Using two yeoman generators? - gruntjs

Is it possible to use two generators on one project with yeoman?
For example: I want to use the angular-generator but also want to use another generator, whether it be custom or one of the bootstrap generators.
I know you can add dependencies through bower, but that doesn't add anything to my workflow(e.g. compiling less), does it?

Yes, it is not only possible, but common. Example: When you use JS-MV* generator in the project (generator-angular for instance) you will probably use generators responsible for other stuff, such as generator-travis-ci, generator-heroku.
Using two generators dedicated to two different JS-MV* frameworks ? NO. It makes no sense.
Yo can do it physically, for instance running generator-ember and generator-angular consequently in the same dir will result in angular's one trying to overwrite files generated previously by generator-ember.
As for the second question changing the workflow is basically changing the Gruntfile. It can be done by generators or by you, manually.


How do I use Atom's linter-jshint when code is split up across multiple files?

I'm writing a single-page JavaScript application and I'm using Atom as my text-editor. (It's an Electron application, but that's besides the point.)
I'm also using the linter-jshint plugin for Atom. This is great, as it shows immediately in the text-editor when I make a typo in a variable, among other useful things.
Lately, my app has been getting very long. Naturally, I want to try and split it up across multiple files. After doing some research on StackOverflow, I've determined that I can use Grunt to automatically concatenate JavaScript files together. This is great because I don't have to refactor my code - I can just copy paste my existing functions into separate files. Easy!
However, once I do this, Atom fills up with warnings and errors from JSHint, because it can't find variables and functions that are located in the other files!
Now, I could just abandon the JHint plugin in Atom altogether and use the JSHint plugin for Grunt after the concatenation has already occured. But that sucks! I want the code that I'm going to be writing to be checked on the fly like a real IDE.
Is there a way to tell Atom/JSHint to assume that a bunch of JavaScript files will all be concatenated together? Or am I just approaching this problem completely wrong?
You can split your electron application with Node Common Modules, and use require('./state.js'); within your application.
Although I don't use Atom, that should allow for it to understand how you're using your variables and functions in other files.
Also this should eliminate your need for concatenation as the single-page app will have all it's dependencies accounted for.

Julia: packaging things into modules vs include()-ing them

I'm building a simulation in Julia and I have my code split across a bunch of files. Are there any benefits to wrapping everything in modules versus simplying include()-ing them in the runscript?
I have something like the following at the top of my runscript right now:
for filename in split(readall(`git ls-files`))
#everywhere include(filename)
I'm not planning to use the code outside of this immediate project, but I am running the simulation in parallel. Is there any benefit in creating modules?
I would say that the most important benefit is modularity :)
If you have different files that deal with different things, splitting the code into modules let's you keep track on the dependencies between the modules:
Which functions are purely implementation details of the given module and subject to change?
Which modules depend on which other modules?
It also lets you reuse the same name for different things in the different modules if you need to, if you're a little careful of what you export. (You can still access those names from the outside as qualified names)
For an example of such organisation, you can look at my repo

what is the fastest way to get all attributes from a class?

I'm working in a tool that is supposed to generate some Java Code to accelerate part of the development based in a swing input dialog...there is no need to get any further with it so I'm going to my problem...
I need to retrieve all the attributes from a class to check whenever it is necessary to add a new one. I tried to use reflection but things started getting complicated. In order to use reflection I need to compile the class I want to get the attributes as it does not work directly from .java file, .class is required for it.
The problem is that many of the classes has a lot of dependencies! Due to some design flaws some classes are a high coupled, so if I am supposed to dynamic use a class loader to compile a class A I would have to retrieve and compile all its dependencies! And then retrieve all the possible dependencies from the class A dependency classes!
I made a test running an existing ant file to compile to whole project instead of the above approach but it takes about 9 minutes to finish! From the final user perspective waiting 9 minutes every run is not accetable!
Does any one here knows a better solution???
If you want to avoid working with reflection and bytecode, it means that you will have to parse the .java files yourself with a grammar and, well, a parser based on this grammar. It is possible (especially if you do not implement the whole grammar, because many java features might be useless in your project perimeter), but I reckon this is no easy task.
There is an Apache commons Sandbox package called ClassScan. It is capable of doing the kind of source parsing you appear to require. Note that it is in the Sandbox, so not part of the Commons Proper.

Flex 4.0: Common function across modules

We are working on a project where we have multiple modules- all these share a common set of functions like rounding, string parsing etc.
Currently, we have added these functions into the parent container (which calls these modules) and use them in the respective modules. Likewise, if we have to share variables between modules, we add them to the parent module- so it becomes shareable across.
Is this the right approach- both from a performance and structure perspective?
You should create a runtime shared library project (RSL) and have some classes with static functions. That is how we do it. This can be shared between all of the modules, also you can then use that RSL for any future projects as well.
Maybe you are looking about Singletons.
Check my answer here please : use actionscript file in flex library

Comparing and rationalizing CSS - not file or diff based

I'm in the process of taking a couple of separate applications, and combining them.
One problem is rationalizing the CSS between the two app - app1 has two css files, while app2 has about 8 of them. Much of the CSS between the two apps is the same, but there are some differences. I'm looking for a tool to compare all the elements of each app, and show what's missing, what's different, etc. Ideally the output would be 3 files: Common, app1 and app2, but I won't be that fussy if it can just show me the differences between the two apps.
Does such a tool exist?
If you hate downloading tools, there's an online version of css comparer here
It provides a comparison of css class files between two files
I don't know of a stand-alone tool tailored for this specific purpose. There's a PHP class called "CSS Comparer", but I have no idea how easy it is to use. The screenshot on that page looks promising though.
Personally, I would probably just concatenate all the files together, so that you have one file for each app, and then run a diff on them. To make it even easier, you could run both files through something like CSSTidy or do some imaginative file processing with search/replace and sorting. That could get all the declarations in the same order in both files, so the diff would be clearer.
Combine all of these files into a single file and give it a run through a CSS optimizer or compressor. An optimizer should see all of your duplicate selectors and weed them out.
I'd recommend YUI's compressor, but there are plenty of web-based compressors/optimizers available, too. Here's one and another. YMMV with them, but a good Google search can turn up a bunch more.
Normally I'd recommend diff. Since you explicitly write that you are looking for something "not diff based", maybe you could describe why diff does not help you.
Then others might be able to propose something different.
