Could not get pipeline: loadVisitor (domain: ) -

if anyone aware of this error please let me know:
Could not get pipeline: loadVisitor (domain: )
This error occurred when run the site on any browser

This error happens when CorePipeline tries to run a pipeline and cannot find the configuration for it.
LoadVisitor pipeline is a Sitecore DMS pipeline and configuration for it is stored in Sitecore.Analytics.config file.
Most probably Sitecore.Analytics.config is missing in your App_Config/Include directory.


Run Process keyword doesn't run the .exe file on Team city

My robot framework test contains part, where I run .exe file. I am using Run process keyword from Process library.
${result} Run Process path_to_the_file/file.exe cwd=path_to_the_file/
When I run this locally, the file is executed and response is like this:
14:35:34.553 INFO Waiting for process to complete.
14:35:34.634 INFO Process completed.
14:35:34.634 TRACE Return: <robot.libraries.Process.ExecutionResult object at 0x055963D0>
14:35:34.634 INFO ${result} = <result object with rc 0>
When I run this test on Team City, the file is not executed ( properly )
5:27:27.587 INFO Waiting for process to complete.
15:27:27.786 INFO Process completed.
15:27:27.786 TRACE Return: <robot.libraries.Process.ExecutionResult object at 0x012C1310>
15:27:27.786 INFO ${result} = <result object with rc 3221225781>
Edit: I tried google for that return code from Team city run and I found something like this:
3221225781 = [$id=DLL_NOT_FOUND, $desc={Unable To Locate Component}
This application has failed to start because %hs was not found.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.]
Does anyone have this sort of experience and what can I do with it?
EDIT2: after deeper analysis I found out, that there are missing DLLs on the agent. So once I'll add missing DLLs I'll know if that was a source of this isue
So the solution for this issue was to add missing DLLs. Once I added the newest version of Microsoft Visual C++ package, the Run Process executed the .exe file properly.

Format error when using Bosun save hook

I get the following error while attempting to use the "save hook" functionality in Bosun -
failed to call save hook: fork/exec /tools/bosun/bin/save-hook: exec format error. Restoring config: successful
The file is executable and I've removed all logic from it, and the error still occurs.
Should the file return anything? Or is this a bug?
The documentation indicates it should be successful as long as the hook exits ok.
I would guess the OS is not accepting this as a proper executable?
If a binary, did you compile it on the same system, or make sure your cross compiled it for the right architecture?
If a script, does your script have the bang line at the start, for example #!/bin/bash?

JBoss 6 Starrtup failed : HSQLDB - out of memory issue

Please explain why I am not able to start JBoss server if I am adding any EAR file. While starting I am getting an error like this:
is in error due to the following reason(s): java.sql.SQLException: Out
of Memory
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Finally I was able to find out the issue. The localDB.backup,, localDB.lck, localDB.log, and localDB.script file will be saved in jboss6/server/all/data/hypersonic data. So delete all those files and restart the server. It will be perfect. The reason is that whenever we try to start the server it ll check this folder and try to load the previous deployed info from this backup files. So if any incomplete deployment will corrupt these files.

Parse error when on production

I have developed a Symfony2 project (v2.2.2) and it was working all fine locally.
When I deploy it on my server I meet 2 issues:
the folder /bin does not transfer through Filezilla (impossible to start transfer)
i encounter a parse error when trying to access web/app.php/ in debug mode (see below)
First I do not understand why it would work in local but not on production.
I also guessed these errors where linked but I do not know what is /bin used for (contains only 2 files doctrine and doctrine.php) and if I remove it locally it keeps working ...
Parse error is the following :
"FatalErrorException: Parse: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/colocall/twinkler/src/Tk/ExpenseBundle/Services/Expenses.php line 21"
Expenses.php line 15->25:
public function getAllExpenses($member, $group)
$all_expenses_col = $group->getExpenses();
$all_expenses = array();
foreach($all_expenses_col as $expense){
$all_expenses[] = [$expense, $this->forYou($member, $expense)];
return $all_expenses;
Maybe linked to : The parse error also happen when i try to update my database through ssh connection.
If someone would know the reason why I can't make it working it would save my day that i have already lost ...
Thank you in advance,
Your error is produced by using the short array syntax [] in your code.
It is not available in PHP 5.3.10 aka on your production server. The short syntax was introduced in PHP 5.4 which explains why your code is working in your dev-environment.
change ...
$all_expenses[] = [$expense, $this->forYou($member, $expense)];
$all_expenses[] = array($expense, $this->forYou($member, $expense));
... or update your server's php version and it will work :)

twisted web server not ruuning a .rpy file

i am a toddler on Twisted .I am trying to run a Twisted web server using the command
twistd web --resource-script=~/Desktop/step/ecdemo.rpy
assume that my file(ecdemo.rpy) is located on desktop in step folder
the traceback when i visit the page( shows
<type 'exceptions.IOError'>: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '~/Desktop/step/ecdemo.rpy
however if i run the same file with command
python ecdemo.rpy it runs smoothly.
The program simply renders a get request from an http page
I know it is something basic that i do not know but if you could help me get started i would come up with better problems...
thanks for help.
Your shell didn't expand ~ into your home directory. Try this instead:
twistd web --resource-script ~/Desktop/step/ecdemo.rpy
Notice I removed the = between the option name and its value. This will probably let your shell turn ~ into /home/whoever.
