Bootstrap examples with meteor - css

Im using the bootstrap examples with Meteor (fluid.html). I've updated my bootstrap to the latest 2.0.4.
However I'm having an odd problem with the padding-top: 60px; conflicting in the wrong way with
#media (max-width: 979px)
body {
padding-top: 0;
and well.. webkit seems to do this (only on Meteor for some reason):
It ends up looking like this:
(Theres a gap at the top above the black bar) - Of course this is the fluid layout so the browser needs to be dragged down to small view (for iPhones/Androids/Tablets)
How would I manage to get the browser to take padding-top: 0 as the preference so It doesn't do this? Or why is it doing this (the css files are loaded in the same order - first bootstrap.css and then bootstrap-responsive.css. I can't figure out the difference
(its supposed to be like this:

After upgrading to 2.0.4 I still had the issue where at certain resolutions content would get hidden when using navbar-fixed-top. This is what happens at certain resolutions:
After tweaking the CSS I came up with the following which fixes it at all resolutions when added to the top of my CSS file:
#media (min-width: 979px) { body { padding-top: 60px; } }
Hopefully this will sort out your issue.

It does not just do this...
It does more than that. You should inspect what padding-top is set to instead, go through the whole panel and see what is setting it, this should tell you where the problem lies. In a really worst case you could use padding-top: 0 !important; although it should be known that !important is bad advice and you should be able to get around not having to add that.
I don't see how Meteor is responsible as they don't add in any major CSS changes as far as I am aware of; but it might be that there is, but you can only tell if you look where padding-top is set.


#media not Overriding in Wordpress

So I've been working on my website and I noticed on the Google Pixel phones my home screen has some cutoff words. So I decided to try and hide them completely unless the screen size is big enough for them to be seen entirely. Here's my webpage for reference, and here's my rule that should be affecting the website.
----Fix for Title Screen on Pixel----
#media screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 615px) {
.nivo-caption {
bottom:25% !important;
Here's a screenshot of what it's doing on that certain devices screen size too.
So if you go to the page and inspect that box, you can see that the media rule I have posted above already exists in responsive.css. If you edit it and turn bottom: 10% to bottom: 25% you will see my problem is solved. The only issue, it's not being solved. I am adding this CSS to custom.css which is the last style loaded, and I put it at the bottom of custom.css too. It still hasn't worked. It always uses the original style from responsive.css. Also you can see even with the !important tag it does nothing.
Now I know what you're thinking, just edit responsive.css. Easy fix I know, but I don't have access to that file. It also shouldn't have to come to that, I should be able to override styles in my custom.css since it's loaded last right? Please tell me I'm wrong somewhere in here so I can solve this issue!
I just tried something, and it worked. As above in the comments I was suggested to increase specificity. Then it kind of hit me, maybe I should just try using different width parameters.
That did the trick! Instead of trying to directly override the #media rule that's already somewhere else, I just added a slightly different one. I just changed the pixel counts to 480px and 616px and viola!
Not sure if this is regular behavior, but it solves my problem for sure.

Bootstrap #grid-float-breakpoint issues in Safari

I am working with Bootstrap 3.3.2 . My Goal with the site im building was to have the nav menu always collapsable, like when it is in mobile view. to accomplish this I went to and changed the #grid-float-breakpoint: to 99999999px; so large that it would never uncollapse the nav. This works fine for all other browsers except for Safari. In safari my nav header image shows up, but the icon for the drop-down menu is gone.
In safari when inspecting the drop-down icon's css I find:
#media (min-width: 99999999px;){
.navbar-toggle {
display: none;
It seems as if Safari thinks my viewport is actually greater then 99999999px. Now the simple change would be to adjust my code to display: inline; But when i do this it takes the .navbar-toggle out of the grid system and not pliable for responsive.
Any help towards a solution or if anyone knows of this as a bug issue, would help out alot. I have already researched issues with the #grid-float-breakpoint and did not find much other then this WAS an issue with chrome a while back but has since been patched.
Presumably you're referring to , which apparently still applies to Safari 8. The solution is to use a somewhat less absurdly-high value for #grid-float-breakpoint. Removing a single digit seems to be sufficient:
#media (min-width: 999999999px) {
Also, I went ahead and filed a WebKit bug:
After messing around with the css for a few hours I found that adjusting the #media (min-width: 9999999999px) .nav-bartoggle to -webkit-display: inline; and adjusting the parent element width and a few other adjustments can result in acceptable code. Im sure cvrebert's method will work much better. But I just wanted to comment that there is pure css work arounds in the case some one needs to know in the future.

Guidelines to stop horizontal scrolling in Chrome

I realize this question has been asked before but the solution that is usually supplied involves adding this to the target tag:
overflow-x: hidden
which I've done. This fix prevents horizontal scrolling in Firefox but fails when it comes to Chrome and IE8 (not so much an issue at this moment in regard to IE8). Judging by previous questions this may have become an issue since Chrome version 34. So how do I go about fixing this?
Thr problem CSS that is causing the scrolling looks like this:
// Tablet portrait and landscape
#media (min-width: #screen-sm-min) {
& {
margin: 0 -100% !important;
padding: 30px 100% !important;
the above causes the content to appear evenly in the center as per the requirement. Any advice on this or a possible resource to explain why this happens in Chrome?
P.S. I also noticed that this site doesn't have that problem - why would that be? Fundamental difference in structure? Or the CSS I'm looking for?
Thanks for everyone's efforts even though I provided little information. We solved the error though we still don't know why it was happening. We have different .LESS files for different pages but they are all imported into one called ice-styles.less
Here was were I was adding the overflow-x: hidden and for some reason this was being ignored even with an !important suffix appended. My understanding of this was that it should apply to all pages because it was being attached to the html and body tags.
So we moved the same line above into the .LESS page that the problem was occurring and it fixed the problem - but it didn't introduce the problem into other pages - this suggests that the structure of the page was the real culprit.
Thanks again everyone
did you tried styling it by jquery?
$('body').css('overflow-x','hidden !important');
or even if it didnt worked trying it after few seconds
$('body').css('overflow-x','hidden !important');
there is something that is overwriting you overflow:hidden tag...
maybe there is some css that gives your element some width and then you force the overflow which does not happen at times in chrome or IE...
html {
overflow-x: hidden; //or none

Bootstrap 3 - Are my breakpoints right? Site looks weird at width 780

I'm working on this site:
And I seem to be having a problem with breakpoints and general width responding to the layout. When you resize it and it starts to get down to 780 width, the layout breaks and it looks weird (the menu goes to a light gray color).
These are my media queries in custom.css (and in this order):
max-width: 480px
min-width: 481px
min-width: 769px
Is this correct? Should I be doing them in this order? Any help you can throw my way would be helpful. Thank you!
I think you need to reorganize your css thinking better the rules which ones you want for all devices sizes and which ones you don't
in your custom.css you have this rule
#media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
.navbar-default {
background: none;
border: 0 !important;
header.main {
height: 42px;
background: #f7941d;
the color of the nav bar shoul not be inside a #media rule thats why your nav get grey is smaller screens
and also read the documentation of the bootstrap grid it will help you a lot
Breakpoints for Bootstrap 3 can be customized here:
Under the headings 'Media queries breakpoints' and 'Layout and grid system'... It's a good idea to use a custom version so that you're choosing which files are relevant to you, and are compiling your own custom build of Bootstrap.
You can look inside your bootstrap.css file to find out where the breakpoints are set. If you use the same ones in your stylesheet the breaks should match up!
// Your link isn't live any more so I'm afraid I can't answer questions about that.

How do I reset a twitter bootstrap reset to the browser's original

Basically, I want to reset (undo) a Twitter Bootstrap 2.2 reset for img that originates from the reset.less file.
Twitter Bootstrap is essentially setting this css:
img {
width: auto\9;
height: auto;
What CSS can I add after this to undo this? I'm actually using the bootstrap-sass gem, so that's what I need to deal with.
If I comment out the CSS in the gem source, my issue is resolved, but that doesn't help me when the gem is loaded by heroku. So I need a local override/monkey patch to fix this.
Thanks. Here is the issue: and here:
The problem without this patch is that the awesome isotope library can't function properly as chrome and safari can't draw the images correctly.
You can add in a new duplicate selector underneath this one:
img {
width: auto;
height: auto;
That should override it.
Adding it into a new file that is called under the main one in the <head> section of your document would work too.
I posted the answer here:
Inlining this in the CSS worked, like this:
<img src="blah-blah" width=398 height=265 style="width:398px; height:265px">
In fact, I also tested Isotope without using the width and height attributes, like this:
<img src="blah-blah" style="width:398px; height:265px">
And that worked fine! Any recommendation if it's better to only specify the CSS?
I was able to very easily test this without bootstrap (or bootstrap 2.0) by using this CSS:
img {
width: auto;
height: auto;
It seems that the width and height in the CSS do override the image properties, and before the images get loaded, the browser does not know how much space to allocate, and then, even after the images load, the spacing is still wrong, at least with Isotope. Inlining the style does workaround the issue. I think I tried using regular styles, but that didn't seem to work, but I may have had a CSS priority issue. Any way, since the image size is laid out with the image properties, it's rather natural to put in this tiny bit of inline CSS. I hope we eventually find a better solution, as this will surely affect others when upgrading.
Or at least this should be documented that one needs to use the inline style for the width and height of the image rather than the properties.
