find 3d point on a circle given the angle and radius - vector
I am trying to find the green points using the angle ,radius and center of the circle.
I am using this image that was posted by another member.
I wish to find the green points, but in a 3d space instead.
I am able to get the x and y value but i am unable to get the z.
r = radius
X = r * cos(angle)
Y = r * sin(angle)
How can i get the value for z-axis?

In the case of 3 dimensions you need 2 angles. Basically what you are doing is converting from spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates. So your formulas can be found here


Converting 3D rotation to 2D rotation

I've been trying to figure out the 2D rotation value as seen from orthographic "top" view for a 3D object with XYZ rotation values in Maya. Maybe another way to ask this could be: I want to figure out the 2D rotation of a 3D obj's direction.
Here is a simple image to illustrate my question:
I've tried methods like getting the twist value of an object using quaternion (script pasted below), to this post I've found: Component of a quaternion rotation around an axis.
If I set the quaternion's X and Z values to zero, this method works half way. I can get the correct 2D rotation even when obj is rotated in both X and Y axis, but when rotated in all 3 axis, the result is wrong.
I am pretty new to all the quaternion and vector calculations, so I've been having difficulty trying to wrap my head around it.
def quaternionTwist(q, axisVec):
# Get the plane the axisVec is a normal of
orthonormal1, orthonormal2 = findOrthonormals(axisVec)
transformed = rotateByQuaternion(orthonormal1, q)
# Project transformed vector onto plane
flattened = transformed - ((transformed * axisVec) * axisVec)
# Get angle between original vector and projected transform to get angle around normal
angle = math.acos(orthonormal1 * flattened)
return math.degrees(angle)
q = getMQuaternion(obj)
# Zero out X and Y since we are only interested in Y axis.
q.x = 0
q.z = 0
up = om2.MVector.kYaxisVector
angle = quaternionTwist(q, up)
Can you get the (x,y,z) coordinates of the rotated vector? Once you have them use the (x,y) values to find the angle with atan2(y,x).
I'm not familiar with the framework you're using, but if it does what it seems, I think you're almost there. Just don't zero out the X and Z components of the quaternion before calling quaternionTwist().
The quaternions q1 = (x,y,z,w) and q2 = (0, y, 0, w) don't represent the same rotation about the y-axis, especially since q2 written this way becomes unnormalized, so what you're really comparing is (x,y,z,w) with (0, y/|q2|, 0, w/|q2|) where |q2| = sqrt(y^2 + w^2).
Here is a working code for Maya using John Alexiou's answer:
matrix = dagPath.inclusiveMatrix() #OpenMaya dagPath for an object
axis = om2.MVector.kZaxisVector
v = (axis * matrix).normal()
angle = math.atan2(v.x, v.z) #2D angle on XZ plane

Draw a 2d plane with scatterplot3d

I am trying to plot a plane with scatterplot3d that is perpendicular to a direction vector described by two angles, say theta and phi. The points are described by the (xyz)-coordinates satisfying the following equation, where R is the distance from the origin.
x cos(theta)cos(phi) + y sin(theta) cos(phi) + z sin(phi) = R
I guess I should use plane3d, but I can't figure out how to get this plane right based on my description. Can anyone help?
In other words, I am trying to plot the plane perpendicular to the blue line at distance R from the origin in this figure.
I assume this should be straightforward, but cannot figure it out.
Using plane3d and calculating the intercept and coefficients, this turned out to be quite straightforward:
spl$plane3d(Intercept, x.coeff, y.coeff, col=5, draw_polygon=T, lty=NULL)
The Intercept would just be R/sin(phi), and the x- and y-coefficients are the coefficients in front of X and Y: x.coeff = cos(theta)/tan(phi) and y.coeff = sin(theta)/tan(phi).
This gives the plane, as desired.

Calculate point on a circle in 3D space

i am scratching my head for some time now how to do this.
I have two defined vectors in 3d space. Say vector X at (0,0,0) and vector Y at (3,3,3). I will get a random point on a line between those two vectors. And around this point i want to form a circle ( some amount of points ) perpendicular to the line between the X and Y at given radius.
Hopefuly its clear what i am looking for. I have looked through many similar questions, but just cant figure it out based on those. Thanks for any help.
(Couldnt put everything into comment so adding it here)
Hi, thanks for your reply, i had some moderate success with implementing your solution, but has some trouble with it. It works most of the time, except for specific scenarios when Y point would be at positions like (20,20,20). If it sits directly on any axis its fine.
But as soon as it gets into diagonal the distance between perpendicular point and origin gets smaller for some reason and at very specific diagonal positions it kinda flips the perpendicular points.
Here is the code for you to look at
public Vector3 X = new Vector3(0,0,0);
public Vector3 Y = new Vector3(0,0,20);
Vector3 A;
Vector3 B;
List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>();
void FindPerpendicular(Vector3 x, Vector3 y)
Vector3 direction = (x-y);
Vector3 normalized = (x-y).normalized;
float dotProduct1 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.left);
float dotProduct2 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.forward);
float dotProduct3 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.up);
Vector3 dotVector = ((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct1)) * Vector3.right) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct2)) * Vector3.forward) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct3)) * Vector3.up);
A = Vector3.Cross(normalized, dotVector.normalized);
B = Vector3.Cross(A, normalized);
What you want to do first is to find the two orthogonal basis vectors of the plane perpendicular to the line XY, passing through the point you choose.
You first need to find a vector which is perpendicular to XY. To do this:
Normalize the vector XY first
Dot XY with the X-axis
If this is very small (for numerical stability let's say < 0.1) then it must be parallel/anti-parallel to the X-axis. We choose the Y axis.
If not then we choose the X-axis
For whichever chosen axis, cross it with XY to get one of the basis vectors; cross this with XY again to get the second vector.
Normalize them (not strictly necessary but very useful)
You now have two basis vectors to calculate your circle coordinates, call them A and B. Call the point you chose P.
Then any point on the circle can be parametrically calculated by
Q(r, t) = P + r * (A * cos(t) + B * sin(t))
where t is an angle (between 0 and 2π), and r is the circle's radius.

Given start point, angles in each rotational axis and a direction, calculate end point

I have a start point in 3D coordinates, e.g. (0,0,0).
I have the direction I am pointing, represented by three angles - one for each angle of rotation (rotation in X, rotation in Y, rotation in Z) (for the sake of the example let's assume I'm one of those old logo turtles with a pen) and the distance I will travel in the direction I am pointing.
How would I go about calculating the end point coordinates?
I know for a 2D system it would be simple:
new_x = old_x + cos(angle) * distance
new_y = old_y + sin(angle) * distance
but I can't work out how to apply this to 3 dimensions
I suppose another way of thinking about this would be trying to find a point on the surface of a sphere, knowing the direction you're pointing and the sphere's radius.
First of all, for positioning a point in 3D you only need two angles (just like you only needed one in 2D)
Secondly, for various reasons (slow cos&sin, gimbal lock, ...) you might want to store the direction as a vector in the first place and avoid angles alltogether.
Anyway, Assuming direction is initially z aligned, then rotated around x axis followed by rotation around y axis.
x=x0 + distance * cos (angleZ) * sin (angleY)
Y=y0 + distance * sin (Anglez)
Z=z0 + distance * cos (angleZ) * cos (angleY)
Based in the three angles you have to construct the 3x3 rotation matrix. Then each column of the matrix represents the local x, y and z directions. If you have a local direction you want to move by, then multiply the 3x3 rotation with the direction vector to get the result in global coordinates.
I made a little intro to 3D coordinate transformations that I think will answer your question.
3D Coordinates
First, it is strange to have three angles to represent the direction -- two would be enough. Second, the result depends on the order in which you turn about the respective axes. Rotations about different axes do not commute.
Possibly you are simply looking for the conversion between spherical and Cartesian coordinates.

Hexagonal Grid Coordinates To Pixel Coordinates

I am working with a hexagonal grid. I have chosen to use this coordinate system because it is quite elegant.
This question talks about generating the coordinates themselves, and is quite useful. My issue now is in converting these coordinates to and from actual pixel coordinates. I am looking for a simple way to find the center of a hexagon with coordinates x,y,z. Assume (0,0) in pixel coordinates is at (0,0,0) in hex coords, and that each hexagon has an edge of length s. It seems to me like x,y, and z should each move my coordinate a certain distance along an axis, but they are interrelated in an odd way I can't quite wrap my head around it.
Bonus points if you can go the other direction and convert any (x,y) point in pixel coordinates to the hex that point belongs in.
For clarity, let the "hexagonal" coordinates be (r,g,b) where r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue coordinates, respectively. The coordinates (r,g,b) and (x,y) are related by the following:
y = 3/2 * s * b
b = 2/3 * y / s
x = sqrt(3) * s * ( b/2 + r)
x = - sqrt(3) * s * ( b/2 + g )
r = (sqrt(3)/3 * x - y/3 ) / s
g = -(sqrt(3)/3 * x + y/3 ) / s
r + b + g = 0
I first noticed that any horizontal row of hexagons (which should have a constant y-coordinate) had a constant b coordinate, so y depended only on b. Each hexagon can be broken into six equilateral triangles with sides of length s; the centers of the hexagons in one row are one and a half side-lengths above/below the centers in the next row (or, perhaps easier to see, the centers in one row are 3 side lengths above/below the centers two rows away), so for each change of 1 in b, y changes 3/2 * s, giving the first formula. Solving for b in terms of y gives the second formula.
The hexagons with a given r coordinate all have centers on a line perpendicular to the r axis at the point on the r axis that is 3/2 * s from the origin (similar to the above derivation of y in terms of b). The r axis has slope -sqrt(3)/3, so a line perpendicular to it has slope sqrt(3); the point on the r axis and on the line has coordinates (3sqrt(3)/4 * s * r, -3/4 * s * r); so an equation in x and y for the line containing the centers of the hexagons with r-coordinate r is y + 3/4 * s * r = sqrt(3) * (x - 3sqrt(3)/4 * s * r). Substituting for y using the first formula and solving for x gives the second formula. (This is not how I actually derived this one, but my derivation was graphical with lots of trial and error and this algebraic method is more concise.)
The set of hexagons with a given r coordinate is the horizontal reflection of the set of hexagons with that g coordinate, so whatever the formula is for the x coordinate in terms of r and b, the x coordinate for that formula with g in place of r will be the opposite. This gives the third formula.
The fourth and fifth formulas come from substituting the second formula for b and solving for r or g in terms of x and y.
The final formula came from observation, verified by algebra with the earlier formulas.
