Aptana Studio 3 - Can't check typo errors? - aptana

I'm using Aptana Studio 3 for learning JavaScript. I'm start to like this IDE but one of its disadvantages is that when I made a type error such as:
if (comfirm("are you sure ?")) // "coMfirm", the right one is "confirm"
alert("you answered yes");
alert("you answered NO");
Then when I hit the Run button, the IDE just ignored this error and continue to run my current file. I think this kind of errors is so hard to be recognized by naked eye & it makes my learning progress meets many difficulties.

it's not a matter of Aptana Studio but a matter of Javascript.
Use Firefox to run your code. Then in firefox right click your page and from the menu select the last item (with (Q)). In firefox below opens a new footer select "Console" and "JS". It will show you the error 'ReferenceError: comfirm is not defined' and on the right edge it shows the filename and line number.


How can I fix (or ignore) javascript errors in Visual Studio 2015

I have a solution whose startup project is an ASP.NET website (the kind without a .vbproj file)
When I'm running in debug mode, the first error I get is a popup
Unhandled exception at line 539, column 51 in script block
0x800a138a - JavaScript runtime error: Function expected
The code "file" is called "script block [dyanmic]" so I think this js is being created by VS or it's a third party code, which means I probably can't fix it. This bold portion of the code below was in yellow when I did a "break". (sorry, I don't know how to highlight a portion of a code block in stack overflow)
function LPCTR(a){var b=0;if("undefined"!=typeof g_isdebug&&g_isdebug||"undefined"!=typeof debug&&debug)init_LPctr(),b=LPctr.increment(a);return 0!==b}
I'm getting several errors similar to this.
How can I ignore these errors?. There is an "exception settings" window in the IDE, and I have "JavaScript Runtime Exceptions" completely unchecked. (My site appears to be working otherwise)
How can I find the "owner" of this code? I don't have a LPCTR function.
If you right click the eror window and at the bottom select to clear javascript errors. They are gone and will not appear next time you compile your project.
Put the code in a try-catchblock
try {
// Your code here
} catch(e) {
// Code run on error, with info var e

WebDriver open rich:popupPanel

We are testing an application with Selenium WebDriver. HTMLUnitDriver is our choice (because of non-gui-testing) and sometimes IEDriver for Presentationpurposes. Anyway, i try to perform a click on a button, this one has to open an rich:popuPanel(modal=true) and click a Link on that Panel. With IEDriver that's no problem, but with HTMLUnitDriver the popupPanel doesn't open. I tried to perform these clicks in several ways:
JavascriptExecutor jsdriver = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
//below are the other tries
// jsdriver.executeScript("$('input[id$=freigabeCmd_id]').click();");
// jsdriver.executeScript("window.document.getElementById('editorViewForm_id:freigabeCmd_id').click()");
// jsdriver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", freigabeButton);
// jsdriver.executeScript("arguments[0].fireEvent('onclick');", freigabeButton);
further i tried it the "normal way":
//below are other ways i found here on stackoverflow
// freigabeButton.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);
// new Actions(driver).moveToElement(freigabeButton).clickAndHold().release().build().perform();
but nothing brought me to get the popupPanel "visible". Anyone got an idea why?! i'm really stuck right now. If you need more Informations pls let me know.
using: HTMLUnit Version 2.12 and latest SeleniumVersion
It might be that your webapp uses javascript to launch the rich pop-up panel, and you are running HtmlUnitDriver with javascript disabled? It is disabled by default, so you need to explicitly enable it.

Kendo grid grouping message does not change

Hello and thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I am using the grouping option in the Kendo UI and i wanted to change the default grouping message :Drag a column header and drop it here to ...
So i changed the text in 3 .js files called: kendo.all.min.js, kendo.web.min.js, and kendo.groupable.min.js, to the desired text and the text does not change.
I think i'm missing something because when i group and un-group i see my message for a sec but then the grid reloads again and i get the original message again. Is the message coming from the dll or just from java script? hope someone can help it is really important.
If you did it correctly and are loading the modified version of the JS it should work BUT that is not the way for localizing the message... KendoUI (in the latest versions) already has support for it. You should have done:
groupable: {
messages: {
empty: "Custom message text"
as it is shown in their documentation here
Remember that if you modify their code, next time they release a new version you will have to merge their version with yours for having the fixes and new features that KendoUI team developed plus your changes.
EDIT If you want to have it for every Grid in you document, put at the very beginning of the JavaScript code:
kendo.ui.Groupable.prototype.options.messages =
{empty: "Custom message text!"}

Postback page minimized the browser - Selenium WebDriver

I have a web page that have few dropdowns and when the dropdown item changed it refresh the page and reloads.
so now i am writing script against that page and i have noticed that whenever my scripts select the text from the dropdown my browser get minimized.
my questions, is there any setting to make sure my browser is maximized while running the script?
Here is the code that SelectText from the dropdown:
public void SelectText(By locator, string txt)
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(locator);
SelectElement selectelement = new SelectElement(element);
I am using
IE 8
Selenium 2 WebDriver
I strongly suspect that the browser is actually being dropped to the bottom of the Z-order, not minimized. That is to say, it's being pushed to the bottom of the stack of open windows on your desktop. If you have other applications running, and they're running maximized, it can appear as though IE has been minimized, but it really isn't. There are certain actions that are known to cause IE to behave this way, but no one has been able to figure out why yet.
Maximizing the IE window won't solve the problem. Nevertheless, you can maximize the IE window using
// WARNING! Untested code written from memory
// without the benefit of an IDE. Not guaranteed
// to be syntactically correct.

JS window.close() let IE hang

for reason I won't bore you with, I'm writing an asp.net application that must open some pages in new browser windows.
I managed to open them within a postback (don't ask why, I just needed to) with this code:
script = String.Format(#"window.open(""{0}"", ""{1}"");", url, target);
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, typeof(Page), "Redirect", script, true);
Now I have new windows each one with a button that should close it. I have simply an onclick="window.close()" (but that prompts me when I'm closing the browser) or window.open('','_self','');window.close() (horrible, I agree but it's the only way I found to avoid the JS prompt)
On firefox it works perfectly but on IE7 (the browser our customers have) after 2-3 times I use that button to close the window I can't open other windows (in both cases, with or without the JS prompt). With the method above it does nothing, and with a click me a new window is opened but hangs on loading (it doesn't even calls the Page_Load).
What could be the cause? How can I solve this?
Thank you.
I forgot to mention that I'm using MS Ajax in most of the pages, and that may be the reason that forces me to use window.open('','_self',''); before window.close()
I don't know if this could cause also the hanging of IE
EDIT: Ignore that, it does still prompt the user - sorry!
For your first issue about closing the window, have you tried:
Not too sure about the hanging issue though, I use window.open() and have never experienced issues in IE7.
I finally came to a solution:
on the attribute assignment there was a return false; missing.
Now it works perfectly with "window.open('','_self','');window.close();return false;".
