Pass data between pages ASP.NET -

I have two ASP.NET pages.
One of them have a table with some data that came from javascript, each row has a button-link that opens pop-up page. I need to pass the data contained in the selected row to the single row table in pop-up,
what a better way to do that?

If the information are the only identifiers, can move to the other page with parameters in the url, but if they are private or heavy data identifiers is best to store them in the session.


Selecting Sql Data Source Column Value to Variable (VB.NET)

I have a SqlDataSource, defined in the Master Page, that gets the current user permissions for the web application Select * from portal_users where userid = #userid, where portal_users is a view i built with all the data needed. I need to access the contents on the returned row so I can disable/enable site features according to the user permissions. This results in a lot of if blocks across the child pages to do it.
I browsed around forums and I only found issues about assigning those values to controls like i.e. label. Is there a way to access the SqlDataSource from the Master Page, get the row that is returned, select 1 or more column's values and assign them to variables?
It's not a good idea, use Master Page to share Data Source connections
Read this post to help you:

Loading XML files with different columns into gridview in

I have several xml files which I need to load to a Gridview in I load one file at a time (depending on the user's choice of file from a dropdownlist), but each xml file has different fields.
XML1 has ID, Image, City, Location, URL.
XML2 has ID, Departure, Destination.
XML3 has ID, Image, Description, Destination, Landmark, URL.
I have 2 more xml files, though, actually. But I think these three are sufficient to show the variety of columns I have in the files.
I tried using the AutoGenerateColumns, which was supposed to be most suitable in this condition, except that I now need to show the images in the Gridview.
So basically I need the Gridview to show data with the columns according to the files. One way is by creating a GridView for each XML, but I am wondering if there's another way to solve this. Partially, since I need to unbind the datagrid and remove the viewstate every time the user changes the dropdownlist selection.
Thanks in advance.
You can use LINQ to XML to join the XMLs on ID column when user makes selection and bind the gridview with the result.
I've solved this problem but I'm posting the solution I've got so that others can benefit from it.
Here's the link to the solution sample:

Displaying data with ASP.NET

I have a tbl_categories and a tbl_items. I want to display tbl_categories in a horizontal manner and list objects from tbl_items vertically below each category name. I am confused how to get all this data using TSQL stored procedures and displaying them using ASP.NET native controls.
Columns with headers of category names. rows of items keyed with category_id.
The db is set up correctly. It is the ASP.NET controls I have trouble with.
I would use a Repeater myself, and make it output an HTML Table. The categories row would be in the HeaderTemplate, the closing tags in the FooterTemplate, and the actual data inside the ItemTemplate
The best way to handle this is to setup business objects which support the data in a way you wish to present it, which may not always be the way it is handled by your database.
Then you can use those objects directly to bind or feed data into the UI.
You could use Pivot to do that. See this referece

Two tables on one page Asp.Net

My project is in Asp.Net Webforms using C#.
On one of my web pages, I want to have two tables. One is going to be a summary table and the other a more detailed breakdown of the summary. When the user clicks on one of the rows of the summary table, I want the corresponding breakdown rows to appear in the breakdown table.
These tables can have anything between 60 and about 500 rows.
I have thought of two possible ways of doing this and I'm not sure which is best, or if there is another, better way of implementing this:
1) When a user clicks on one of the rows in the first table, a postback event happens, and the data for the second table is loaded from the code behind.
2) When the webpage is loaded for the first time, both tables are filled with all of the possible data, but all of the rows in the second table have the "display: none;" CSS attribute. When a user clicks on a summary row, the CSS of the corresponding breakdown rows is changed using JavaScript.
I'd go with your first thought and perhaps either
load the data for the second table through an AJAX request returning only row data in JSON (or maybe even the HTML for the table)
use an UpdatePanel
if the user only needs to view the data, I would go for the former, but if they need to edit the data in some way, I would probably choose the latter (even though I'm aware that UpdatePanels are effectively a full postback in async clothing, I feel their use can make the UI more fluid).
You could also make an AJAX call when the user clicks on a row in the summary table to return the data for the 2nd table.
second way no way, loading all of data and then hiding showing is not a good idea, it will be slow and if you add more functionality it will only get in your way...
I recommend this two approaches:
1)first table with pagination
click on row triggers ajax call to page method
page method return second table
here, you can see how to that:
2)using of uframe

How do I use the ASP.NET grid view to instert new records?

Using the ASP.NET grid view. It displays 3 columns with 1 row for each, displaying an integer saved in the database. I would like to have a text input one for each column, so the user can add a new row of integers to the database. (The table only displays the last row updated, that part seems to be working OK)
Here is the code I have that displays data but without the input option I would like.
What is the way this is done in ASP.NET (3.5)? Are there more options in the control or do I need to manually bring in text input controls and give each one manual code to update the database? Any help is appreciated.
Thank You.
Do you know the website? There are a lot of tutorials, e.g. about data access. You might find the information you need, e.g An Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data.
Also check out the ASP.NET Dynamic Data section on the same page.
