QT gui application not starting automatically on startup in ubuntu 14.04 - qt

I have two Qt applications, one is non gui called "App1" and another one is gui called "App2". As per my need I need to start "App1" on startup of Ubuntu 14.04 machine.
This "App1" runs a sh file called "myshfile.sh" and I am starting "App2" into this shell script file by /opt/myprojectname/App2 &
So to do the same I make .sh file called "myupstart.sh" and write into /opt/myprojectname/App1 & it and copy the file at path /etc/init.d/ and gave it +x permission to start "App1" on startup.
When I restart my machine then it runs "App1" (which is qt non-gui app) automatically on startup and runs "myshfile.sh" as expected. Till now all are working fine but the problem occurs from here as per below.
As I have mentioned above that "App1" runs a sh file called "myshfile.sh" and I am starting "App2" into the shell script file by /opt/myprojectname/App2 & but "App2" is not staring ( which is qt gui app).
When I do the same by simply running command into termianl /opt/myprojectname/App1 then all works fine and it calls the "myshfile.sh" file and "myshfile.sh" file also starts "App2".
So what I found that when I do the same by manually into termianl then all works fine and by script etc/init.d/myupstart.sh, it starts only Qt non-gui application and not starting Qt gui application on startup.
Kindly suggest me where I am wrong.


issue with running javafx jar file

hope you all safe and well
I made a jar file like this, it's JavaFX jar, I putted the SDK inside the file
image of the files
also in the run, I made these arguments
#echo off
start "" java --module-path "javafx-sdk-15.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.graphics,javafx.fxml -jar ShapeEditor.jar
it works well on my computer, but when I moved it to another computer, cmd just appears and shutdown itself for no reason, I wish if someone could help me with it!.
this is my first ever JavaFX file, so I'm new to the whole concept
i created the jar file by adding jar file to articats tab in intelJ as in here
, then went to build and built the jar file, added icons in the folder along with the fx SDK, and made a batch file to make run arguments as mentioned above, ran it and no problem, moved it to another windows 10 pc, ran it and a windows appears momentarily then shutdown

Can I execute a Linux binary from a Windows application?

I want to execute a Linux binary from a QT application running on W10.
In QT we have QProcess to launch additional processes. However, since my binary is for Linux, I've thought of two possible approaches:
Running the binary in a container (i.e.: Docker, Kubernetes, Singularity...).
Executing the binary through WSL (Ubuntu) bash.
In any case, the QT application should initiate the process (the container or the bash) and, in turn, this process should launch my binary.
I've been searching on the web and I could not find something related, what makes me think that it will be difficult. For this reason, I am posting the question in order to know the viability of the proposed approaches.
It looks like the WSL is easier, the problem is that the user has to have install ed it. Apart from requiring the sudo password when installing new software via apt-get.
The binary that I have to execute only exists for Linux, and let's say that cross-compiling is dismissed because of its complexity. Furthermore, this application needs CGAL, BOOST, MPI, among other pieces of software.
If you want to go with WSL, you can just run wsl myLinuxProgram --options.
Using WSL is the easiest way I believe as the current directory (PWD), is the current one i.e. the same as the PWD of your Qt app.
You can read Microsoft documenation for more info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/interop
If your linux binary depends on a lots of things, I really suggest you use docker for windows. Then, you have chance to pre-build an own docker image which put all dependency software also the linux binary you need to run in it.
Of course, to let your customer to use it, you should put it to dockerhub, register an account for yourself.
Then, the solution is simple: let the QT application to call docker run to setup a container base on your own image, execute it, and also let the linux binary to write the log or others to the bind mount volume among linux container & windows. After it run, the QT application fetch the linux binary output from this shared folder.
Finally, I give a minimal workable example for your reference:
Suppose the shared folder between windows & linux container is: C:\\abc\\log_share, it will mapped to linux container as /tmp folder. Of course you need to allow volume share by right click the docker icon in windows tray area & choose settings, like described here
Simplify the windows application as bat file, and simplfy the docker image as ubuntu, you should use your own prebuilt docker image with all dependency in it:
::New a shared folder with linux container
RD /s/q C:\\abc\\log_share > NUL 2>&1
MKDIR C:\\abc\\log_share
::From windows call docker to execute linux command like 'echo'
echo "Start to run linux binary in docker container..."
docker run -it -v C:\\abc\\log_share:/tmp ubuntu:16.04 bash -c "echo 'helloworld' > /tmp/linux_log_here.txt"
::In windows, get the log from shared bind mount from linux
echo "Linux binary run finish, print the log generated by the container..."
type C:\\abc\\log_share\linux_log_here.txt
Simplify the linux binary just as echo command in linux, the output things should be all write to shared directory:
echo 'helloworld' > /tmp/linux_log_here.txt
Now, execute the bat file with command win_app.bat:
"Start to run linux binary in docker container..."
"Linux binary run finish, print the log generated by the container..."
You can see the windows application already could fetch things(here is helloworld) which generated by linux binary from docker container.

Jar file run on a server background with close putty session

I have tried the run spring boot jar file using putty. but the problem is after closed the putty session service was stopped.
then i tried up the jar file with following command. its working fine .
**nohup java -jar /web/server.jar **
You should avoid using nohup as it will just disassociate your terminal and the process. Instead, use the following command to run your process as a service.
sudo ln -s /path/to/your-spring-boot-app.jar /etc/init.d/your-spring-boot-app
This command creates a symbolic link to your JAR file. Which then, you can run as a service using the command sudo service your-spring-boot-app start. This will write console log to /var/log/your-spring-boot-app.log
Moreover, you can configure spring-boot/application.properties to write console logs at your specified location using logging.path=path-to-your-log-directoryor logging.file=path-to-your-log-file.txt. Also, it may be worth noting that logging.file takes priority over logging.path

linux script for restart jar if it crashes

Is It possible create a script for restart an jar application if it crashes?
The possibility solution could be create a Linux service to automatically start when the system reboots or crashes.
Are there other possibility, for example by creating a script?
while true; do
java -jar myjar.jar
sleep 5 # in case myjar always fails

yeoman: grunt server waiting... can't go back to command line

I installed yeoman, and trying use command: grunt server to preview my application.
everything is fine except when i try to get back to command line to continue typing in some commands, below is the status after i run grunt server:
Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
Prefixed file ".tmp/styles/main.css" created.
Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on
Running "watch" task
does anybody know how to stop it?
This is intentional; the Yeoman generated grunt server command gives you a complete testing environment so that you can have files being compiled and a server to preview your app on. If you stop it, you'll have to start it again with the same command. I'd recommend using something like http://www.iterm2.com/ if you're on a Mac so that you can keep the process running in a separate window, that way you don't have to keep stopping/starting it.
Nonetheless, you can stop the task at any time with CTRL + C.
