Bootstrap 3 - Are my breakpoints right? Site looks weird at width 780 - css

I'm working on this site:
And I seem to be having a problem with breakpoints and general width responding to the layout. When you resize it and it starts to get down to 780 width, the layout breaks and it looks weird (the menu goes to a light gray color).
These are my media queries in custom.css (and in this order):
max-width: 480px
min-width: 481px
min-width: 769px
Is this correct? Should I be doing them in this order? Any help you can throw my way would be helpful. Thank you!

I think you need to reorganize your css thinking better the rules which ones you want for all devices sizes and which ones you don't
in your custom.css you have this rule
#media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
.navbar-default {
background: none;
border: 0 !important;
header.main {
height: 42px;
background: #f7941d;
the color of the nav bar shoul not be inside a #media rule thats why your nav get grey is smaller screens
and also read the documentation of the bootstrap grid it will help you a lot

Breakpoints for Bootstrap 3 can be customized here:
Under the headings 'Media queries breakpoints' and 'Layout and grid system'... It's a good idea to use a custom version so that you're choosing which files are relevant to you, and are compiling your own custom build of Bootstrap.
You can look inside your bootstrap.css file to find out where the breakpoints are set. If you use the same ones in your stylesheet the breaks should match up!
// Your link isn't live any more so I'm afraid I can't answer questions about that.


I am a rookie and would appreciate assistance in solving this issue

Would someone mind assisting me with the CSS code I need to have these 4 boxes with the text resizing the boxes for mobile devices (phones)..
This is the website...
Here's the code (and I apologize I don't know how to use the coding section here).. I think the issue is here (and I need to come up with another #media section that defines the phone screen size)...
#media (max-width: 950px) and (min-width: 450px) {
.box {
text-align: center;
height: 180px;
I've tried several different things and the images gets all skewed.
Thanks for any assistance. Jim
Hello Jim,
#media (max-width: 450px)
.box {
height: 500px;
I switched the .box height and was able to get the headings, paragraphs, and the images inside the boxes on what would be an iPhone 12 Pro display. This does however lead to some whitespace below since not all the elements inside each box are taking up the same space. I am also fairly new to CSS, however if this were me I would look into adding a class for each box so you can size them individually until everything fits. For example .box-red or .box-blue. These can then be added to the HTML elements and styled under that media query.
I'm almost certain there is an easier solution, but maybe this well help in the meantime.

Trying to remove white space without my home slider disappearing

my problem is that i experience white spaces on my mobile version between slider images on the following website:
I've been told to you use the following code:
.swift-slider-outer {
height: auto !important;
this code removes the white spaces between my sliders on my homepage, however it removes my header slider on the mobile and desktop versions.
In your CSS you need to remove the following line:
.swift-slider-outer {height: 600px!important;}
it is within your #media (max-width: 768px) media query. This is forcing your slider to be a certain pixel width and is overriding your solution which is .swift-slider-outer { height: auto !important;}
FYI - !important is got great practice. It's always best to try to see what exactly is going wrong first.

How to fix on Mobile Devices? Custom CSS. (Wordpress)

On mobile devices, my post's title and date are clashing and overwriting each other. This looks awful. Here is my site.
It is on Wordpress.
How do I fix this? There are no options in the Theme and I can use Custom CSS.
I tried to hide the date but it did not work.
display:none !important;
What you can do here is write media queries to hide specific elements or change their related css at certain screen lengths. For example,
#media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
div.meta--items.fl {
display: none;
The above code would hide the date at a screen width of 700px and below. You can mess around with the width the breakpoint triggers to see what works best for you.
To learn more about media queries, you check this out. Hope that helps!

Media Queries issue: Seems to be igorning main styles on desktop

Got some weird stuff going on. Trying to fix up an old WordPress theme which was never designed for mobile and I found issues once I added media queries. They seem to be what I want overall on mobile devices but once I hit desktop, everything looks messed up as if it's adapting to the mobile media queries and I'm really confused as to why. Am I supposed to add something to the desktop styles to make this work overall? Here's my site in question:
If you have
<body class="mobile">
at your mobile version and you specify the .mobile in all your rules affecting only mobile, then I guess you will be out of the woods.
Actually, i just solved it. I had min-width for those elements when I meant to use max-width. Duh! I think I'm out of the woods.
You might want to clarify with at least one or two examples of the specific problems you're encountering, but just looking at one or two elements, remember some basic CSS rules.
When using media queries, any rules meeting the conditions will be triggered.
Rules overwrite each other top to bottom, which means whatever is listed last will be the property used.
If you're encountering problems when your rules look different, remember that whether CSS rules overwrite each other depends on a rule's specificity. (This is more of a side note, but important to remember. See this article on calculating CSS specificity if this is a problem you're encountering.)
For example:
#media (min-width: 768px) {
#content {
width: 656px;
#media (min-width: 480px) {
#content {
width: 100%;
Once the viewport (browser window size) is 480px your element with id="content" will be 100% width. Then, when your viewport is 768px, it will still be 100% width, because the second rule is overwriting the first one since both rules are true.
If you want rules to override the smaller media query rule, then you have to make sure your larger size media query comes after. For example:
#media (min-width: 480px) {
#content {
width: 100%;
#media (min-width: 768px) {
#content {
width: 656px;
Hope that makes sense.

Bootstrap examples with meteor

Im using the bootstrap examples with Meteor (fluid.html). I've updated my bootstrap to the latest 2.0.4.
However I'm having an odd problem with the padding-top: 60px; conflicting in the wrong way with
#media (max-width: 979px)
body {
padding-top: 0;
and well.. webkit seems to do this (only on Meteor for some reason):
It ends up looking like this:
(Theres a gap at the top above the black bar) - Of course this is the fluid layout so the browser needs to be dragged down to small view (for iPhones/Androids/Tablets)
How would I manage to get the browser to take padding-top: 0 as the preference so It doesn't do this? Or why is it doing this (the css files are loaded in the same order - first bootstrap.css and then bootstrap-responsive.css. I can't figure out the difference
(its supposed to be like this:
After upgrading to 2.0.4 I still had the issue where at certain resolutions content would get hidden when using navbar-fixed-top. This is what happens at certain resolutions:
After tweaking the CSS I came up with the following which fixes it at all resolutions when added to the top of my CSS file:
#media (min-width: 979px) { body { padding-top: 60px; } }
Hopefully this will sort out your issue.
It does not just do this...
It does more than that. You should inspect what padding-top is set to instead, go through the whole panel and see what is setting it, this should tell you where the problem lies. In a really worst case you could use padding-top: 0 !important; although it should be known that !important is bad advice and you should be able to get around not having to add that.
I don't see how Meteor is responsible as they don't add in any major CSS changes as far as I am aware of; but it might be that there is, but you can only tell if you look where padding-top is set.
