Issue in viewing site in browsers when using WP Super Cache along WP Mobilizer - wordpress

For one of my sites, i use WP Super Cache along with WP Mobilizer to serve the mobile theme for mobile/smartphone visitors.
What is happening, from time to time, the desktop version shows the mobile site and mobile site shows the desktop version.
This is frustrating when a mobile visitor is unable to see a mobile optimized theme.
For the record, W3 Total Cache does not work on my box and i switched over to Super Cache after my dedicated server crashed on a default install of total cache. Even before it could be configured, load spiked so much that the server kept running out of memory.
back to the issue, i posted a support ticket on both the plugins #wordpress, but not a single response. I emailed the authors offering to pay them for their time but still nothing.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Does the site work after removing the Super Cache plugin? I guess the issue is when a visitor on same IP visits your website from different devices the previous version of the site is loaded. I suggest not to use WP Super Cache as it is outdated and many problems are reported after updating WP, you should move to some other cache plugin like


Wordpress site is not updating

Whenever I update something in my website whether it's on pages, posts, categories, menus, or more then it's not showing the changed result on the site when I open the website from google search or incognito. But it shows the changes when I access it from the dashboard.
More, I already have cleared the server cache, browser cache, website cache as well as Cloudflare cache but still not working.
So, can anyone help me out to fix this issue?
This is a cache-related issue. If you have used any caching plugin (WP-Rocket, W3 total cache, LiteSpeed, etc), you have to clear the cache from that plugin. You can use VPN & try a different browser to get the latest updates.
You can check instant results from different servers here:
Proxy Site

Caching on wordpress and pagebuilders

I am building a website and I am always having issues with development because of caching.
We are using Siteground with the SG Optimizer plugin active, we are using Elementor as page builder, we are using Sucuri who is also caching.
Does anyone knows what do I need to do to be able to see my website as it is, instead of the caching versions ? Many times I click on purge cache on Wordpress, or I go to Siteground to remove Memcache but is like I can't never see the changes i made on elementor in live.
Any help about how to avoir this kind of issues would be great !
Turn off the cache while developing.
Caching is only beneficial once in production.

Weird Caching Issue - WordPress + Ultimate Member + WP Engine + Cloudflare

I am facing a very weird caching issue on my site. The site is hosted on WP Engine with Cloudflare setup. Here is the complete scenario when the user tried to access the site.
When the user upgrades to pro after successful payment, then all the pro listing should be visible to them OR I can say they can access pro listing. But after successful payment when a user tries to access the pro listing it shows you need an upgrade to pro. After hard refresh 2 to 3 times. It works normally.
I have already reached out to the support team. They are working
on it. I am just want to prepare my self for plan B :)
My site does not have any caching plugin.
I have already bypassed the caching from Cloudflare for that page.
I have added Cache Level to Bypass in page rules. Let me know if I need to add anything else to the page rules.
I am sure it is a caching issue. I am open to suggestions on how to fix that.
you can use wp-super cache plugin.
and you need to clear your browser cache.
I am using wp-engine. when I faced like that, I used wp-super cache plugin.
if the plugin is not working, you are working on different place.
check your file path, please. live site or staging site... because you might make a mistake..

WordPress cache on the backend side

I have the same problem on different WordPress based websites.
I developed some of them, while others are made by someone else.
They don't have that much in common: completely different websites, different themes/plugins and so on.
Recently in these websites, I've been experiencing this problem: WordPress is caching the backend in a really tough way and, after saving any edits, I have to force a refresh with ctrl+f5 to actually see the edits I made before.
After some digging I can assure that:
it doesn't seem to depend on the webserver (same problem on nginx and on apache)
it doesn't depend on varnish or wp caching plugins (it happens also on website without any cache solutions)
it happens just in some new wp releases, I'm not experiencing this problem on older websites
it doesn't depend on my pc/browser configuration because my colleagues are experiencing the exact same problem on their pc
Anyone who had the same problem and was able to find a solution?
EDIT: It actually happened also on a fresh WordPress installation. Once I created a page, I went back to the page list by clicking on the menu item and I couldn't see the page in the list. After forcing a page refresh the newly created page was there as it was supposed to be before.

WordPress test site is slow despite good scores on several page speed sites

I am developing a website for a car rental company and am using a subdomain for testing. The site is very slow on all browsers (and on the backend) despite high score on Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights, and GTmetrix. I'm not new to WordPress and page speed and have been able to achieve speed with the use of plugins and the right hosting.
I am using the Avada theme with the following plugins (I have already removed each plugin individually to see if any one of them was the culprit):
JCH Optimize
Ninja Forms
Justified Image Grid
W3 Total Cache (used with maxCDN)
WP Migrate DB
Our hosting provider is HostGator but I want to use Pagely.
Here is our Site
I just tested it out on pingdom and scored a 91/100.
Also, pages with very little content, such as our contact page, run slow as well.
FYI, this is a test site so you might find random pics of my dog in strange locations.
If you are using Google Chrome, open an incongnito page and open developer tools, click on network and then load your site. Now sort by time(latency). You will notice JCH Optimize, Autoptimize and WP-Optimize are taking up a lot of load time. Disable these plugins one by one to see if it makes any difference.
Also - I don't think you need three different plugins to optimize your site. One should be enough.
Hope this helps.
