WebDriver open rich:popupPanel - webdriver

We are testing an application with Selenium WebDriver. HTMLUnitDriver is our choice (because of non-gui-testing) and sometimes IEDriver for Presentationpurposes. Anyway, i try to perform a click on a button, this one has to open an rich:popuPanel(modal=true) and click a Link on that Panel. With IEDriver that's no problem, but with HTMLUnitDriver the popupPanel doesn't open. I tried to perform these clicks in several ways:
JavascriptExecutor jsdriver = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
//below are the other tries
// jsdriver.executeScript("$('input[id$=freigabeCmd_id]').click();");
// jsdriver.executeScript("window.document.getElementById('editorViewForm_id:freigabeCmd_id').click()");
// jsdriver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", freigabeButton);
// jsdriver.executeScript("arguments[0].fireEvent('onclick');", freigabeButton);
further i tried it the "normal way":
//below are other ways i found here on stackoverflow
// freigabeButton.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);
// new Actions(driver).moveToElement(freigabeButton).clickAndHold().release().build().perform();
but nothing brought me to get the popupPanel "visible". Anyone got an idea why?! i'm really stuck right now. If you need more Informations pls let me know.
using: HTMLUnit Version 2.12 and latest SeleniumVersion

It might be that your webapp uses javascript to launch the rich pop-up panel, and you are running HtmlUnitDriver with javascript disabled? It is disabled by default, so you need to explicitly enable it.


Puppeteer - Click button behind a notification

Puppeteer 2.1.0
jest-puppeteer 4.4.0
Win 10 64bit
I have this situation https://i.imgur.com/JbcQAhB.png
I want to click the green button but the notification is in my way.
My code:
selector = "//main/div[1]/div[2]/button[1]"
await page.waitForXPath(selector)
const elementHandle = await page.$x(selector)
await elementHandle[0].click()
This code won't click the button, and I know is the notification, because if before the click() I put a waitFor(5000) and close the notification manually then it works just fine
I also tried in the chrome console directly like this, and it works just fine with the notification in front
Also this kind of code should work for headless mode, so the fact that the notification is "In front" should never be an issue.
Possible questions:
Are you using headed mode? Yes, I have to. I'm testing using chrome extensions.
Using Xpath instead of selectors? Yes, I have no option as well, I have to use xpath
Why no closing the notification? It could work (and actually it does for this particular situation), but that's not the only notification that popUps, more of those show up and messes up with other similar buttons. I need to click the button behind the notification
I found a way, I just changed the await elementHandle[0].click() for await page.evaluate(x=>x.click() , elementHandle[0])
I'll leave the question here, hope somebody find it useful

Keep "Connect to QuickBooks" button from popping a new window

When implementing the "Connect to QuickBooks" button in my web application I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected, which is very undesired in the long run of this application. Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just redirect in the same tab? Or would that go against Inuit's Do's and Don'ts (1. Don't modify the appearance or behavior of this button. 2. Don't modify the code that implements this button.)
I'm assuming the command to pop a new window is in Intuit's JavaScript anywhere() function but I didn't know if there was a way to prevent it from popping a new window and just make it use the same tab, without changing their code.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously used tab? I tried to look this solution up but didn't find anything really, or at least nothing that worked for me.
Thanks for any help.
I figured out how to close the the window...now it's just a matter of handling the refreshing the page it goes back to to something. I haven't quite figured out how it works yet but I ended up using:
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var parentlocation = window.parent.opener.location.hostname;
var currentlocation = window.location.hostname;
if (parentlocation != currentlocation) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
else {
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
catch (e) {
window.location = "/default.aspx";
If someone wouldn't mind explaining that code that would be awesome, but nobody has to. I just can't right now so I'll do it later on my own.
I found that it pops a new window instead of just being redirected,
Yep, this is what Intuit wants it to do.
Is there any way to keep the button from popping a new window and just
redirect in the same tab?
Trying to do that is a great way to get Intuit to ban your application/remove it from AppCenter.
Or, if there really isn't anything would it be possible to close the
popped up window automatically and resume control of the previously
used tab?
Of course. In fact, you'll have to if you want to publish on AppCenter.
Simple Javascript - window.close();
Keep in mind that this window only has to be opened once and then never again. It's not like this is going to be a huge inconvenience to your users when they'll only need to do this once in the entire history of ever using your application.

WebDriver HtmlUnitDriver NoSuchElementException

I'm using Webdriver to test my web application. When I work with FireFoxDriver or ChromeDriver everything seems to be ok. When I work with HtmlUnitDriver though things start to go wrong.
Here is a sample code:
WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
WebElement loginButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[#type='button']"));
i'v looked at the driver.getPageSource result, and the source code presented there is very partial.
it doesnt show me all the elements. it is the same a clicking view source on the page.
what i need from the driver is the entire source, like firebug or chrome inspector give me.
any ideas on how i can retrieve it?
my app was written with the GWT.
thanks a million
Have you tried to enable JavaScript for HtmlUnitDriver?
I believe that the HTMLUnitDriver emulates IE by default (link) and there are other questions related to clicking buttons with IE. Have you tried this?
// Press enter on the button
Also, have you tried adding an ID to the element and using that to find the button?

How to add Mate Listeners using Action Script

in one of my forms, I have used the following code for adding Mate Listeners
<mate:Listener type="{DBEvent.Update_Result}" receive="{onUpdateResults(event)}"/>
I am displaying this form as a popup. What happening is, for the first time, onUpdateResults method executed only once as expected. Then i close the popup and reopened it. This time onUpdateResults method called twice, then next 4time and so on...
After so much of googling, i found that Mate Listeners are still active, even though we remove/close the popup. I tried weak references, close the popup using PopupManager.RemovePopup and so on. Nothing worked.
Then i thought of registering and unregistering the mate listeners manually using action script. So, i have tried the following code
var _listener:Listener= new Listener();
to unregister...
But this is also not working.
Please somebody help me fix this issue.
Try this.
Create runtime popup windows in main application:
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyPopUp, true);
MyPopUp - mx:TitleWindow from MyPopUp.mxml
Add any listeners in OnInit in MyPopUp.mxml:
_listener.addEventListener(DBEvent.Update_Result, onUpdateResults);
Close popup when you click any button (button's click event or any):

JS window.close() let IE hang

for reason I won't bore you with, I'm writing an asp.net application that must open some pages in new browser windows.
I managed to open them within a postback (don't ask why, I just needed to) with this code:
script = String.Format(#"window.open(""{0}"", ""{1}"");", url, target);
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, typeof(Page), "Redirect", script, true);
Now I have new windows each one with a button that should close it. I have simply an onclick="window.close()" (but that prompts me when I'm closing the browser) or window.open('','_self','');window.close() (horrible, I agree but it's the only way I found to avoid the JS prompt)
On firefox it works perfectly but on IE7 (the browser our customers have) after 2-3 times I use that button to close the window I can't open other windows (in both cases, with or without the JS prompt). With the method above it does nothing, and with a click me a new window is opened but hangs on loading (it doesn't even calls the Page_Load).
What could be the cause? How can I solve this?
Thank you.
I forgot to mention that I'm using MS Ajax in most of the pages, and that may be the reason that forces me to use window.open('','_self',''); before window.close()
I don't know if this could cause also the hanging of IE
EDIT: Ignore that, it does still prompt the user - sorry!
For your first issue about closing the window, have you tried:
Not too sure about the hanging issue though, I use window.open() and have never experienced issues in IE7.
I finally came to a solution:
on the attribute assignment there was a return false; missing.
Now it works perfectly with "window.open('','_self','');window.close();return false;".
