Show image name in Twig, relation one to one - symfony

I have a one to one relation between Player and Image. I have also this line in my controller:
It shows the name of an image correctly.
And I have also this line in the template:
{% for players in player %}
{{ player.age }}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
but I get this error:
Impossible to access an attribute ("name") on a NULL variable ("")
I expected the last line shown the same name as in the controller.
EDIT: finally I found out that the property was public, that was the reason. Anway I still understand it..

My bad !
Look your for loop..
{% for player in players %}

How did you write the property ? linkedImage1?
If you wrote something like linked_image_1 or linkedImage_1 you should call
{{ player.linked_image_1 }}
{{ player.linkedImage_1 }}
then twig will call the related getter according to :
If its a virtual getter you can directly access with :
{{ player.getLinkedImage1().name }}
or {{ player.getLinkedImage1().getName() }} `

You should try
{{ player.getLinkedImage1().getName() }}


pluralize results if plural in symfony (good practice)

I have a filter bar that let me search some results within my database.
I have a flash message that shows how many results are found when I enter a word inside it.
this is my controller
if ($filter != '') {
$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('info', 'worked!');
and this is in my template
{% for message in app.session.flashbag.get('info') %}
{{ message }}
{% endfor %}
so when i research things actually, whether I have 1 result or more it doesn't change my sentence.
résultats is still written with an s as it is hard coded. How can I create something that will allow me to pluralize and singularize a word in my template? Should I go directly in the controller for that ?
I used this method directly in the template but I don't think it is a "good practice" one. Any help for making that better?
{{ results.getTotalItemCount }}
{% if results.getTotalItemCount <= 1 %}
{{ ''|trans({ '%count%': results.getTotalItemCount}) }}
{% else %}
{{ ''|trans({ '%count%': results.getTotalItemCount}) }}
{% endif %}
in translation
your.result: "résultat"
your.results: "résultats"
You should maybe check pluralization in translations here, you can use transChoice() method, it is explained here how to use it.
Here you can see how to use it in twig:
your answer in question can be done like this:
your.result: "1 résultat|%count% résultats"
and then in your twig:
{{ ''|transchoice(results.getTotalItemCount) }}

How to use twig object variable with at-sign # inside

I send from Symfony object which contains at-sign # in variable.
Object name is invoice and with {{ dump(invoice) }} in twig template I see object and parameter with path:
But I dont know how to get value of this banSpojDod#showAs because there is at-sign #.
Could you help me someone please?
You could try with The attribute function can be used to access a "dynamic" attribute of a variable:
{{ attribute(invoice[0], 'banSpojDod#showAs') }}
Hope this help
Ok thanks. Problem was that I used it in loop, and some parameters not exists. I needed to add exist conditions. So my final code works:
{% for f in invoice %}
{% if attribute(f,'banSpojDod#showAs') is defined %}
{{ attribute(f,'banSpojDod#showAs') }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

compare a input field value to a string or text symfony2

I was trying to learn about framework and Ill be starting under "Symfony", then i got this problem, I create a
{{ form_widget(form.type) }}
equivalent to
<input type="text" class="type" id="type"/>
this element "input" have a value that given by a tab or menu if i click on it, example do i compare it to a text using "Symfony" if statement like the logic below.
{% if jumping == "text" %}
//it will do something
{% endif %}
as explained nicely in the symfony docs here you need to use the form.vars.value to get the input field's value
so for someting like {{ form_widget( }} you would access the values by doing {{ }}
in your case it would be
{% if == "text" %}
//do something
{% endif %}

How to use form field value in twig template?

i have a formular and in there I have a collection of entities. In my template i would like to use this:
{% for service in %}
{{ form_label(service) }}
{{ form_errors(service) }}
{{ form_widget(service, {'attr': {'class':}}) }}
{% endfor %}
Is it posiible to fetch a field name from the collection like in my example the field name?
With this i got an error.
Thanks Stefan
In the debug toolbar, click on the form icon. There you can see what your form variable contains. services is probably an array of subforms. You can access a specific subform and then get the value of the "name" property like this: services[0].name.vars.value or you can of course loop through the whole array.

How to assign class to invalid Symfony 2 form field, rendered with Twig?

Lets assume that few fields values of my form, build on Symfony 2 and rendered with Twig are not valid and I received validation errors. I want not only to see this errors, but also assign special class to each invalid field.
For example:
<input type="text" class="error">
How can I do that? As I understand, there is need to redeclare my form template. Is there any working example how to assign attributes in case of concrete field validation failure.
All I found now, is that I need to set this class in form template:
{% set attr = attr|merge({'class': attr.class|default('') ~ (errors|length > 0 ? ' error' : '') }) %}
But what I don't understand is how to specify exact field? Any help appreciated.
This works for me:
<div class="input{{ form_errors(form.expiry) == '' ? '' : 'error' }}">
{{ form_widget(form.expiry) }}
You could also do
{{ form_widget(form.expiry, {'attr': {'class': form_errors(form.expiry) == '' ? '' : 'error'}}) }}
If you use
{{ form(form) }}
for showing your form, I am quite sure you can not accomplish what you want, or at least I am not aware of the possiblity.
If you use something like this
{{ form_row(form.task) }}
{{ form_row(form.dueDate) }}
I am still quite sure you can not get what you want.
My solution for what you need would be to make something like this:
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{{ form_label(form.task) }}
{{ form_errors(form.task) }}
{{ form_widget(form.task) }}
{{ form_label(form.dueDate) }}
{{ form_errors(form.dueDate) }}
{{ form_widget(form.dueDate) }}
<input type="submit" />
{{ form_end(form) }}
and to simply get information about validation errors from form object and then to replace {{ form_widget(form.task) }} with something like this
{{ form_widget(form.task, {'attr': {'class': 'error'}}) }}
in case that field task failed the validation.
Even more slow and time consuming solution would be to make small twig files that each and every one would actualy represent "your" design for view of each form field and then to call those "little twigs" with an argument which would again come from form object which contains those data about bad validation.
You can read more about form rendering where you actualy make your own form field designs here
