'API First' security best-practices - symfony

I'm developing an API for a project I'm involved in. The API will be consumed by an Android app, an iOS app, and a desktop website. Almost all of the API is accessible only to registered users. The API allows authentication via WSSE which is great for the mobile apps, but not so great for the website. However, I'm using Symfony2 to develop the API, and I have configured it to allow access to the API by both WSSE and/or session/cookie authentication (multiple firewalls with common security context, if you're interested).
With an API-first approach like this, I'm concerned about things being abused. Take my signup method for example. I only want it to be used by the apps or the website. However, there's nothing to stop someone writing a simple script to hammer the API with bogus signups. Then there's the concern about CSRF. Because the API is can be accessed by a logged in user, then there's a risk that this can be exploited.
I don't want the API to be public, but I don't know if this is possible given that it will be used by the website. Is there anything I can do remove (or reduce) the risks and the vulnerability exposure?
Kind regards.

For the signup brut force problem you could enable a "rate limit" for your API calls.
This blog post introduces this concept and how to use it in a Symfony2 application thanks to the RateLimitBundle.


Secure Firebase REST APIs at a client level (not end user level)

I am trying to create a REST API (via Firebase cloud functions) and release it to my clients to allow them creating their mobile apps. The mobile apps they will be creating are used by public users. However, users are not supposed to deal with our APIs and thus authentication. So I don't need end user authentication. It's up to our clients (app makers) to use a "client id" and an "api key".
Based on what I have researched, Firebase Admin SDK might not be a good solution for this end since we're concerned about client level authentication.
I am looking for a standard solution to generate api-keys for the 3rd party clients. This key generation is not a manual process but rather a service that clients will use to obtain a key. Something like google map api for 3rd party developers. We want to keep track of whitelisted clients without needing their app users to deal with authentication.
I'd appreciate suggestions and guidelines to find the best solution for our REST APIs.
The first solution that comes to my mind is thew new Firebas App Check. It would restrict any access beside the Apps and Web pages you have whitelisted for your project. I don't know if that is possible in your usecase (how the cooperation with the other apps look like) but I would deffinitely try this first.

How to communicate b/w web app and ASP.NET Web API with secure token communication

We configured Azure web app infrastructure such way that consist
customer web portal and WebApp API site
Scenario: when a user accessing a customer web portal where all requests communicate from Web API like (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT).
Here actually the problem is Web API portal is publicly available for now (but I don't know about for what extent Web API visible to users publicly still requires or not?).
In our case Customer ----API call should be in internal communication only there no third-party vendors supply.
Is there any methods secure the cus--API.
We tried to secure cus---API azure network restrictions in Web API network settings but that not helps us (we got stuck the complete cus--API communication is blocked)
As I mentioned Web API hide from the internet then we applied Azure AD authentication for Web API.
In this case, we got results were negative
we have no prior knowledge from code level securing and communication token generation
Finally, we looking for suggestions, and suggest me what are security checks to WEB APP-API COMMUNICATING WITH CUSTOMER PORTAL. WHAT ARE SECURITY CHECKS THAT NEED FIGURE OUT?
Another big problem is really WEBAPP-API put publicly if yes then what are the ways to tighten security.
Please share ideas and suggestion it would be greatly helpful to us.
Thank you

Is it possible to enable using Google Cloud Endpoints Portal without granting extra permissions to access GCP projects on client side?

I have successfully deployed a Google Cloud Endpoints Developer Portal for my API running on Endpoints. I would like to provide access to testing to people outside my organisation that are not using GCP in their projects.
Login to the portal works correctly if I enable the Service Consumer role for these people (on per-email basis). However, when they open it for the first time, they are being asked to grant some extra permissions to the portal:
This form can create totally unnecessary security concerns. Does anyone know, why is it needed?
I only would like my clients to be able to test my API using a GUI, before they could start connecting their projects (not necessary on GCP) to mine. This seems to be a valid use case for me, however I might be misunderstanding some basic concepts.
Or should I submit a feature request to Google about a new role that only enables the access to the portal, and nothing else, so no such forms are shown?
Since Endpoints APIs must be explicitly shared with customers, the portal needs to verify that the logged-in user has permission to view that Endpoints API. So the short answer is that these scopes are being requested primarily so the portal can check the user's access to this API.
Longer answer is that we (the Endpoints team) are looking into if it's possible to build narrower OAuth scopes that would correspond to the access checks we perform. We agree that it's unnecessarily broad of an access request and are hoping to improve this in the future. Thanks for your comment!

OAuth (OAuth2) ASP.NET REST Web API (Self host - windows service) implementation

I have built a Restful Web API for my (android) mobile application, and now i am trying to secure the access to the API. I was reading for about a week on this topic and i got the whole spectrum - from those who say that is is impossible to secure a Restful API to those who say that Https (SSL) is enough.
Here I don't want to start a discussion about that.I have settled with OAuth or OAuth2 it doesn't matter(as far as I have read OAuth seems to be the better choice, but in the Microsoft tutorials they use OAuth 2, so here i am quite confused), and yes i know that they are completely different, but I am so frustrated of searching that I would accept either (I must admit that I expceted this to be much easier). As I said, I was searching for about a week, and all I got are concepts(a lot of them). You send some data -magic start - usually username/password to the server, your data is being processed and you get a token back - magic stop-. On SO there are a lot of questions on this topic but most of the answers are unprecise (and unfortunately unusuable). For example I got this one How to secure WEB API, nice answers, but not really use of them, or this one Implement Web API with OAuth and a Single Page Application. I also got the examples from the Microsoft tutorials but there is a lot of overhead in the code and the part about OAuth isn't quite clear(which is unfortunate because the whole example should be about OAuth). I could post tons of links which claim to talk about this topic, but actually they are of no help.
What I am looking for is an simple, very very simple, example of an ASP.NET OAuth(2) implementation. It would be great if I just could use it with fiddler, provide an username/password in the header and with use of grant_type: xxx I get the token back(the permitted username/password can be hard coded inside the project, so no need for Entity framework implementation or any database on the backend). And it would also be great if someone could explain me how to use this token to authorize the user (I got it that I have to provide the Controller functions with the [Authorize] attribute, but how and where is this token-check being done ?). But please, don't post any theory about OAuth, I don't need that, here I am looking for the actual implementation of OAuth inside of Asp.Net Web Api
Here is detailed post about adding the resource owner password credentials flow for your Web API project.
The most simple implementation of OAuth2 in Web API project you can find here:
WebApiOAuth2 on GitHub
There are just two important files:
Startup.cs (with settings)
AuthorizationServerProvider.cs (authorization of users using oauth2)

User Credentials in ASP.NET Web API

I'm a newbie with ASP.NET Web API and I heard so much about it that, it's the new industry standard and all, I've decided to build a regular hotel management system with it. I created some models and generated controls and created database using code-first migration. It all was tough at the beginning but now I've got hold of the essence. It's Awesome.
Now I'm stuck at the user management level. According to Web API spec there are options to manage access to resources like basic, Forms, integrated Win and OAuth. And also something about 2-legged and 3-legged which I understand are all authentication options which involves another data source or app (may be not the right terms) that will handle the authentication on behalf of the Web API I build.
Since my application is simple (for now), I was thinking is it possible to allow the Web API to include the necessary authentication, for example authenticating (user) and authorizing (role) before giving access to the data, thus seliminating the "LEGGED" dependance but at the same time it is open to allow 2-LEGGED and 3-LEGGED implementation in the future if I wish to.
From what I've seen and read the Web API is not ideal for a system like what I'm developing. Hope I'm wrong coz I find it awesome in terms of a service that can be consumed by other systems.
In my mind the big picture for the system is to allow customersI and third parties to access
hotel information via web and smart phones to check room availability and book rooms
restaurant information ...
hotel events, spa..etc
Please advice, to achieve this, how do I go about implementing authentication and authorization?
