yeoman: grunt server waiting... can't go back to command line - gruntjs

I installed yeoman, and trying use command: grunt server to preview my application.
everything is fine except when i try to get back to command line to continue typing in some commands, below is the status after i run grunt server:
Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
Prefixed file ".tmp/styles/main.css" created.
Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on
Running "watch" task
does anybody know how to stop it?

This is intentional; the Yeoman generated grunt server command gives you a complete testing environment so that you can have files being compiled and a server to preview your app on. If you stop it, you'll have to start it again with the same command. I'd recommend using something like if you're on a Mac so that you can keep the process running in a separate window, that way you don't have to keep stopping/starting it.
Nonetheless, you can stop the task at any time with CTRL + C.


(Dagster) Schedule my_hourly_schedule was started from a location that can no longer be found

I'm getting the following Warning message when trying to start the dagster-daemon:
Schedule my_hourly_schedule was started from a location Scheduler that can no longer be found in the workspace, or has metadata that has changed since the schedule was started. You can turn off this schedule in the Dagit UI from the Status tab.
I'm trying to automate some pipelines with dagster and created a new project using dagster new-project Scheduler where "Scheduler" is my project.
This command, as expected, created a diretory with some hello_world files. Inside of it I put the dagster.yaml file with configuration for a PostgreDB to which I want to right the logs. The whole thing looks like this:
However, whenever I run dagster-daemon run from the directory where the workspace.yaml file is located, I get the message above. I tried runnning running the daemon from other folders, but it then complains that it can't find any workspace.yaml files.
I guess, I'm running into a "beginner mistake", but could anyone help me with this?
I appreciate any counsel.
One thing to note is that the dagster.yaml file will not do anything unless you've set your DAGSTER_HOME environment variable to point at the directory that this file lives.
That being said, I think what's going on here is that you don't have the Scheduler package installed into the python environment that you're running your dagster-daemon in.
To fix this, you can run pip install -e . in the Scheduler directory, although the inside that directory has more specific instructions for working with virtualenvs.

Scheduling R scripts in Task Scheduler - CMD runs, but task does not complete

I am trying to automate R scripts in Windows Task Scheduler. I've finally managed to get the program to run, sort of, but it doesn't complete its task.
When task scheduler runs, the CMD windows pops up and I can see it installing the necessary packages to run the script, but the task doesn't actually complete. It is supposed to update a spreadsheet, which works when I run the script in R Studio but does not work when I run it through Task Scheduler.
I am running the script through Windows Task Scheduler as follows:
Action: Start a Program
Add arguments: "C:\Documents\Options-Measurement.R"
This may be related to the working directory. Could you please add something like print(getwd()) to your script and check if it is the desired working directory?

linux script for restart jar if it crashes

Is It possible create a script for restart an jar application if it crashes?
The possibility solution could be create a Linux service to automatically start when the system reboots or crashes.
Are there other possibility, for example by creating a script?
while true; do
java -jar myjar.jar
sleep 5 # in case myjar always fails

QT gui application not starting automatically on startup in ubuntu 14.04

I have two Qt applications, one is non gui called "App1" and another one is gui called "App2". As per my need I need to start "App1" on startup of Ubuntu 14.04 machine.
This "App1" runs a sh file called "" and I am starting "App2" into this shell script file by /opt/myprojectname/App2 &
So to do the same I make .sh file called "" and write into /opt/myprojectname/App1 & it and copy the file at path /etc/init.d/ and gave it +x permission to start "App1" on startup.
When I restart my machine then it runs "App1" (which is qt non-gui app) automatically on startup and runs "" as expected. Till now all are working fine but the problem occurs from here as per below.
As I have mentioned above that "App1" runs a sh file called "" and I am starting "App2" into the shell script file by /opt/myprojectname/App2 & but "App2" is not staring ( which is qt gui app).
When I do the same by simply running command into termianl /opt/myprojectname/App1 then all works fine and it calls the "" file and "" file also starts "App2".
So what I found that when I do the same by manually into termianl then all works fine and by script etc/init.d/, it starts only Qt non-gui application and not starting Qt gui application on startup.
Kindly suggest me where I am wrong.

How to get the daemon Rserve running as worker dyno on Heroku

This question is an obscure problem - sorry for the length. I'm trying to deploy an app to Heroku. The app runs Rserve - a daemon of the R language, for running statistical reports. This should in principle be no more difficult than getting any daemon, such as memcached, to run in Heroku.
In Mac OSX I just start the daemon in the command line and forget it - all works fine. I'm interfacing with Rserve from node.js, using (not a factor here though).
But in deploying to Heroku, not having much luck. I'm using a multipack of R and node. Installation runs fine, all build steps exit okay, R starts fine.
Now comes the job of starting the Rserve daemon on the worker dyno.
My procfile looks like this:
web: node server.js
worker: R CMD Rserve --no-save
When I run it, I get the following error in the logs (scroll to end of block):
Rserv started in daemon mode.
heroku[worker.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
The Rserve() config docs are here: I am not expert at configuring it but perhaps there is something in there that I should be doing for it to work in this environment?
An oddity is that you can run this without error from the Heroku run console, but (see below), it does not seem to actually be running when I try to access it from node.js:
heroku run R CMD Rserve
[Previously saved workspace restored]
Rserv started in daemon mode.
In node.js (heroku run node), I try testing it thus:
var rio = require('rio');
rio.evaluate("pi / 2 * 2");
which gives the error "Rserve call failed".
This leads me to think something is fundamentally wrong with what I am trying to do or how I am trying to do it.
Rserve runs as a daemon by default, so use a script to execute it so it runs "in process".
# example R script for executing Rserve
# get the port from environment (heroku)
port <- Sys.getenv('PORT')
# run Rserve in process
run.Rserve(debug = FALSE, port, args = NULL, config.file = "rserve.conf")
And then your Procfile will have an entry as follows:
rserve: R -f rserve.r --gui-none --no-save
So I tried a dozen ways to get it started on a worker dyno, but all would crash. I never got to the bottom of all environment issues - I am not very expert at Unix. However... I did get it work by spawning a child process to run Rserve at the end of my server.js initialization script on my web dyno. It works.
childProcess.exec('R CMD Rserve --no-save', function (error, stdout, stderr) {});
My plan is to implement it this way in the worker process and use Web Workers to communicate between the separate environments.
