I have a time-series which I need to fit onto an AR (auto-regression) model.
The AR model has the form:
x(t) = a0 + a1*x(t-1) + a2*x(t-2) + ... + aq*x(t-q) + noise.
I have two contraints:
Find the best AR fit when lag.max = 50.
Sum of all coefficients a0 + a1 + ... + aq = 1
I wrote the below code:
data(lynx) # my real data comes from the stock market.
z <- -log(lynx)
#find best model
step <- SelectModel(z, ARModel = "AR" ,lag.max = 50, Criterion = "AIC",Best=10)
summary(step) # display results
# fit the model and get coefficients
arfit <- ar(z,p=1, order.max=ceil(mean(step[,1])), aic=FALSE)
#check if sum of coefficients are 1
[1] 0.5784978
My question is, how to add the constraint: sum of all coefficients = 1?
I looked at this question, but I do not realize how to use it.
I think I manage to solve my question as follow.
coeff <- arfit$ar
y <- 0
for (i in 1:length(coeff)) {
y <- y + coeff[i]*c(z[(i+1):length(z)],rep(0,i))
ifelse (i==1, X <- c(z[2:length(z)],0), X <- cbind(X,c(z[(i+1):length(z)],rep(0,i))))
Dmat <- t(X) %*% X
s <- solve.QP(Dmat , t(y) %*% X, matrix(1, nr=15, nc=1), 1, meq=1 )
# The coefficients should sum up to 1
For my thesis I have to fit some glm models with MLEs that R doesn't have, I was going ok for the models with close form but now I have to use de Gausian CDF, so i decide to fit a simple probit model.
this is the code:
x <-matrix( rnorm(50,2,4),50,1)
m <- matrix(runif(50,2,4),50,1)
t <- matrix(rpois(50,0.5),50,1)
z <- (1+exp(-((x-mean(x)/sd(x)))))^-1 + runif(50)
y <- ifelse(z < 1.186228, 0, 1)
data1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(y,x,m,t))
myprobit <- function (formula, data)
mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
if (any(is.na(cbind(y, X))))
stop("Some data are missing.")
loglik <- function(betas, X, y, sigma) { #loglikelihood
p <- length(betas)
beta <- betas[-p]
eta <- X %*% beta
sigma <- 1 #because of identification, sigma must be equal to 1
G <- pnorm(y, mean = eta,sd=sigma)
sum( y*log(G) + (1-y)*log(1-G))
ls.reg <- lm(y ~ X - 1)#starting values using ols, indicating that this model already has a constant
start <- coef(ls.reg)
fit <- optim(start, loglik, X = X, y = y, control = list(fnscale = -1), method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE) #optimizar
if (fit$convergence > 0) {
stop("optim failed to converge!") #verify convergence
myprobit(y ~ x + m + t,data = data1)
And i get: Error in X %*% beta : non-conformable arguments, if i change start <- coef(ls.reg) with start <- c(coef(ls.reg), 1) i get wrong stimatives comparing with:
probit <- glm(y ~ x + m + t,data = data1 , family = binomial(link = "probit"))
What am I doing wrong?
Is possible to correctly fit this model using pnorm, if no, what algorithm should I use to approximate de gausian CDF. Thanks!!
The line of code responsible for your error is the following:
eta <- X %*% beta
Note that "%*%" is the matrix multiplication operator. By reproducing your code I noticed that X is a matrix with 50 rows and 4 columns. Hence, for matrix multiplication to be possible your "beta" needs to have 4 rows. But when you run "betas[-p]" you subset the betas vector by removing its last element, leaving only three elements instead of the four you need for matrix multiplication to be defined. If you remove [-p] the code will work.
I am trying to understand how to use mixed linear models to analyse my data by simulating a model, but I can't reproduce the input parameters. What am I missing?
I want to start simulating a model with a random intercept for each subject. Here is the formula of what I want to simulate and reproduce:
If beta1 (<11) is small I find gamma00 as the intercept in fixed section, but I am completedly unaable to retrieve the slope (beta1). Also, the linear effect is not significant. Where is my conceptual mistake?
# Generating data set
# General values and variables
numObj <- 20
numSub <- 100
e <- rnorm(numObj * numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
x <- scale(runif(numObj * numSub, min = -100, max = 100))
y <- c()
index <- 1
# Coefficients
gamma00 <- 18
gamma01 <- 0.5
beta1 <- -100
w <- runif(numSub, min = -3, max = 3)
uo <- rnorm(numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
meanBeta0 <- mean(gamma00 + gamma01*w + uo) # I should be able to retrieve that parameter.
for(j in 1:numSub){
for(i in 1:numObj){
y[index] <- gamma00 + gamma01*w[j]+ uo[j] + beta1*x[i] + e[index]
index <- index + 1
dataFrame2 <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, subNo = factor(rep(1:numSub, each = numObj)), objNum = factor(rep(1:numObj, numSub)))
model2 <- lmer(y ~ x +
(1 | subNo), data = dataFrame2)
No conceptual mistake here, just a mixed up index value: you should be using index rather than i to index x in your data generation loop.
Basically due to the mix-up you were using the first subject's x values for generating data for all the subjects, but using the individual x values in the model.
Why are prediction_me and prediction_R not equal? I'm attempting to follow the formula given by Lemma 5 here. Does the predict function use a different formula, have I made a mistake in my computation somewhere, or is it just rounding error? (the two are pretty close)
# genrate data
x <- rnorm(100, 10)
y <- 3 + x + rnorm(100, 5)
data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
# fit model
mod <- lm(y ~ x, data = data)
# new observation
data2 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(5, 10))
# prediction for new observation
d <- as.matrix(cbind(1, data[,-2]))
d2 <- as.matrix(cbind(1, data2))
fit <- d2 %*% mod$coefficients
t <- qt(1 - .025, mod$df.residual)
s <- summary(mod)$sigma
half <- as.vector(t*s*sqrt(1 + d2%*%solve(t(d)%*%d, t(d2))))
prediction_me <- cbind(fit, fit - half, fit + half)
prediction_R <- predict(mod, newdata = data2, interval = 'prediction')
Your current code is almost fine. Just note that the formula in Lemma 5 is for a single newly observed x. For this reason, half contains not only relevant variances but also covariances, while you only need the former ones. Thus, as.vector should be replaced with diag:
half <- diag(t * s * sqrt(1 + d2 %*% solve(t(d) %*%d , t(d2))))
prediction_me <- cbind(fit, fit - half, fit + half)
prediction_R <- predict(mod, newdata = data2, interval = 'prediction')
range(prediction_me - prediction_R)
# [1] 0 0
I am interested to build a R function that I can use to test the limits of the Taylor series approximation. I am aware that there is limits to what I am doing, but it's exactly those limits I wish to investigate.
I have two normally distributed random variables x and y. x has a mean of 7 and a standard deviation (sd) of 1. y has a mean of 5 and a sd of 4.
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
I know how to estimate the mean ratio of y/x, like this
# E(y/x) = E(y)/E(x) - Cov(y,x)/E(x)^2 + Var(x)*E(y)/E(x)^3
me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
[1] 1.328125
I am however stuck on how to estimate the Standard Deviation of the ratio? I realize I have to use a Taylor expansion, but not how to use it.
Doing a simple simulation I get
x <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 4, sd = 1); y <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 5, sd = 4)
[1] 2.027593
There is an analytical expression for the PDF of the ratio of two gaussians, done
by David Hinkley (e.g. see Wikipedia). So we could compute all momentums, means etc. I typed it and apparently it clearly doesn't have finite second momentum, thus it doesn't have finite standard deviation. Note, I've denoted your Y gaussian as my X, and your X as my Y (formulas assume X/Y). I've got mean value of ratio pretty close to the what you've got from simulation, but last integral is infinite, sorry. You could sample more and more values, but from sampling std.dev is growing as well, as noted by #G.Grothendieck
m.x <- 5; s.x <- 4
m.y <- 4; s.y <- 1
a <- function(x) {
sqrt( (x/s.x)^2 + (1.0/s.y)^2 )
b <- function(x) {
(m.x*x)/s.x^2 + m.y/s.y^2
c <- (m.x/s.x)^2 + (m.y/s.y)^2
d <- function(x) {
u <- b(x)^2 - c*a(x)^2
l <- 2.0*a(x)^2
exp( u / l )
# PDF for the ratio of the two different gaussians
PDF <- function(x) {
r <- b(x)/a(x)
q <- pnorm(r) - pnorm(-r)
(r*d(x)/a(x)^2) * (1.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi)*s.x*s.y)) * q + exp(-0.5*c)/(pi*s.x*s.y*a(x)^2)
# normalization
nn <- integrate(PDF, -Inf, Inf)
nn <- nn[["value"]]
# plot PDF
p <- ggplot(data = data.frame(x = 0), mapping = aes(x = x))
p <- p + stat_function(fun = function(x) PDF(x)/nn) + xlim(-2.0, 6.0)
# first momentum
m1 <- integrate(function(x) x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
m1 <- m1[["value"]]
# mean
# some sampling
n <- 10^7L
x <- rnorm(n, mean = m.x, sd = s.x); y <- rnorm(n, mean = m.y, sd = s.y)
# second momentum - Infinite!
m2 <- integrate(function(x) x*x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
Thus, it is impossible to test any Taylor expansion for std.dev.
With the cautions suggested by #G.Grothendieck in mind: a useful mnemonic for products and quotients of independent X and Y variables is
CV^2(X/Y) = CV^2(X*Y) = CV^2(X) + CV^2(Y)
where CV is the coefficient of variation (sd(X)/mean(X)), so CV^2 is Var/mean^2. In other words
Var(Y/X)/(m(Y/X))^2 = Var(X)/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)/m(Y)^2
or rearranging
sd(Y/X) = sqrt[ Var(X)*m(Y/X)^2/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)*m(Y/X)^2/m(Y)^2 ]
For random variables with the mean well away from zero, this is a reasonable approximation.
y <- rnorm(1000,mean=5)
x <- rnorm(1000,mean=10)
myx <- mean(y/x)
sqrt(var(x)*myx^2/mean(x)^2 + var(y)*myx^2/mean(y)^2) ## 0.110412
sd(y/x) ## 0.1122373
Using your example is considerably worse because the CV of Y is close to 1 -- I initially thought it looked OK, but now I see that it's biased as well as not capturing the variability very well (I'm also plugging in the expected values of the mean and SD rather than their simulated values, but for such a large sample that should be a minor part of the error.)
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
myx <- me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
x <- rnorm(1e4,me.x,sd.x); y <- rnorm(1e4,me.y,sd.y)
sdyx <- sqrt(sd.x^2*myx^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*myx^2/me.y^2)
## 1.113172 1.197855
rvals <- replicate(1000,
min(rvals) ## 1.182698
All the canned delta-method approaches to computing the variance of Y/X use the point estimate for Y/X (i.e. m(Y/X) = mY/mX), rather than the second-order approximation you used above. Constructing higher-order forms for both the mean and the variance should be straightforward if possibly tedious (a computer algebra system might help ...)
mvec <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
V <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
car::deltaMethod(mvec, "y/x", V)
## Estimate SE
## y/x 1.25 1.047691
sqrt(deltavar(y/x,meanval=mvec,Sigma=V)) ## 1.047691
sqrt(sd.x^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.y^2) ## 1.047691
For what it's worth, I took the code in #SeverinPappadeux's answer and made it into a function gratio(mx,my,sx,sy). For the Cauchy case (gratio(0,0,1,1)) it gets confused and reports a mean of 0 (which should be NA/divergent) but correctly reports the variance/std dev as divergent. For the parameters specified by the OP (gratio(5,4,4,1)) it gives mean=1.352176, sd=NA as above. For the first parameters I tried above (gratio(10,5,1,1)) it gives mean=0.5051581, sd=0.1141726.
These numerical experiments strongly suggest to me that the ratio of Gaussians sometimes has a well-defined variance, but I don't know when (time for another question on Math StackOverflow or CrossValidated?)
Such approximations are unlikely to be useful since the distribution may not have a finite standard deviation. Look at how unstable it is:
n <- 10^6
X <- rnorm(n, me.x, sd.x)
Y <- rnorm(n, me.y, sd.y)
sd(head(Y/X, 10^3))
## [1] 1.151261
sd(head(Y/X, 10^4))
## [1] 1.298028
sd(head(Y/X, 10^5))
## [1] 1.527188
## [1] 1.863168
Contrast that with what happens when we try the same thing with a normal random variable:
sd(head(Y, 10^3))
## [1] 3.928038
sd(head(Y, 10^4))
## [1] 3.986802
sd(head(Y, 10^5))
## [1] 3.984113
## [1] 3.999024
Note: If you were in a different situation, e.g. the denominator has compact support, then you could do this:
m <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
v <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
deltaMethod(m, "y/x", v)
Please help me out.
I am doing Metopolis_hasting within Gibbs to generate a Markov Chian with stationary distribution equal to the joint conditional distribution of (beta,phi) given observed y. Where the model for y is simple linear regression and phi is 1/sigma^2. The full conditional distribution for phi is gamma(shape=shape_0+n/2,rate=rate_0 + 0.5*sum((y$y-b[1]-b[1]*y$x)^2)) where shape_0 and rate_0 are prior distribution of phi (which follows a gamma)
Here is my code:
y <- read.table("...",header = T)
n <- 50
shape_0 <- 10
rate_0 <- 25
shape <- shape_0+n/2
mcmc <- function (n = 10){
X <- matrix(0,n,3)
b <- c(5,2)
phi <- 0.2
X[1,] <- c(b,phi)
count1 <- 0
count2 <- 0
for (i in 2:n){
phi_new <- rnorm(1,phi,1) #generate new phi candidate
rate <- rate_0 + 0.5*sum((y$y-b[1]-b[1]*y$x)^2)
prob1 <- min(dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape,
rate = rate)/dgamma(phi,shape = shape, rate = rate),1)
##here is where I run into trouble, dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape,
##rate = rate)
##and dgamma(phi,shape = shape, rate = rate) both gives 0
u <- runif(1)
if (prob1>u)
{X[i,3] <- phi_new; count1=count1+1}
else {X[i,3] <-phi}
phi <- X[i,3]
I know I should use log transformation on the precision parameter, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. log(dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape, rate = rate)) would return -inf.
Thank you so much for help.