Refresh drop down list -

I have a drop down list that is populated based on the selected value of another drop down list. The main drop down list is dlJobName. It contains the list of all active jobs. The second drop down list is dlStage. This contains the distinct stage values related to the JobName. Here is the query that populates the dlStage drop down list.
SELECT DISTINCT [AnnotationDate] as Annotation_Date FROM [vw_GridviewSource] WHERE ([Name] = #Name)
In this code the AnnotationDate is not a date field but a text field. #Name is a variable equal to the selected value from the dlJobName list.
Here is my dilemma. When I make a selected_index_change event for the dlJobName, before I update the gridview that uses both of these drop down lists, I need to update the dlStage to only available values. What is happening is the dlStage list is not updated and the values in the drop down list is not available for the new JobName. Is there a way to force the query to run on the dlStage drop down list in conjunction with the selected index change event? This would cause the gridview to at least populate and not error out.
I can provide whatever additional code is necessary.

I think you have not set AutoPostBack="true" of drop down list. If Problem continues please put your HTML and cs code for proper help.

Hi maybe like other user comment you need go to property from dropdownlist, search AutoPostBack and change False for True. Don't forget clean firsr your dropdownlist
DropDownList.Items.Clear() (VB.NET)
DropDownList.Items.Clear(); (C#)
After clean your dropdownlist charge again your method to bind dropdownlist

set the property
This will makes the SelectedIndexEvent to fired when the selected index of the main dropdown is changed.
In that selectedIndexChanged Event load the second DropdownList.
Here is an example,
Hope your problem solved, if still exists kindly paste your snippet.

Related webform Repeater, Update a set of textbox, Add to the List / Array

I am working on old webform application which uses Repeater.
The Repeater is a set of Name and address textbox fields. I have 3 sets of Name and Address information, basically, 3 sets of records in the object list to bind.
On the UI, I changed/update one of the Name and Address. I noticed in the list, which it iterate or loops through the repeater control
foreach (RepeaterItem item in this.NameAddressRepeaterControl.Items)
I see that an extra recod is added to the items.
I am used to fixed textboxes. When I update the textbox, I write code to take Exactly what is filled in the textbox and populate the DTO object to pass to the data layer to perform database transaction to update the database records.
When the new updated record is added to the Repeater Control list, I don't know which records is updated and which is the new records.
I am checking out OnItemDataBound and OnItemCommand to see if there is a way to get the old value from one of the field and also record the value of the new value. Is this possible?
The form contains 1 Save button and it will loop through the Repeater.Items to see what Name/Address to extract, but the new and old company exist in this list.
Instead of looping through the RepeaterControl.Items, Is there a way to extract from directly the visible Repeater control? If there are 3 repeater Name/Address control, is there a way to get all the info from each of the 3 sets of Repeater controls? The Repeater wraps around a user control, NameAddressCtrl.
I prefer not to replace the Repeater controls with fixed textboxes.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I reviewed the code several time and add additional code to keep track what was add and changed in the repeated and only passed the information to be saved to the db. The solution was to write additional code. I did not change anything with the repeater behavior. Thanks for the comments and help.

How to show all items in Listbox that is linked to dropdown

In an Access Userform I have a listbox that is linked to a dropdown field. In the dropdown field the user can choose a country, and the listbox then updates and shows only the records that are relevant to that country.
I have described how I get the listbox to filter based on the selection in the dropdown in this question here.
While I managed to solve one problem there I created another.
Now when I open the form, the listbox is empty instead of showing all records.
My question: How can I show all records in the listbox to begin with and THEN have the user filter the list based on the dropdown?
The SQL Code in the LIstbox is now the following:
SELECT tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country
FROM tblFUNDS INNER JOIN tblISIN_Country_Table ON tblFUNDS.ISIN = tblISIN_Country_Table.ISIN
GROUP BY tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country, tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection
HAVING (((tblISIN_Country_Table.Country)=[Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text]) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
So I ended up solving this one as well... with a bit of help from an online article which I can now no longer find unfortunately (otherwise I would reference it here):
SELECT tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country
FROM tblFUNDS INNER JOIN tblISIN_Country_Table ON tblFUNDS.ISIN = tblISIN_Country_Table.ISIN
GROUP BY tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country, tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection
HAVING (((tblISIN_Country_Table.Country) Like Nz([Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text],'*')) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
The important part is this...
Like Nz([Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text],'*')) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
Essentially the Nz function lets you return a value when a variant is null. I had it return * which ofcourse is the SQL equivalent of Return All.

jqGrid - multiselect rows and rowselect

I have a jqGrid with multi select set to true using the jqGrid.
I want it to select multipole rows then click a button and something will apply to the IDs for all those rows. At the same time, clicking on a row should populate some fields (ex. textboxes). The problem is I've used the rowselect method and although that allows me to populate the form on row select it does not allow me to select multiple checkbox rows.
Is there a way to make the checkboxes not activate the rowselect method?
OR is the alternative to create a hyperlink on the result of the value in a cell that calls a method in code behind passing the ID? Is my last idea even possible?
In order for checkboxes not to activate the rowselect event , you can use cellselect instead of rowselect function. Under cellselect function , check for column index if its not the checkbox column , then execute the code which you have written for rowselect.
You may need to write client side code [javascript] , you can add
tag [server] and add cellselect option to it . For more information check the link below

Expand/Collapse GridView rows of the same type

I have a gridview with some boundfields and templatefields. My data are sales Unit-Price-Store, right now the user selects a store (from a DropDownList) and the Grid is all Unit-Price for that store.
Is there a way to make put a button next to each unit so that when the user clicks it, that row expands to include a new row for each store? IE, when I'm looking at Store 1 and I click the button I also get to see Unit-Price info for Stores 2,3,4 (but just for this item)?
I used jQuery. Basically, I tagged that column and then did an each statement. If value.innerHTML != Store $(this).closest('tr').hide(); Else assign it a function on click that looks at all 'tr' where Unit matches but Store doesn't and slideToggle()

Get Changed Rows of GridView ASP.Net

How Can I find all the rows that has been changed in gridview. I can not use Ajax in any form
First get the contents of your grid before it was changed (such as caching the results of the original gridview datasource binding). Then go through the dataset/datatable/however you want to store it, and compare the contents with the current rows of the gridview.
There's no real efficient way to do this, no method like GridView.GetAllChangedRows(). So, what you might do instead is keep a behind the scenes List that you add to each time a row is modified (use the RowUpdated method), then clear this list when needed.
It depends upon how many columns you want to edit in a row.
If you have only one editable column in a row then you can associate a javascript method with that control which you want to modify and in that method you can get a rowid which you can save in another hidden field and in server side you can get all rows whose ids are stored in hidden field.
If you have whole row editable in that case the best approach I think you should save the original data source somewhere and also set a javascript method with rowclick event to get rowid which user selects. Then when user clicks on submit button get all rows whose row ids are stored in hidden field then compare those with same rowid in datasource. This is the best approach from my point of you.
Let me give you an example, suppose there are 1000 rows in a grid and user clicks on only 180 rows. In that case we will compare only 180 rows and wont compare rest of the rows.
Please let me know if somebody has better idea then this.
