R like str() function in matlab/GNU Octave - r

I'd like to be able to view the structure of objects in Matlab/GNU Octave the same way as I do in R (using the str() function). Is there a function that does this? An example task would be returning nr rows and cols in matrix, but also all the arguments for a given function.
I'm aware that I could use both size() and help() (but not for function files) separately to get this information.

There are several useful functions for displaying some information about Matlab objects (I can't say anything about Octave compatibility), but I'm not sure they'll provide the same detail as R's str(). You can display all of the methods of a class with the methods function, e.g.:
which returns
Methods for class MException:
addCause getReport ne throw
eq isequal rethrow throwAsCaller
Static methods:
The what function will return similar results. Or methods can be used on an object of a given class:
ME = MException('Test:test','Testing');
Similarly, you can view the properties with properties and the events with events.


Can someone please explain me this code? especially the role of "function x and [[x]]"?

This is the code in R and I'm having trouble understanding the role of function(x) and qdata[[x]] in this line of code. Can someone elaborate me this piece by piece? I didn't write this code. Thank you
outs=lapply(names(qdata[,12:35]), function(x)
hist(qdata[[x]],data=qdata,main="Histogram of Quality Trait",
This code generate a series of histograms, one for each of columns 12 to 35 of dataframe qdata. The lapply function iterates over the columns. At each iteraction, the name of the current column is passed as argument "x" to the anonymous function defined by "function(x)". The body of the function is a call to the hist() function, which creates the histogram. qdata[[x]] (where x is the name of a column) extracts the data from that column. I am actually confused by "data=qdata".
We don't have the data object named qdata so we cannot really be sure what will happen with this code. It appears that the author of this code is trying to pass the values of components named outs from function calls to hist. If qdata is an ordinary dataframe, then I suspect that this code will fail in that goal, because the hist function does not have an out component. (Look at the output of ?hist. When I run this with a simple dataframe, I do get histogram plots that appear in my interactive plotting device but I get NULL values for the outs components. Furthermore the 12 warnings are caused by the lack of a data parameter to hte hist function.
qdata <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=rnorm(10))
outs=lapply(names(qdata), function(x)
hist(qdata[[x]],data=qdata,main="Histogram of Quality Trait",
#There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> str(outs)
List of 2
$ : NULL
$ : NULL
So I think we need to be concerned about the level of R knowledge of the author of this code. It's possible I'm wrong about this presumption. The hist function is generic and it is possible that some unreferenced package has a function designed to handle a data object and retrun an outs value when delivered a vector having a particular class. In a typical starting situation with only the base packages loaded however, there are only three hist.* functions:
#[1] hist.Date* hist.default hist.POSIXt*
#see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
As far as the questions about the role of function and [[x]]: the keyword function returns a language object that can receive parameter values and then do operations and finally return results. In this case the names get passed to the anonymous function and become, each in turn, the local name, x and the that value is used by the '[['-function to look-up the column in what I am presuming is the ‘qdata’-dataframe.

What is the difference between new() and setClass() in R?

I am curious as to what the functional difference is between between new() and setClass() in R?
I answered another question that seems to suggest that they operate identically, except that new() is potentially far less "restrictive."
You can refer to this link in the description on top of the page and the Value section:
r documentation setClass
From the link:
A generator function suitable for creating objects from the class is
returned, invisibly. A call to this function generates a call to new
for the class. The call takes any number of arguments, which will be
passed on to the initialize method. If no initialize method is defined
for the class or one of its superclasses, the default method expects
named arguments with the name of one of the slots and unnamed
arguments that are objects from one of the contained classes.
Typically the generator function is assigned the name of the class,
for programming clarity. This is not a requirement and objects from
the class can also be generated directly from new. The advantages of
the generator function are a slightly simpler and clearer call, and
that the call will contain the package name of the class (eliminating
any ambiguity if two classes from different packages have the same
If the class is virtual, an attempt to generate an object from either
the generator or new() will result in an error.
The two functions have completely different side effects. You need to call setClass when you are defining a class. You can't just do
new("square",x=0,y=0,side=1) -> mySquare
and expect R to know what a square is (you will get an error along the lines of "undefined class 'square'"). If you do
) -> square
mySquare <- square(x=0,y=0,side=1)
then you have defined the class square and can then call the function square to create objects from it. You can also at this point call new("square",...) as well but the effect is the same.
If you want to create a constructor function that doesn't just take slot names as arguments, then the recommended approach is to create an ordinary function along the lines of
createSquare <- function(r,theta,side){

setGeneric for a list of objects

I have the following function:
myFunction = function(objects,params) {
for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
object = objects[[i]]
object = myOtherFunction(objects, params)
objects[[i]] = object
return (objects)
#' #rdname myFunction
#' #aliases myFunction
setMethod("myFunction", signature(object ="list"), myFunction)
How can I properly set the setMethod() and setGeneric() methods to accept a list of objects of a given type, let's say a list of objects of type SingleCellExperiment ?
If you want to write different methods to handle lists of class foo and lists of class bar then S4 will need some help, since both objects are of class list and hence the same method will be called in both cases.
There are a few options:
firstly, do you need to use lists at all? Don't forget all the base types in R are vectors, so for simple classes like
)) -> cuboid
if you want to represent a set of multiple cuboids you don't need to use a list at all, just feed vectors of values to cuboid. This doesn't work as well for more exotic classes, though.
alternatively, you can write a list method with some extra logic to determine which lower-order method to dispatch. You should also think about what to do if the list contains objects of multiple different classes.
in some situations you might be able to use either lapply or a function that takes arbitrary numbers of arguments via .... In the latter case you may be able to make use of dotsMethods (check the help page on that topic for more info).
If you want to write a method that will only be called on lists of objects of class foo and there may exist another method that wants to operate on lists, then you can either:
write a method for class foo directly, and then use sapply or lapply rather than calling your function on the list
write a method for class list that checks whether the list has foos in it and if it doesn't, calls nextMethod.

R: Is there any way to find R functions which are tests of objects of a specified class?

There are a number of tests which, applied to an object of a given class, produce information about that object. Consider objects of class "function". The functions is.primitive() or is.closure(), or (from rlang) is_primitive_eager() or is_primitive_lazy(), provide information about a function object. However, Using methods(class = "function") (with rlang loaded) does not return any of these functions:
[1] as.data.frame as.list coerce coerce<- fortify head latex plot print tail .
Using extends(class1 = "function", maybe = TRUE, fullInfo = TRUE) shows two superclasses, "OptionalFunction" and "PossibleMethod".
Using completeClassDefinition(Class = "function", doExtends=TRUE) provides 23 subclasses. However, it appears to me (though I am not sure of this) that all or almost all of the super- and sub-classes from these two functions are specifically of S4 classes, which I generally do not use. One of these subclasses is "genericFunction", so I tried to apply it to a base R function which I knew to be generic. Although is(object=plot, class2 = "genericFunction") returns TRUE, and plot() antedates S4 classes, there is no "is.generic" test in base R, but there is an "isGeneric" test in the methods package, which suggests to me that plot() has been rewritten as an S4 object.
At any rate, there are a lot of obvious potential properties of functions, like whether they are generic, for which there are no is.<whatever> tests that I can find, and I would like to know if there are other ways I can search for them, e.g., in packages.
A more generic way of asking this same question is whether there is any way of identifying functions that will accept objects of a specified class and not return an error or nonsense. If so I could take a list of the functions in the reccomended packages or in some specified package and test whether each returns a sensable response when handed a function. This is not exactly an answer --- such a method would return TRUE for quote(), for example -- but it would at least cut the problem down to size.

Dispatch of constructor in R (S3)

Is it ok from architectural point of view to dispatch the constructor in R (S3 system)?
I have a constructor for class returns and I want to dispatch it in a way like: returns.zoo, returns.data.frame etc.
Just my opinion, but I think there is (unwritten) convention to use as prefix in this case. For example: as.data.frame coerces various objects to a data frame.
Same with as.matrix, as.Date and as.list ...
Often a "non-as" function calls the generic as function (e.g. data.frame function calls as.data.frame).
There is also a good practice to implement a function with is prefix.
For example: is.data.frame, is.list.
But sometimes this is not so. For example formula is a generic "coercer"
and as.formula is not. And there are a lot of packages with combined practice. For example igraph includes as.igraph generic but uses from_data_frame to create object from a data frame.
So I guess as.returns.zoo will look aligned with existing practice but
returns.zoo is not wrong either.
