web api + entity framework: multiple requests cause data conflict -

I'm developing an app with VS2013, using EF6.02, and Web API 2. I'm using the ASP.NET SPA template, and creating a RESTful api against an entity framework data source backed by a sql server. (In development, this resides on the SQL Server local instance.)
I've got two API methods so far (one that just reads data, one that writes data), and I'm testing them by calling them in the javascript. When I only call a single method in my script, either one works perfectly. But if I call both in script (without waiting for either's callback to fire), I get bad results and different exceptions in the debugger. Some exceptions state that the save can't be completed because there are pending transactions. Another exception stated something about a conflict with other threads. And sometimes, the read operation fails with a null pointer exception when trying to read a result set.
"New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session."
This makes me question if I'm correctly getting a new DBContext per request. My code for this looks like:
static Startup()
context = new Data.SqlServer.AppDbContext();
and then whenever instantiating a unit of work, I access Startup.context.
I've tried to implement the unit of work pattern, and each request shares a single UOW object which has a single DBContext object.
My question: Do I have additional responsibility to ensure that web requests "play nicely" with eachother? I hope that this is a problem that others have already dealt with. Perhaps the errors that I'm seeing are legitimate in the sense that if one user's data is being touched, it is temporarily in an invalid state and if other requests come in at that exact moment, they indeed will fail (and I should code anticipating these failures). I guess that even if each request has its own DBContext, they still share the same underlying SQL data source so perhaps that's causing issues.
I can try to put together a testcase, but I get differing behavior depending on where I put breakpoints and how long I spend on them, reaffirming to me that this is timing related.
Thanks for any help or suggestions...

Your problem is where you are setting your context. The Startup method is for when the entire application starts, thus any request made will all use the same context. This is not a per request setup, but rather a per application setup. As to why you are getting the errors, EntityFramework is NOT thread-safe. Since IIS spawns many threads to handle concurrent request, your single context is being used across multiple threads.
As for a solution, you can look into
-Dependency Injection frameworks (such as Ninject or Unity)
-place a using statement in your UnitOfWork classes
using(var context = new Data.SqlServer.AppDbContext()){//do stuff}
-Or, I have seen instances of people creating a class that gets the context for that request and stores it in the HttpContext.Cache[] element (using a unique name so you can retrieve it in another class easily), making it so that you will reuse the same context for the same request. Something like this:
public AppDbContext GetDbContext()
var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
if (httpContext == null) return new AppDbContext();
const string contextTypeKey = "AppDbContext";
if (httpContext.Items[contextTypeKey] == null)
httpContext.Items.Add(contextTypeKey, new AppDbContext());
return httpContext.Items[contextTypeKey] as AppDbContext;
To use the above method, make a simple call var context = GetDbContext();
We have all of the above methods, but this is specifically to the third method. It seems to work well with two caveats. First, do not use this in a using statement as it will not be available to any other classes during the scope of the request (you dispose it). And secondly, ensure that you have a call on Application_EndRequest that does actually dispose of it. We saw these little buggers hanging around after the request ended in memory causing a huge spike in memory usage.


Transient Database contexts from separate dependencies fails for parallel queries

Background (TLDR: I need parallel queries)
I am building REST service that needs to be able to answer queries very fast.
As such I'm pre-loading a large part of the database into memory and answering using that data instead of making complex database queries for each request. This works great, and the average response time of the API is well below the requirements and a lot faster than direct database queries.
But I have a problem. The service takes about 5 minutes to start and pre-load all of its information. During this time it can not answer queries.
I want to change this so that during the pre-load phase it makes database queries until the in-memory cache is loaded.
This leads me to a problem. I need to have multiple active queries to my database. Anyone who has tried this in EF Core has problably seen this message.
System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance of DbContext. For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext, see
The first sentence on the linked page is
Entity Framework Core does not support multiple parallel operations
being run on the same DbContext instance.
I thought this would be easily solved by wrapping my cache-loading into its own class and the direct query into another, and then having both of these requiring their own instance of the Database Context. Then my service can in turn get these injected and use both of these dependencies in parallel.
This should be what I have:
I have also set up my database context so that it uses transient for all parts.
services.AddDbContext<IDataContext, DataContext>(options =>
options.UseSqlServer(connectionString), ServiceLifetime.Transient, ServiceLifetime.Transient
I have also enabled MultipleActiveResultSets=True
All of this however results in the exact same error as listed above.
Again, everything is Transient except the HandlerService which is Singelton as I want this to keep a copy of the cache in memory and not have to load it for every request.
What is it I have failed to understand about the ef-core database context, or DI in general?
I figured out what the problem was. In my case there is as described above, one singleton handler. This handler has one (indirect) context (through DI) for fulfilling requests until the cache is loaded. When multiple parallel queries are sent to the API before the cache is loaded, then this error occurs as each of these request are using the same context. And in my test I was always hitting the parallel requests as part of the startup and hence the singelton service was trying to use the same db context for multiple requests. My solution is to in this one place step outside the "normal" dependency injection and use the IServiceScopeFactory to get a new instance of the dependency used to resolve requests before the cache is loaded. Bohdans answer led me to this conclusion and ultimate solution.
I'm not sure whether it qualifies for a full answer but it's too broad for a comment.
When doing .NET core background services which are obviously singletons too I use IServiceScopeFactory to create services with a limited lifetime.
Here's how I create a context
using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<DbContext>();
My guess is that you could inject it in your hander and use it like this too. So it would allow you to leave context as scoped instead of transient with is default setting btw.
Hope that helps.

SignalR Hub: Calling same method with same parameters on multiple clients

I have an existing service that notifies a large number of clients when an event occurs. It uses a long polling mechanism that I rolled myself. I'm exploring replacing that mechanism with a signalr hub, and have a prototype working. But it has a pretty significant inefficiency that feels like there should be a solution to, but I'm not finding it.
I understand the idea of groups in signalr, and groups are obviously intended to prevent this inefficiency, but there is a reason that I cannot use groups. I hope it suffices to say that I need to call the same client method, with the same parameter values, on many clients using each client's ConnectionId. I can explain why if necessary, but it's really beside the point.
Assume I have a list of 200 ConnectionId's and I need to call the same method on each of them passing the same object parameter. If I simply iterate through the ConnectionId's calling Clients.Client(ConnectionId).clientMethod(param), I presume that the param object would be serialized 200 times.
Is there a way to serialize the parameter(s) one time, then invoke the client method using the already-serialized parameters?
I've found a github issue that sounds related (maybe even this exact issue) at Allow to Send Json Strings without duplicate Serialization. It appears that the functionality was added to signalr, but the github issue doesn't say anything about how to do it, and I can't find anything regarding it in the signalr docs.
In the github issue referenced above, the new functionality was implemented for PersistentConnection only -- not hubs. With persistent connections, when sending a parameter of type ArraySegment, signalr assumes it to be pre-serialized and sends it as-is without serializing it.
For some reason, this was not implemented for hubs, although it would be useful for hubs for the same reason it was useful for persistent connections.
Store all connectionId's in a Static List<string> atOnConnected` event and use the following,
Static List<string> allconnections = new List<string>();
public override Task OnConnected()
return base.OnConnected();
Public void YourServerMethod(params)

static initialization of a class used by how long will the initialized values last?

We're writing a class we'll use in our site. This class will pull down some json using HttpClients and such, and use it to provide information to other clients.
Some of this information will change very infrequently and it doesn't make sense to query for it on each client request.
For that reason I'm thinking of making a static constructor in this new class for the slow-changing information and stashing the results in a few static member variables. That'll save us a few HttpRequests down the line-- I think.
My question is, how long can I expect that information to be there before the class is recycled by ASP.Net and a new one comes into play, with the static constructor called once more? Is what I'm trying to do worth it? Are there better ways in ASP.Net to go about this?
I'm no expert on ASP.Net thread pooling or how it works and what objects get recycled and when.
Typical use of the new class (MyComponent, let's call it) would be as below, if that helps any.
//from mywebpage.aspx.cs:
var myComponent = new MyComponent();
myComponent.doStuff(); //etc etc.
//Method calls like the above may rely on some
//of the data we stored from the static constructor call.
Static fields last as long as the AppDomain. It is a good strategy that you have in mind but consider that the asp runtime may recycle the app pool or someone may restart the web site/server.
As an extension to your idea, save the data locally (via a separate service dedicated to this or simply to the hard drive) and refresh this at specific intervals as required.
You will still use a static field in for storing the value, but you will aquire it from the above local service or disk ... here I recommend a System.Lazy with instantiation and publication options on thrread safe (see the constructor documentation).

Accessing a thread un-safe COMobject in classic ASP

Trying to fix a problem in a classic ASP application, however I am inexperienced. Tried to find more info but was unable to.
The app instantiates a COM object for data retrieval which is not thread-safe, so the following instructions are added.
comObject = Nothing
However, when processing two different http requests at the same time, the latter one seems to overwrite the first request, giving the first requester an error. It looks as if the comObject variable is shared between the requests.
How to instantiate the object in such a way that every separate request in IIS, gets it's own instance of the comObject?
Without knowing what the object does or how it does it, it's impossible to give specific advice. A general description will have to do:
The object is broken/buggy. It is the object's responsibility to handle the problem.
A COM object is supposed to handle all threading issues internally, or defer to COM STA apartments if it cannot do it, or doesn't want to (for those aspects that an STA can handle). This goes deep into the design of the object.
Regardless of COM Apartment choice, a DoWork(...) method with a semantic that precludes multiple separate COM objects in separate threads from handling simultaneous calls - is a seriously problematic design at best. A proper design would either include mechanisms to handle the conflict explicitly, or just hide the conflict from the calling code and handle the conflict internally.
Depending on the details of what DoWork() does, there might be ways to fix the object in such a way that the calls can succeed in parallel, or block each other so the calls are effectively serialized, or to cause the second call to throw a "You already called me" error. Again, which approach is more appropriate depends heavily on what the method does.
If you can't modify this broken component, your best option would be to write a COM wrapper that ensures serialization to the real object.
In any case, there is nothing reasonable you can do from the client (ASP VBScript) side.

Passing HTTP authenticated principal onto another worker thread

We have a web front end on our business layer server.
Certain pages in our web application instantiate very long running tasks (could be up to 10+ minutes). The way that these requests are handled is like so: -
(on the HTTP request thread)
we make a connection to the business server.
we create a new thread to make the long running call passing in the connection object.
The HTTP request then completes, passing a handle back to the browser,
the browser periodically polls the web server to get updates on the long running task progress.
All requests to the business server are authenticated - the connection's user principal page must have permission to call the method on the business server.
This mechanism works fine as long as our web application is running in Classic mode.
When we run in pipeline mode, we get ObjectDisposedExceptions when the browser polls.
System.ObjectDisposedException: Safe handle has been closed
at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleC2NHelper(Object pThis, IntPtr CleanupWorkList)
at Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.GetTokenInformation(SafeTokenHandle TokenHandle, UInt32 TokenInformationClass, SafeLocalAllocHandle TokenInformation, UInt32 TokenInformationLength, ref UInt32 ReturnLength)
at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetTokenInformation(SafeTokenHandle tokenHandle, TokenInformationClass tokenInformationClass, ref UInt32 dwLength)
at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.get_User()
at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetName()
at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.get_Name()
the problem appears to be that the windows principal used to make the connection is disposed when the original request ends (which is understandable - in fact I am surprised that the code worked at all!).
As a way around this problem I was wondering if it was possible to either create a duplicate of the HTTP request principal and use that to create the connection (and dispose of it when the long running task completes) or would it be possible to impersonate the HTTP request principle on the worker thread even after the principal is disposed?
(My comment under Aliostad's question was incorrect: the test page did fail. I managed to confuse myself sufficiently that I wrote my test page so that it did not exercise the same code path as the real (faulting) code. Nevermind!)
I have written a "workaround" for this problem: -
I am in the fortunate position of knowing what roles/groups the business server logic will be querying for before the call to the business server is made. So my workaround is to create a new generic principal based upon the request's principal's membership of these roles. The long running task is run using the generic principal.
I am not 100% happy with this workaround because it is very much a "hack" - i.e. I can see that it would easily fall down if some logic did the (eminently sensible) check of verifying that the principal's identity is authenticated.
So I would still very much appreciate any help / insight into this issue.
OK, here is my catch on this.
First of all, if you create a thread, all the current thread's security context will be copied to the new thread - by default. This operation is heavy but much needed (as you can imagine most things will not work without it). In case you need to prevent it and you do not need the copying of context, there is a way to do it and it has been explained in Richter's C# via CLR. Lucky enough, he has shared this very bit of the book here and basically calling a static method to prevent context to be flowed:
I cannot think this is being called in WCF although using Reflector, I found a single use of it in here:
private IAsyncResult BeginGetContext(bool startListening)
Exception exception;
exception = null;
if (ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed())
return this.listener.BeginGetContext(this.onGetContext, null);
using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
return this.listener.BeginGetContext(this.onGetContext, null);
// .... the rest
Interestingly enough, this is used in 3 places one of them in SharedHttpTransportManager.
Now all this might look like we have found the issue and it is a bug but I very much doubt it.
My hunch is that there is a process recycling happening in between and the context is lost. The way to prove or disprove this would be to use perfmon to register all process recycles and find out if any was in between.
My solution is basically - which you might not like! - to simply insert an item into a queue (MSMQ or a simple database queue) and have a windows service reading it. With this operation being so important, I would never trust IIS to carry out to the finish.
Hope this is useful to you.
