Mathematical formula conversion - math

Ok. I have formula for find "d" but i need new formula to find "A".
For example i have:
I need A and A in new formula must be 1.
Think it's school level question.

d^2 = (1.27*A)/coef
coef*d^2 = (1.27*A)
coef*d^2/1.27 = A
A = coef*d^2/1.27

here you go:
A= (coef * d * d)/ 1.27

Your equation says to take A and...
Multiply by 1.27
Divide by coef
Take the square root
... to get d. So, to get A starting from d you need to work backwards, undoing each step:
Multiply by coef
Divide by 1.27
Or, in equation form, A = d^2 * coef / 1.27.
The math used to read and manipulate equations like this is called "Algebra".


While loop in R, need a more efficient code

I have written an R code to solve the following equations jointly. These are closed-form solutions that require numerical procedure.
I further divided the numerator and denominator of (B) by N to get arithmetic means.
Here is my code:
y=cbind(Sta,Zta,Ste,Zte) # combine the variables
Stm=c(mean(St[,1]), mean(St[,2])); # Arithmetic means of St's
Ztm=c(mean(Zt[,1]), mean(Zt[,2])); # Arithmetic means of Zt's
theta=c(-20, -20); # starting values for thetas
tol=c(10^-4, 10^-4);
while (abs(err) > tol | phicon<0) {
### A
eps = ((mean(y[,2]^2))+mean(y[,4]^2))/(-mean(y[,1]*y[,2])+theta[1]*mean(y[,2])-mean(y[,3]*y[,4])+theta[2]*mean(y[,4]))
### B
thetan = Stm + (1/eps)*Ztm
Iteration does not stop as the second condition of while loop is not met, the solution is a positive epsilon. I would like to get a negative epsilon. This, I guess requires a grid search or a range of starting values for the Thetas.
Can anyone please help code this process differently and more efficiently? Or help correct my code if there are flaws in it.
Thank you
If I am right, using linearity your equations have the form
ΘA = a + b / ε
ΘB = c + d / ε
1/ε = e ΘA + f ΘB + g
This is an easy 3x3 linear system.

Calculating haystack size of a string

I want to create a poor-mans version of a password complexity checker. I determine the rough character set the password is using and its length. The search space would then be: charset ^ length. In order to compare this against a single value I want the smallest x that when used as the exponent of 2 is larger than the search space. In more mathy language I want this:
given a and b find the smallest x where a^b < 2^x;
My math sucks. Is there a quick and easy way to calculate this?
Maybe my math doesn't suck quite that much.
2^x == a^b
= define a = 2^c, c = 2loga
2^x == 2^c^b
2^x == 2^c*b
x == c*b
x == 2loga * b
You can solve the equation by using logarithms. Taking the logarithms on both sides yields
x > b * log(a) / log(2)
If you want to find the smallest integer such that the equation holds we can round up the right hand side. In python this can be implemented as
import math
def find_x(a, b):
return math.ceil(b * math.log(a) / math.log(2))

With known parameters in equation, how to calculate a third unknown one

The following equation f(t)= b*pow(1-exp(-k*t), b-1) – (b-1)*pow(1-exp(-k*t), b) is used to describe a curve.
When f(t)=0.5 with known b and k, how to calculate it in R?
b*pow(1-exp(-k*t),b-1) –(b-1)*pow(1-exp(-k*t),b) = 0.5
e.g. when b=5, k=0.5, t=?
You could use uniroot, but first plot the function to check for roots, if any. I extract 0.5 from the function, since that is what you want to solve for. Plotting shows that there are two roots, so you have to play with th interval in the uniroot function. I'll leave that to you, let me know if you struggle with it.
f <- function(x)
return( b* (1- exp(-k*x))^(b-1) - (b-1) * (1-exp(-k*x))^b -0.5 )
uniroot(f, interval = c(0, 1e+08))

Least square minimization

I hope this is the right place for such a basic question. I found this and this solutions quite articulated, hence they do not help me to get the fundamentals of the procedure.
Consider a random dataset:
x <- c(1.38, -0.24, 1.72, 2.25)
w <- c(3, 2, 4, 2)
How can I find the value of μ that minimizes the least squares equation :
The package manipulate allows to manually change with bar the model with different values of μ, but I am looking for a more precise procedure than "try manually until you do not find the best fit".
Note: If the question is not correctly posted, I would welcome constructive critics.
You could proceed as follows:
optim(mean(x), function(mu) sum(w * (x - mu)^2), method = "BFGS")$par
# [1] 1.367273
Here mean(x) is an initial guess for mu.
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but here's a little algebra:
We want to find mu to minimise
S = Sum{ i | w[i]*(x[i] - mu)*(x[i] - mu) }
Expand the square, and rearrange into three summations. bringing things that don't depend on i outside the sums:
S = Sum{i|w[i]*x[i]*x[i])-2*mu*Sum{i|w[i]*x[i]}+mu*mu*Sum{i|w[i]}
W = Sum{i|w[i]}
m = Sum{i|w[i]*x[i]} / W
Q = Sum{i|w[i]*x[i]*x[i]}/W
S = W*(Q -2*mu*m + mu*mu)
= W*( (mu-m)*(mu-m) + Q - m*m)
(The second step is 'completing the square', a simple but very useful technique).
In the final equation, since a square is always non-negative, the value of mu to minimise S is m.

Calculate the length of a segment of a quadratic bezier

I use this algorithm to calculate the length of a quadratic bezier:
However, what I wish to do is calculate the length of the bezier from 0 to t where 0 < t < 1
Is there any way to modify the formula used in the link above to get the length of the first segment of a bezier curve?
Just to clarify, I'm not looking for the distance between q(0) and q(t) but the length of the arc that goes between these points.
(I don't wish to use adaptive subdivision to aproximate the length)
Since I was sure a similar form solution would exist for that variable t case - I extended the solution given in the link.
Starting from the equation in the link:
Which we can write as
Where b = B/(2A) and c = C/A.
Then transforming u = t + b we get
Where k = c - b^2
Now we can use the integral identity from the link to obtain:
So, in summary, the required steps are:
Calculate A,B,C as in the original equation.
Calculate b = B/(2A) and c = C/A
Calculate u = t + b and k = c -b^2
Plug these values into the equation above.
[Edit by Spektre] I just managed to implement this in C++ so here the code (and working correctly matching naively obtained arc lengths):
float x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2; // control points of Bezier curve
float get_l_analytic(float t) // get arclength from parameter t=<0,1>
float ax,ay,bx,by,A,B,C,b,c,u,k,L;
C= (bx*bx)+(by*by);
return L;
There is still room for improvement as some therms are computed more than once ...
While there may be a closed form expression, this is what I'd do:
Use De-Casteljau's algorithm to split the bezier into the 0 to t part and use the algorithm from the link to calculate its length.
You just have to evaluate the integral not between 0 and 1 but between 0 and t. You can use the symbolic toolbox of your choice to do that if you're not into the math. For instance:\[a*x*x%2Bb*x%2Bc\]&random=false
Evaluate the result for x = t and x = 0 and subtract them.
