NGINX Server block when MediaWiki in subdirectory - nginx

MediaWiki installation was in and worked with Apache as the server.
Pages were found
The server was changed to NGINX the other night. WordPress and XenForo work fine but the location block for MediaWiki isn't working properly.
Since I'm new to NGINX and the configuration file inner workings, I'm not sure how to write the location block to get the results equal to the Apache page layout (index.php shows).
This is my latest attempt (failed, of course).
location /subdirectory/ {
try_files $uri $uri /index.php?query_string;
This writes to and the index.php is missing.
The documents show writing to a subdomain and this is not what I'm wanting. The index.php also needs to remain.
Thank you for providing as much information so this is solved. For example, I'm not sure if LocalSettings needs modification.

Try adding
index index.php index.html;
location /subdirectory/ {
index index.php index.html;
Using Rewrite
rewrite ^ /index.php?$request_uri;
this will forward requests to /subdirectory/index.php?
In your case, /subdirectory/index.php?/Main_Page


NGINX – Serving multiple SPA’s on a single server

We have a development server with lots of single page apps that also handle routing in the frontend.
Normally for a single page app I would assume you need to configure something like:
location /some/path {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html?$args;
Now on our development server it is quite a lot of work to re-configure nginx for every small test app people put on there.
I want to:
Serve the file if found
Serve the index.html file if the path is a folder
If not found, go back one folder and try look for index.html and serve that
Try previous step until you find an index.html file
Stop trying when you reach the defined root path e.g. /some/path, if that doesn’t have an index.html, return the folder content
If some sort of while loop is not possible (performance is less critical since it's for development purposes only), I could limit it to up to 6 folders back. That should cover most SPA's.
Let's say I have a single page app on:
And one goes to:
It should try:
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/id3 (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/id3/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/index.html (MATCH !)
P.S. I'm mainly a front-end developer, my nginx knowledge is very limited.
You can use a named location as the last parameter of a try_files statement to perform an internal rewrite to climb up the directory tree. Nginx will limit this to about 10 iterations before declaring a redirection loop.
For example:
root /path/to/root;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ #rewrite;
location #rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.+/)?. /$1 last;
The index and try_files directives handle looking for index.html, and the rewrite statement truncates the URI by removing one or more characters following a /.

nginx how to serve pictures or media files?

I'm having issues serving pictures with nginx. I originally started with a Django project and I wanted to serve the user uploaded media files via nginx but I wasn't able to get it working no matter what I tried.
So, I've make a second temporary droplet/server and am trying a bare bones setup with no Django project, just Nginx, to see if I can get it to simply serve an index and a couple pictures in a folder called 'media'. Here is the server block:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location /media/ {
root /var/www/;
Now, the index.html is served fine but if I try to go to it still doesn't work and returns a 404 error. I'm at a complete loss here, I've tried using alias instead of root, I've tried changing the folder structure and setting all permissions to 777 and changing folder and file ownership, permissions shouldn't be a problem because the index.html works fine with the same permissions; I just cant seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The picture is in the folder but nothing I try allows me to access it via the uri. Are there any obvious problems with my server block?
Well I decided to read the documentation and realized that the location block adds to the root directory specified..
So the pathing of
`location /media/ {
root /var/www/;
would end up routing to /var/www/
I've changed the location block to look like this
location /images/ {
root /var/www/;
and it will now route to /var/www/
I'm not sure why it didn't work when I tried the alias directive, though...

Nginx URL routing

I think this is kind of basic stuff, but I'm struggling to find proper guide that would explain these things:
I have a index.php file and nginx config so that works ok.
But I need to change nginx config so that that address produces blank page, and index.php only works from I could put index.php inside lists directory, but isn't there more subtle solution?
And here's the hard part:
Users should be able to access
userName and listName should be used as GET-parameters.
Can anyone help how I could achieve this kind of config with nginx?
You're asking a few (relatively basic) questions, and I would suggest you start with their free e-book
You can define where nginx looks for index files with the root clause, and though they normally use the URL context relative to the server's root, it can be override in each location.
You can use portions of URLs as variables, which can be passed as paramters too.
location = /lists { # '=' will match exactly, no trailing url
root /path/where/index.php/lives;
try_files $uri /index.php;
location /lists { # this will match anything under that url
rewrite ^/lists/(\d+)/?$ /lists?user=$1; # matches username
rewrite ^/lists/(\d+)/(\d+)/?$ /lists?user=$1&list=$2; # matches username/list
location /{ #everything else
root /path/where/index.html/lives; #index.html is empty file.
try_files $uri /index.html;

NGINX Wordpress install in subdirectory wrong script URL

Switching from Apache to NGINX here :)
So I have Site A which sits on the root directory and works fine. I also have another Wordpress Site (B) where the root is
All the front end pages for B load scripts and css like which of course is incorrect. When I try to goto the Admin like I receive No input file specified. as the only output, also the URL changes to
Here is a snippet of my NGINX config where I think the problem lies, please let me know if you need more info and be gentle on a NGINX n00b :P
location /b {
try_files $uri $uri/ /b/index.php$args;
location / {
# Set try_files according WP architecture
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$args;
Here is a snippet of B's wp-config file where I am setting the URLs
I have no idea where the error lies :(
Thank you for viewing!

nginx match specific file from different folder on certain routes

I have an angularjs app, it has a blog as well. This url shows all blog posts under
And specific blog posts under
Now i'm precompiling HTML of blog posts for SEO purposes and i want to serve them completely separately from my main app like this:
root "/home/ubuntu/client/public";
location / { ## Handle default requests ##
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
location /blog { ## serve precompiled blog HTML
alias /home/ubuntu/bloghtml;
try_files $uri.html $uri/ index.html;
And this works, by going to nginx successfully serves file /home/ubuntu/bloghtml/example-blog-post-title.html
However the issue is that in this case nginx doesn't correctly route blog post list under to my main angular app, i get error 403 on that URL.
I tried changing location /blog to location /blog/ in conf file, this makes the work, howewever i get 404 errors on
How can i make this work for both cases?
If you change the location from /blog to /blog/ you need to remember to change alias from /home/ubuntu/bloghtml to /home/ubuntu/bloghtml/. The alias and location need to have the same ending, otherwise the calculated pathnames are wrong.
I try to avoid using alias and try_files in the same block because of some known issues. You might consider making the last directory in the path blog so that you can use root instead.
I presume that your angular app is /index.html, in which case your try_files statement is incorrect. The $url/ will cause it to try /blog/index.html (assuming you have an index directive in force) and index.html is missing a leading /.
I would suggest you try:
location /blog {
alias /home/ubuntu/bloghtml;
try_files $uri.html /index.html;
but consider designing out the alias directive too.
