Golang reflection.Value behaviour - reflection

I'm currently getting desperate over the behaviour of golangs reflect package, which to me doesn't seem consistent at all.
1) As far as I understand it, a reflect.Value seems to carry a pointer to the underlying value.
E.g. if I call
var s string
v1 := reflect.ValueOf(&s).Elem()
v2 := v1
v2.SetString("Hello World!")
It prints me "Hello World!".
However, this doesn't seem to hold true for a reflect.Value obtained by a call to Field().
val := ... //Assign a reflect.Value to it
nextval := val.Field(0) //Make sure that Field exists and is of type map
nextval = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM))
nextval.SetMapIndex(Some_value_of_type_KEY, Something_of_type_ELEM)
This prints
which is a major annoyance. Anyone knows why this is the case?
2) Consider the function
func Test(v interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
fmt.Println("It is a struct")
If I call it with any struct as an argument it prints "This is a struct".
However, I won't be able to assign new values to stuff inside v by using val,
due to the value not being addressable. Working around by the following:
func Test(v interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
fmt.Println("This never get's printed!")
According to the doc, I would assume, that by taking the '&' I use a pointer to v and by the call of Elem() I get the element it points to, therefore val.Kind() should still return the same thing. It doesn't. val.Kind() now is a reflect.Interface.
Is there a way of not having to go
valForTestingKind := reflect.ValueOf(v)
valForSettingNewValue := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
as this somehow feels wrong.

Part 1:
By assigning to nextval, you are breaking its association with the original val. Instead, use the Set() method.
nextval.Set(reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM)))
Set() is the equivalent of assignment in the reflection world. Of course, you must make sure it is assignable using reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem() as you do in your first code example.
Part 2:
The issue here is that you have another level of indirection. v is of type interface{} and has a concrete value whose type is of Kind struct. Just like with every function that accepts an interface typed parameter, when you call reflect.ValueOf, the parameter is automatically converted to that type. However, converting an interface to another interface results in the concrete value being reboxed in the new interface type. The information of the type before it was reboxed is lost. As an example, a function that accepts an io.Writer would not know that the calling function considered it an io.ReaderWriter.
In this context, it means that reflect.ValueOf cannot tell if you passed an os.File (some struct) or a file boxed in an interface{}. It assumes you passed an os.File and shows you the Kind "struct".
However, when you pass a pointer to an interface{}, you are passing an interface{} variable that can be modified. You are not passing the underlying concrete type and that has important consequences. You can .Set() anything, not just what the original concrete type allows. You also can't edit individual fields as anything in an interface{} is not assignable. If the concrete type is in fact a pointer, you can do a fourth dereference (.Elem()) and modify fields from there.
So, what does this mean in terms of code?
//let v = an interface{} with a concrete type of SomeStruct
val := reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem()
fmt.Println(val.Elem().Kind()) // struct
val.Elem().Field(0).Set(10) // PANIC! Field isn't assignable.
val.Set("a string which is not a SomeStruct")
fmt.Println(val.Elem().Kind()) // string
I made an example here: http://play.golang.org/p/6MULn3KoNh

I want to talk about your second block of code:
val := ... //Assign a reflect.Value to it
nextval := val.Field(0) //Make sure that Field exists and is of type map
nextval = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(KEY, ELEM))
nextval.SetMapIndex(Some_value_of_type_KEY, Something_of_type_ELEM)
On the third line, you are reassigning a new, different object to the variable nextval. Shouldn't you call some kind of setting method on nextval instead of reassigning it? In your first example, you called SetString but in this example you are just reassigning the variable and that might be why the behavior is different. After you reassign the variable, nextval will no longer be connected in any way to val.Field(0). Also, what is index?
If this does not explain your problem, please edit the question to contain a short, self-contained, correct, compilable example ( SSCCE ). I want to be able to post it into the text box on the front page of golang.org in order to see the problem. You should always post an SSCCE when possible.

You have not shown a complete and compilable code. Do you pass a pointer to a struct or do you pass the struct by value? In the later case reflection cannot mutate it.

Values stored in a map are not addressable even when not using reflection.


When the form parameter in go is map, what is passed in?

When the formal parameter is map, assigning a value directly to a formal parameter cannot change the actual argument, but if you add a new key and value to the formal parameter, the actual argument outside the function can also be seen. Why is that?
I don't understand the output value of the following code, and the formal parameters are different from the actual parameters.
unc main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
//pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m = map[int]int{
1: 2,
stdout :0xc000086010
func main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
//pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m[1] = 2
stdout :0xc00007a010
func main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m[1] = 2
I want to know if the parameter is a value or a pointer.
The parameter is both a value and a pointer.
Wait.. whut?
Yes, a map (and slices, for that matter) are types, pretty similar to what you would implement. Think of a map like this:
type map struct {
// meta information on the map
meta struct{
keyT type
valueT type
len int
value *hashTable // pointer to the underlying data structure
So in your first function, where you reassign m, you're passing a copy of the struct above (pass by value), and you're assigning a new map to it, creating a new hashtable pointer in the process. The variable in the function scope is updated, but the one you passed still holds a reference to the original map, and with it, the pointer to the original map is preserved.
In the second snippet, you're accessing the underlying hash table (a copy of the pointer, but the pointer points to the same memory). You're directly manipulating the original map, because you're just changing the contents of the memory.
A map is a value, containing meta information of what the map looks like, and a pointer to the actual data stored inside. The pointer is passed by value, like anything else (same way pointers are passed by value in C/C++), but of course, dereferencing a pointer means you're changing the values in memory directly.
Like I said, slices work pretty much in the same way:
type slice struct {
meta struct {
type T
len, cap int
value *array // yes, it's a pointer to an underlying array
The underlying array is of say, a slice of ints will be [10]int if the cap of the slice is 10, regardless of the length. A slice is managed by the go runtime, so if you exceed the capacity, a new array is allocated (twice the cap of the previous one), the existing data is copied over, and the slice value field is set to point to the new array. That's the reason why append returns the slice that you're appending to, the underlying pointer may have changed etc.. you can find more in-depth information on this.
The thing you have to be careful with is that a function like this:
func update(s []int) {
for i, v := range s {
s[i] = v*2
will behave much in the same way as the function you have were you're assigning m[1] = 2, but once you start appending, the runtime is free to move the underlying array around, and point to a new memory address. So bottom line: maps and slices have an internal pointer, which can produce side-effects, but you're better off avoiding bugs/ambiguities. Go supports multiple return values, so just return a slice if you set about changing it.
In your attempt to figure out what a map is (reference, value, pointer...), I noticed you tried this:
pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
What you're doing there, is actually printing the address of the argument variable, not any address that actually corresponds to the map itself. the argument passed to unsafe.Pointer isn't of the type map[int]int, but rather it's of type *map[int]int.
Personally, I think there's too much confusion around passing by value vs passing by . Go works exactly like C in this regard, just like C, absolutely everything is passed by value. It just so happens that this value can sometimes be a memory address (pointer).
More details (references)
Slices: usage & internals
Maps Note: there's some confusion caused by this one, as pointers, slices, and maps are referred to as *reference types*, but as explained by others, and elsewhere, this is not to be confused with C++ references
In Go, map is a reference type. This means that the map actually resides in the heap and variable is just a pointer to that.
The map is passed by copy. You can change the local copy in your function, but this will not be reflected in caller's scope.
But, since the map variable is a pointer to the unique map residing in the heap, every change can be seen by any variable that points to the same map.
This article can clarify the concept: https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2014/12/using-pointers-in-go.html.

If the type of a parameter is interface{} how do you know whether you pass by pointer or by value?

Given any function that takes a parameter of type interface{} how would I know whether or not to pass that parameter with or without & without navigating the source code of the function.
For example if I had a function with this type signature given to me:
func foo(x interface{}, y int) int
Would there be any way to figure out if x was supposed to be passed by value or by pointer?
Here is the snippet from the source:
// DecodeElement works like Unmarshal except that it takes
// a pointer to the start XML element to decode into v.
// It is useful when a client reads some raw XML tokens itself
// but also wants to defer to Unmarshal for some elements.
func (d *Decoder) DecodeElement(v interface{}, start *StartElement) error {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.New("non-pointer passed to Unmarshal")
return d.unmarshal(val.Elem(), start)
It is checking val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr Which means you have to pass the pointer i.e &v.
Its entirely depend on the person who wrote the method or function, so interface{} could be either *ptr or anything but u ve to check that inside your function using reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind() whether the value is a pointer or not and proceeds accordingly.
And little bit about empty interface:
The interface type that specifies zero methods is known as the empty interface:
An empty interface may hold values of any type. (Every type implements at least zero methods.)
Empty interfaces are used by code that handles values of unknown type. For example, fmt.Print takes any number of arguments of type interface{}.
Another useful discussion: docs
DecodeElement() and friends have a formal v interface{} whose type is documented in the Unmarshal() function documentation:
Unmarshal parses the XML-encoded data and stores the result in the
value pointed to by v, which must be an arbitrary struct, slice, or
So to literally answer your question, no, you cannot know without reading the source - if the value you want to pass is a struct proper, you need to indirect. If it is already a pointer to that struct, you do not.
For example:
type Result struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Person"`
Name string `xml:"FullName"`
Phone string
Email []Email
Groups []string `xml:"Group>Value"`
var (
a Result
b *Result
c string
xmlDecoder.DecodeElement(&a, startElement)
xmlDecoder.DecodeElement(&c, startElement)
xmlDecoder.DecodeElement(b, startElement)

How to switch on reflect.Type?

I have managed to do this, but it does not look efficient:
var t reflect.Type
switch t {
case reflect.TypeOf(([]uint8)(nil)):
// handle []uint8 array type
First question, are you sure you want to switch on reflect.Type and not use a type switch? Example:
switch x := y.(type) {
case []uint8:
// x is now a []uint8
Assuming that will not work for your situation, my recommendation is to make those package variables. Example:
var uint8SliceType = reflect.TypeOf(([]uint8)(nil))
func Foo() {
var t reflect.Type
switch t {
case uint8SliceType:
// handle []uint8 array type
you may not need reflect if you are just trying to detect type.
switch t := myVar.(type){
case []uint8:
// t is []uint8
case *Foo:
// t is *Foo
panic("unknown type")
What are you actually trying to accomplish?
The answer to the initial question How to switch on reflect.Type? is: You can’t. However, you can do it with reflect.Value.
Given a variable v interface{} you can call reflect.TypeOf(v) and reflect.ValueOf(v), which return a reflect.Type or reflect.Value, resp.
If the type of v is not interface{} then these function calls will convert it to interface{}.
reflect.Type contains various run-time information about the type, but it does not contain anything usable to retrieve the type of v itself as needed in a type switch.
Hovewer, reflect.Value provides it through its Interface() method, which returns the underlying value as interface{}. This you can use in a type switch or type assertion.
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
var v int
var rt reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(v)
fmt.Println(rt.String(), " has awesome properties: Its alignment is",
rt.Align(), ", it has", rt.Size(), "bytes, is it even comparable?",
// … but reflect.Type won’t tell us what the real type is :(
// Let’s see if reflect.Value can help us.
var rv reflect.Value = reflect.ValueOf(v)
// Here we go:
vi := rv.Interface()
switch vi.(type) {
// Mission accomplished.
Perhaps it helps to clarify a few points which may cause confusion about dynamic typing in Go. At least I was confused by this for quite some time.
reflect vs. interface{}
In Go there are two systems of run-time generics:
In the language: interface{}, useful for type switches/assertions,
In the library: The reflect package, useful for inspection of run-time generic types and values of such.
These two systems are separated worlds, and things that are possible with one are impossible with the other. For example, Given an interface{}, it is in plain Go (with safe code) impossible to, say, if the value is an array or slice, regardless of its element type, then get the value of the i-th element. One needs to use reflect in order to do that. Conversely, with reflect it is impossible to make a type switch or assertion: convert it to interface{}, then you can do that.
There are only very few points of an interface between these systems. In one direction it is the TypeOf() and ValueOf() functions which accept interface{} and return a reflect struct. In the other direction it is Value.Interface().
It is a bit counter-intuitive that one needs a Value, not a Type, to do a type switch. At least this is somewhat consistent with the fact that one needs a value construct a Type by calling TypeOf().
Both reflect.Type and reflect.Value have a Kind() method. Some suggest using the value these methods return, of type reflect.Kind, to imitate a type switch.
While this may be useful in certain situations, it is not a replacement for a type switch. For example, using Kind one cannot distinguish between int64 and time.Duration because the latter is defined as
type Duration int64
Kind is useful to tell if a type is any kind of struct, array, slice etc., regardless of the types it is composed of. This is not possible to find out with a type switch.
(Side note. I had the same question and found no answer here helpful so I went to figure it out myself. The repeated counter-question “why are you doing this?”, followed by unrelated answers did not help me either. I have a good reason why I want to do it precisely this way.)
This might work.
switch t := reflect.TypeOf(a).String() {
case "[]uint8":
As others have said, it's not clear what you are trying to achieve by switching on reflect.Type However, I came across this question when probably trying to do something similar, so I will give you my solution in case it answers your question.
As captncraig said, a simple type switch could be done on a interface{} variable without needing to use reflect.
func TypeSwitch(val interface{}) {
switch val.(type) {
case int:
fmt.Println("int with value", val)
case string:
fmt.Println("string with value ", val)
case []uint8:
fmt.Println("Slice of uint8 with value", val)
fmt.Println("Unhandled", "with value", val)
However, going beyond this, the usefulness of reflection in the context of the original question could be in a function that accepts a struct with arbitrarily typed fields, and then uses a type switch to process the field according to its type. It is not necessary to switch directly on reflect.Type, as the type can be extracted by reflect and then a standard type switch will work. For example:
type test struct {
I int
S string
Us []uint8
func (t *test) SetIndexedField(index int, value interface{}) {
e := reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem()
p := e.Field(index)
v := p.Interface()
typeOfF := e.Field(index).Type()
switch v.(type) {
case int:
case string:
case []uint8:
fmt.Println("Unsupported", typeOfF, v, value)
The following examples demonstrate the use of this function:
var t = test{10, "test string", []uint8 {1, 2, 3, 4}}
(&t).SetIndexedField(0, 5)
(&t).SetIndexedField(1, "new string")
(&t).SetIndexedField(2, []uint8 {8, 9})
(A few points on reflection in go:
It is necessary to export the struct fields for reflect to be able to use them, hence the capitalisation of the field names
In order to modify the field values, it would be necessary to use a pointer to the struct as in this example function
Elem() is used to "dereference" the pointer in reflect
Well, I did this by first transfer it to interface and then use the.(type)
ty := reflect.TypeOf(*c)
vl := reflect.ValueOf(*c)
for i:=0;i<ty.NumField();i++{
switch vl.Field(i).Interface().(type) {
case string:
fmt.Printf("Type: %s Value: %s \n",ty.Field(i).Name,vl.Field(i).String())
case int:
fmt.Printf("Type: %s Value: %d \n",ty.Field(i).Name,vl.Field(i).Int())

Although maps are always reference types, what if they're returned from a non-pointer receiver?

Supposedly maps are reference types in Go, so when returning them from functions, you don't need to pass as a pointer to the map in order for the changes to be visible outside the function body. But what if said map is returned from a method on a non-pointer struct?
For example:
type ExampleMapHolder struct {
theUnexportedMap map[string]int
func (emp ExampleMapHolder) TheMap() map[string]int {
return emp.theUnexportedMap
If I make a call to TheMap(), and then modify a value in it, will this change be visible elsewhere even though the receiver is not a pointer? I imagine it would return a reference to a map that belonged to a copy of ExampleMapHolder, but haven't been able to find an explicit answer in the docs.
Why won't you just check it?
emp := ExampleMapHolder{make(map[string]int)}
m := emp.TheMap()
m["a"] = 1
fmt.Println(emp) // Prints {map[a:1]}
Playground: http://play.golang.org/p/jGZqFr97_y

Convert Value type to Map in Golang?

I'm getting this return value from a function call in the "reflect" package:
< map[string]string Value >.
Wondering if I can access the actual map inside the return value and if so, how?
So this is where I'm making the call which returns the Value object.
It returns [< map[string]string Value >] to which I grab the first object in that array. However, I'm not sure how to convert [< map[string]string Value >] into a regular map.
view_args := reflect.ValueOf(&controller_ref).MethodByName(action_name).Call(in)
Most reflect Value objects can be converted back to a interface{} value using the .Interface() method.
After obtaining this value, you can assert it back to the map you want. Example (play):
m := map[string]int{"foo": 1, "bar": 3}
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
i := v.Interface()
a := i.(map[string]int)
println(a["foo"]) // 1
In the example above, m is your original map and v is the reflected value. The interface value i, acquired by the Interface method is asserted to be of type map[string]int and this value is used as such in the last line.
To turn the value in a reflect.Value into an interface{}, you use iface := v.Interface(). Then, to access that, you use a type assertion or type switch.
If you know you're getting a map[string]string the assertion is simply m := iface.(map[string]string). If there's a handful of possibilities, the type switch to handle them all looks like:
switch item := iface.(type) {
case map[string]string:
fmt.Println("it's a map, and key \"key\" is", item["key"])
case string:
fmt.Println("it's a string:", item)
// optional--code that runs if it's none of the above types
// could use reflect to access the object if that makes sense
// or could do an error return or panic if appropriate
fmt.Println("unknown type")
Of course, that only works if you can write out all the concrete types you're interested out in the code. If you don't know the possible types at compile time, you have to use methods like v.MapKeys() and v.MapIndex(key) to work more with the reflect.Value, and, in my experience, that involves a long time looking at the reflect docs and is often verbose and pretty tricky.
