I Go, I assumed slices were passed by reference, but this seems to work for values
but not for the array itself. For example, If I have this struct:
l := Line{
Points: []Point{
Point{3, 4},
I can define a variable, which gets passed a reference to the struct's slice
slice := l.Points
And then if I modify it, the original struct referenced by the variable
is going to reflect those modifications.
slice[0].X = 1000
"This value %d is the same as this %d",
This differs from the behavior of arrays which, I assume, are passed by value.
So, for example, if I had defined the previous code using an array:
l := Line{
Points: [1]Point{
Point{3, 4},
arr := l.Points
arr[0].X = 1000
fmt.Println(arr.[0].X != s.Points[0].X) // equals true, original struct is untouched
Then, the l struct wouldn't have been modified.
Now, if I want to modify the slice itself I obviously cannot do this:
slice = append(slice, Point{99, 100})
Since that would only redefine the slice variable, losing the original reference.
I know I can simply do this:
l.Points = append(l.Points, Point{99, 100})
But, in some cases, it is more convenient to have another variable instead of having
to type the whole thing.
I tried this:
*slice = append(*slice, Point{99, 100})
But it doesn't work as I am trying to dereference something that apparently is not a pointer.
I finally tried this:
slice := &l.Points
*slice = append(l.Points, Point{99, 100})
And it works, but I am not sure what is happening. Why is the value of slice not overwritten? How does append works here?
Let's dispense first with a terminology issue. The Go language specification does not use the word reference the way you are using it. Go does however have pointers, and pointers are a form of reference. In addition, slices and maps are kind of special as there's some underlying data—the array underneath a slice, or the storage for a map—that may or may not already exist or be created by declaring or defining a variable whose type is slice of T or map[T1]T2 for some type T or type-pair T1 and T2.1
We can take your usage of the word reference to mean explicit pointer when talking about, e.g.:
func f1(p *int) {
// code ...
and the implied pointer when talking about:
func f2(m map[T1]T2) { ... }
func f3(s []T) { ... }
In f1, p really is a pointer: it thus refers to some actual int, or is nil. In f2, m refers to some underlying map, or is nil. In f3, s refers to some underlying array, or is nil.
But if you write:
l := Line{
Points: []Point{
Point{3, 4},
then you must have written:
type Line struct {
// ... maybe some fields here ...
Points []Point
// ... maybe more fields here ...
This Line is a struct type. It is not a slice type; it is not a map type. It contains a slice type but it is not itself one.
You now talk about passing these slices. If you pass l, you're passing the entire struct by value. It's pretty important to distinguish between that, and passing the value of l.Points. The function that receives one of these arguments must declare it with the right type.
For the most part, then, talking about references is just a red herring—a distraction from what's really going on. What we need to know is: What variables are you assigning what values, using what source code?
With all of that out of the way, let's talk about your actual code samples:
l.Points = append(l.Points, Point{99, 100})
This does just what it says:
Pass l.Points to append, which is a built-in as it is somewhat magically type-flexible (vs the rest of Go, where types are pretty rigid). It takes any value of type []T (slice of T, for any valid type T) plus one or more values of type T, and produces a new value of the same type, []T.
Assigns the result to l.Points.
When append does its work, it may:
receive nil (of the given type): in this case, it creates the underlying array, or
receive a non-nil slice: in this case, it writes into the underlying array or discards that array in favor of a new larger-capacity array as needed.2
So in all cases, the underlying array may have, in effect, just been created or replaced. It's therefore important that any other use of the same underlying array be updated appropriately. Assigning the result back to l.Points updates the—presumably one-and-only—slice variable that refers to the underlying array.
We can, however, break these assumptions:
s2 := l.Points
Now l.Points and s2 both refer to the (single) underlying array. Operations that modify that underlying array will, at least potentially, affect both s2 and l.Points.
Your second example is itself OK:
*slice = append(*slice, Point{99, 100})
but you haven't shown how slice itself was declared and/or assigned-to.
Your third example is fine as well:
slice := &l.Points
*slice = append(l.Points, Point{99, 100})
The first of these lines declares-and-initializes slice to point to l.Points. The variable slice therefore has type *[]Point. Its value—the value in slice, that is, rather than that in *slice—is the address of l.Points, which has type []Point.
The value in *slice is the value in l.Points. So you could write:
*slice = append(*slice, Point{99, 100})
here. Since *slice is just another name for l.Points, you can also write:
l.Points = append(*slice, Point{99, 100})
You only need to use *slice if there's some reason that l.Points is not available,3 but you may use *slice if that's more convenient. Reading *slice reads l.Points and updating *slice updates l.Points.
1To see what I mean by may or may not be created here, consider:
var s []int
var s = []int{42}
The first leaves s == nil while the second creates an underlying array with the capacity to hold the one int value 42, holding the one int value 42, so that s != nil.
2It's not clear to me whether there is a promise never to write on an existing slice-array whose capacity is greater than its current length, but not sufficient to hold the final result. That is, can append first append 10 objects to the existing underlying array, then discover that it needs a bigger array and expand the underlying array? The difference is observable if there are other slice values referring to the existing underlying array.
3Here, a classic example would occur if you have reason to pass l.Points or &l.Points to some existing (pre-written) function:
If you need pass l.Points—the slice value—to some existing function, that existing function cannot change the slice value, but could change the underlying array. That's probably a bad plan, so if it does do this, make sure that this is OK! If it only reads the slice and underlying array, that's a lot safer.
If you need to pass &l.Points—a value that points to the slice value—to some existing function, that existing function can change both the slice, and the underlying array.
If you're writing a new function, it's up to you to write it in whatever manner is most appropriate. If you're only going to read the slice and underlying array, you can take a value of type []Point. If you intend to update the slice in place, you should take a value of type *[]Point—pointer to slice of Point.
Append returns a new slice that may modify the original backing array of the initial slice. The original slice will still point to the original backing array, not the new one (which may or may not be in the same place in memory)
For example (playground)
slice := []int{1,2,3}
// Output: 3
newSlice := append(slice, 4)
// Output: 4
// Output: 3
While a slice can be described as a "fat pointer to an array", it is not a pointer and therefore you can't dereference it, which is why you get an error.
By creating a pointer to a slice, and using append as you did above, you are setting the slice the pointer points to to the "new" slice returned by append.
For more information, check out Go Slice Usage And Internals
Your first attempt didn't work because slices are not pointers, they can be considered reference types. Append will modify the underlying array if it has enough capacity, otherwise it returns a new slice.
You can achieve what you want with a combination of your two attempts.
l := Line{
Points: []Point{
Point{3, 4},
slice := &l.Points
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
*slice = append(*slice, Point{99 + i, 100 + i})
I know that this might be sacrilegious, but, for me, it is useful to think of slices
as structs.
type Slice struct {
len int
cap int
Array *[n]T // Pointer to array of type T
Since in languages like C, the [] operator is also a dereferencing operator, we can think that every time we are accessing a slice, we are actually dereferencing the underlying array and assigning some value to it. That is:
var s []int
s[0] = 1
Might be thought of as equivalent to (in pseudo-code):
var s Slice
*s.Array[0] = 1
That is why we can say that slices are "pointers". For that reason, it can modify its underlying array like this:
myArray := [3]int{1,1,1}
mySlice := myArray[0:1]
mySlice = append(mySlice, 2, 3) // myArray == mySlice
Modifying mySlice also modifies myArray, since the slice stores a pointer to the array and, on appending, we are dereferencing that pointer.
This behavior, nonetheless, is not always like this. If we exceed the capacity of the original array, a new array is created and the original array is left untouched.
myArray := [3]int{1,1,1}
mySlice := myArray[0:1]
mySlice = append(mySlice, 2, 3, 4, 5) // myArray != mySlice
The confusion arises when we try to treat the slice itself as an actual pointer. Since we can modify an underlying array by appending to it, we are led to believe that in this case:
sliceCopy := mySlice
sliceCopy = append(sliceCopy, 6)
both slices, slice and sliceCopy are the same, but they are not. We have to explicitly pass a reference to the memory address of the slice (using the & operator) in order to modify it. That is:
sliceAddress := &mySlice
*sliceAddress = append(mySlice, 6) // or append(*sliceAddress, 6)
See also
I have a type that can be used as a map key, but I want to prevent this from occurring. I assumed that if the type contained a private member it wouldn't be possible from other packages, but this appears to work anyway. What's the best way to make the type unusable as a map key?
type MyType struct {
A *A
b b
preventUseAsKey ?
I don't see any benefit of disallowing a type being used as a key. It is just an option which may or may not be used, the type will not be any better or smaller or faster just because you forbid to use it as a map key.
But if you want to do it: Spec: Map types:
The comparison operators == and != must be fully defined for operands of the key type; thus the key type must not be a function, map, or slice.
So if you can violate the terms of the comparison operators, you implicitly get what you want. You have a struct, terms for the struct types:
Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal.
So struct values are only comparable (and thus can only be used as keys in maps) if all their fields are comparable. Simply add a field whose type is not comparable.
Slice, map, and function values are not comparable.
So for example add a field whose type is a slice, and you're done:
type MyType struct {
S string
i int
notComparable []int
Attempting to use the above MyType as a key:
m := map[MyType]int{}
You get a compile-time error:
invalid map key type MyType
I wrote about not having any benefit of forbidding the type being a key. It's more than that: from now on you won't be able to use comparison operators on values of your type anymore (because of the extra, non-comparable field), so e.g. you lose the option to compare those values:
p1, p2 := MyType{}, MyType{}
fmt.Println(p1 == p2)
Compile-time error:
invalid operation: p1 == p2 (struct containing []int cannot be compared)
Note that with a little trick you could still preserve the comparable nature of your type, e.g. by not exporting your type but a wrapper type which embeds the original one; and add the extra, non-comparable type to the wrapper type, e.g.:
type myType struct {
S string
i int
type MyType struct {
notComparable []int
func main() {
p1, p2 := MyType{}, MyType{}
fmt.Println(p1.myType == p2.myType)
This way your myType can remain comparable but still prevent the exported, wrapper MyType type to be used as key type.
Your type should not be comparable in order to be unfit as a map key.
Slice, map, and function values are not comparable
See Key Type:
Notably absent from the list are slices, maps, and functions; these types cannot be compared using ==, and may not be used as map keys.
So if your type is a slice, map or function, you should get what you need.
It could be an "alias" (defining a new named type):
type StringSliceWrap []string
type MyFunc func(i int)
That alias would not be used as a map key.
Update 2017: Brad Fitzpatrick give this tip (adding a slice in your struct) to make sure your type struct is not comparable: See play.golang.org:
package main
// disallowEqual is an uncomparable type.
// If you place it first in your struct, you prevent == from
// working on your struct without growing its size. (Don't put it
// at the end; that grows the size of the struct)
type disallowEqual [0]func()
type T struct {
_ disallowEqual
Foo string
Bar int
func main() {
var t1 T
var t2 T
println(t1 == t2)
T cannot be used as amp key now!
I read the reflect document and I'm a little confused about why it doesn't have a func (v Value) Slice() slice function, which to get the underlying value from a reflect.Value which holds a slice in.
Is there a convenient way to get the underlying slice from a reflect.Value ?
There is no Slice() []T method on reflect.Value because there is no return value that would be valid for all slice types. For example, Slice() []int would only work for int slices, Slice() []string for string slices, etc. Slice() []interface{} would also not work, due to how the slice is stored in memory.
Instead, you can get the underlying slice value by using the reflect.Value.Interface() method along with a type assertion:
Example usage:
slice, ok := value.Interface().([]SliceElemType)
if !ok {
panic("value not a []MySliceType")
I'm getting this return value from a function call in the "reflect" package:
< map[string]string Value >.
Wondering if I can access the actual map inside the return value and if so, how?
So this is where I'm making the call which returns the Value object.
It returns [< map[string]string Value >] to which I grab the first object in that array. However, I'm not sure how to convert [< map[string]string Value >] into a regular map.
view_args := reflect.ValueOf(&controller_ref).MethodByName(action_name).Call(in)
Most reflect Value objects can be converted back to a interface{} value using the .Interface() method.
After obtaining this value, you can assert it back to the map you want. Example (play):
m := map[string]int{"foo": 1, "bar": 3}
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
i := v.Interface()
a := i.(map[string]int)
println(a["foo"]) // 1
In the example above, m is your original map and v is the reflected value. The interface value i, acquired by the Interface method is asserted to be of type map[string]int and this value is used as such in the last line.
To turn the value in a reflect.Value into an interface{}, you use iface := v.Interface(). Then, to access that, you use a type assertion or type switch.
If you know you're getting a map[string]string the assertion is simply m := iface.(map[string]string). If there's a handful of possibilities, the type switch to handle them all looks like:
switch item := iface.(type) {
case map[string]string:
fmt.Println("it's a map, and key \"key\" is", item["key"])
case string:
fmt.Println("it's a string:", item)
// optional--code that runs if it's none of the above types
// could use reflect to access the object if that makes sense
// or could do an error return or panic if appropriate
fmt.Println("unknown type")
Of course, that only works if you can write out all the concrete types you're interested out in the code. If you don't know the possible types at compile time, you have to use methods like v.MapKeys() and v.MapIndex(key) to work more with the reflect.Value, and, in my experience, that involves a long time looking at the reflect docs and is often verbose and pretty tricky.
I'm currently getting desperate over the behaviour of golangs reflect package, which to me doesn't seem consistent at all.
1) As far as I understand it, a reflect.Value seems to carry a pointer to the underlying value.
E.g. if I call
var s string
v1 := reflect.ValueOf(&s).Elem()
v2 := v1
v2.SetString("Hello World!")
It prints me "Hello World!".
However, this doesn't seem to hold true for a reflect.Value obtained by a call to Field().
val := ... //Assign a reflect.Value to it
nextval := val.Field(0) //Make sure that Field exists and is of type map
nextval = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM))
nextval.SetMapIndex(Some_value_of_type_KEY, Something_of_type_ELEM)
This prints
which is a major annoyance. Anyone knows why this is the case?
2) Consider the function
func Test(v interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
fmt.Println("It is a struct")
If I call it with any struct as an argument it prints "This is a struct".
However, I won't be able to assign new values to stuff inside v by using val,
due to the value not being addressable. Working around by the following:
func Test(v interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
fmt.Println("This never get's printed!")
According to the doc, I would assume, that by taking the '&' I use a pointer to v and by the call of Elem() I get the element it points to, therefore val.Kind() should still return the same thing. It doesn't. val.Kind() now is a reflect.Interface.
Is there a way of not having to go
valForTestingKind := reflect.ValueOf(v)
valForSettingNewValue := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
as this somehow feels wrong.
Part 1:
By assigning to nextval, you are breaking its association with the original val. Instead, use the Set() method.
nextval.Set(reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM)))
Set() is the equivalent of assignment in the reflection world. Of course, you must make sure it is assignable using reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem() as you do in your first code example.
Part 2:
The issue here is that you have another level of indirection. v is of type interface{} and has a concrete value whose type is of Kind struct. Just like with every function that accepts an interface typed parameter, when you call reflect.ValueOf, the parameter is automatically converted to that type. However, converting an interface to another interface results in the concrete value being reboxed in the new interface type. The information of the type before it was reboxed is lost. As an example, a function that accepts an io.Writer would not know that the calling function considered it an io.ReaderWriter.
In this context, it means that reflect.ValueOf cannot tell if you passed an os.File (some struct) or a file boxed in an interface{}. It assumes you passed an os.File and shows you the Kind "struct".
However, when you pass a pointer to an interface{}, you are passing an interface{} variable that can be modified. You are not passing the underlying concrete type and that has important consequences. You can .Set() anything, not just what the original concrete type allows. You also can't edit individual fields as anything in an interface{} is not assignable. If the concrete type is in fact a pointer, you can do a fourth dereference (.Elem()) and modify fields from there.
So, what does this mean in terms of code?
//let v = an interface{} with a concrete type of SomeStruct
val := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
fmt.Println(val.Elem().Kind()) // struct
val.Elem().Field(0).Set(10) // PANIC! Field isn't assignable.
val.Set("a string which is not a SomeStruct")
fmt.Println(val.Elem().Kind()) // string
I made an example here: http://play.golang.org/p/6MULn3KoNh
I want to talk about your second block of code:
val := ... //Assign a reflect.Value to it
nextval := val.Field(0) //Make sure that Field exists and is of type map
nextval = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM))
nextval.SetMapIndex(Some_value_of_type_KEY, Something_of_type_ELEM)
On the third line, you are reassigning a new, different object to the variable nextval. Shouldn't you call some kind of setting method on nextval instead of reassigning it? In your first example, you called SetString but in this example you are just reassigning the variable and that might be why the behavior is different. After you reassign the variable, nextval will no longer be connected in any way to val.Field(0). Also, what is index?
If this does not explain your problem, please edit the question to contain a short, self-contained, correct, compilable example ( SSCCE ). I want to be able to post it into the text box on the front page of golang.org in order to see the problem. You should always post an SSCCE when possible.
You have not shown a complete and compilable code. Do you pass a pointer to a struct or do you pass the struct by value? In the later case reflection cannot mutate it.
Values stored in a map are not addressable even when not using reflection.