting test.nc file, maxvegetfrac has been modified at the first rank of "veget" dimension, not the 5th one. And I get the same result if I run the script over the entire veget dimension:
ncap2 -s "where (mask_veget(:,:,:,:)== 6) maxvegetfrac(:,:,:,:) = 500" test.nc
So I am mistaking somewhere, but... where ?
Any help appreciated !
A couple of things you may not be aware of
you shouldn't be hyperslabbing a variable in the where body -it makes no sense at the moment.
It is ok to hyperslab in the where statement proving its a single index
as a dim with a single value collapses
Try this:
/*** hyper.nco *****/
where( mask_veget(:,5,:,:)== 6 )
/* put the hyperslab back in */
/* script end *****/
run the script now with the command
ncap2 -v -O -S hyper.nco test.nc out.nc

TCSH/CSH | assign variable with commands result

I wrote this code :
1 #!/bin/tcsh
3 set myFiles = `ls`
4 set i = 1;
5 echo "argc is $#argv"
6 while ($i <= $#argv)
7 $myFiles = `echo $myFiles | tr "$argv[$i]" " "`
8 echo "argv now is $argv[$i]"
9 echo "my files are : $myFiles"
10 # i++;
11 end
12 echo "my files post proccess are $myFiles"
13 foreach name ($myFiles)
14 set temp = `cat $name`
15 echo "temp is : $temp"
16 unset temp
17 end
This piece should get a list of file names within the current folder, and print the content of the files that are not specified
IE : folder has the files : A B C D E
and the input is : A B C
so the content of D E will be printed.
now the logic is right, but I have some syntactic issues regarding line 7 (the tr)
I've tried with sed as well, but I get "permission denied" to the console for some reason, and I really don't know how to fix it.
So the help I need is actually syntactic regarding assigning a variable with commands output plus including other variables within those commands.
Hope that's alright..
Please note that tr will replace all matching characters, so if your input includes "A", it will replace all "A" with " " in all file names returned by ls.
There is a much cleaner solution. You want to find all files, exclude files matching the input and print what is left. Here you go:
set exclude_names = ""
# if any argument is passed in, add it as "! -name $arg"
foreach arg ( $* )
set exclude_names = "$exclude_names ! -name $arg"
# Find all files in the current dir, excluding the input
# then print out the filtered set of files
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f $exclude_names -exec cat {} +

How to use DATEADD function with variables?

In classic ASP, I am unable to use DateAdd() with variables. I see no reason why this should work.
visitDate is an incremental value -- 30, 60, 90, 180 etc. followDate is an actual date. However, I receive a type mismatch error using this code. Shouldn't this work??
Either visitDate isn't/can't be converted to a number, or followDate isn't/can't be converted to a date. So check the TypeName() of your input and pay attention to date formats.
Partly to show facts against #Ken's speculations:
>> s = "string"
>> WScript.Echo 0, s, TypeName(s)
>> s = DateAdd("d", 1, Now)
>> WScript.Echo 1, s, TypeName(s)
>> s = DateAdd("d", "1", CStr(now))
>> WScript.Echo 2, s, TypeName(s)
>> s = DateAdd("d", 1, "20/10/2013")
0 string String
1 24.10.2013 17:05:54 Date
2 24.10.2013 17:05:54 Date
>> s = DateAdd("d", 1, "32.13.1")
Error Number: 13
Error Description: Type mismatch
Update wrt comment:
As computations involving Null should propagate Null, this
>> WScript.Echo TypeName(DateAdd("d", 1, Null))
is no surprise. While you should handle Nulls for your DateAdd() in a way appropriate to your application, they are not the cause for the type mismatch.
Empty strings (""), however, could well be the culprits:
>> WScript.Echo TypeName(DateAdd("d", 1, ""))
Error Number: 13
Error Description: Type mismatch

VBScript - Date and Time Constraints for Running a File

Ok I am new with writing VBScript and I want to write a string of code that plays a file (WAV format) only on a certain day and only between specific times. After piecing together multiple fragments of code I found on the internet I was left with the following:
Dim myDateString
Dim thing1
thing1 = 0
myDateString = Date()
If myDateString < "13/08/13" Then
thing1 = 1
end if
if thing1 = 1 then
If myDateString > "15/08/13" Then
thing1 = 2
end if
end if
if thing1 = 2 then
hournow = hour(Time())
If hour(Time()) >= 9 And Hour(Now()) < 22 Then
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """",0,True
wscript.quit 1
End If
wscript.quit 1
End If
Ok so I had set this for the date I ran this on, within the hour I was in. But
it didn't work. I expected the VBS to start playing MYSOUND.wav but it didn't. When running the file
there were no errors though, so I was wondering what I did wrong!
I running Windows 7
If anyone could tell me what I did wrong, and how to fix it that would be great.
Double points if anyone could post a corrected version of the code!
Thanks to any answers!
First, indent your code and give your variables meaningful names!
Then, your date comparison doesn't work because you're trying to compare strings as if they were dates. This usually won't work (depending on your "system locale"): you need to use date type variables and an actual date comparison function (DateDiff in VBScript).
(EDIT: as Ansgar Wiechers pointed out, you don't need to use DateDiff to compare dates in VBScript, "DateStart <= Now And Now <= DateEnd" will do just fine)
Try this:
Dim DateStart, DateEnd, WshShell, music
DateStart = DateSerial(2013, 8, 13)
DateEnd = DateSerial(2013, 8, 15)
If DateDiff("D", DateStart, Now) >= 0 And DateDiff("D", Now, DateEnd) >= 0 Then
If Hour(Now) >= 9 And Hour(Now) < 22 Then
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "play sound"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
'*** 2nd parameter : 0 hides wmplayer, 1 shows it ***
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """", 1, True
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right time"
End If
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right day"
End If
Also, if you want to debug a small script like this, you can call MsgBox to do a simple tracking of what's actually executed (in your example, replacing your "WScript.Quit 1" by MsgBox would show you that the date is not properly compared.
