unable to use display suite template files - drupal

i use display suite to style my taxonomy page and it suggests me some template files but i am not able to use that file, i put them in place but they do not include,
do you know how it will works please ? or any references ?!
this is my display suite screen
and i place file ds-reset--node-article-article-ds.tpl.php into address sites/all/modules/contrib/ds/layouts/ds_reset
but not thing gana happen

(would be a comment if I could :) You're supposed to put your template file in /sites/all/themes/your_theme/templates/, not in the DS folder.


Where could be inline-css in Wordpress

I am working on this webpage:http://hypoinvest.sk/ which runs on Wordpress with this theme If you check source code you can see a lot of inline-css and I want to know in which files are actually defined. Only thing what I know about it they are called by function wp_head() in header.php. I have local copy of all files on this web and I can't find any mention about some of that css rules through unix grep. Anyone suspect where these css rules could be located?
check site and let me know.
Run a search in the source code for
As this appears to be the 'handle' designated as the first variable in the function wp_add_inline_style. The "-css" is added automatically. You'll see this on line 79 of the page source.
You want to check your page back-end site where you put content ,
I think are you using any compose or editor to create page on edit page.
check it edit option it has some inline css.

Display images in template file

I have one template file for the main page, after creating home page I have added text to check if it reflect changes on my home page or not and it was successfully displaying text. But when I try to add image by clicking on add media option then image is uploaded but not displaying on my page. What piece of code should be used to get this image on my template file or any other suggestions?
i'am pretty sure u need to SETUP CHMOD to 744
because its randomly set to 600.
This means it is not public visible.
1.You just need to get an FTP Programm,
2.Connect to your Webspace,
3.Go to your Uploadfolder,
4.Choose Your Image to Show with an RightClick,
5.and set CHMOD to 744.
I'll show u here (FLASHFXP)
(Attribute set = READ)
I need to do this for every picture, so u will need to do it too.
Okay i didnt knowed that ;)
You can also try to set the file permissions via rightclick on the File in your Windows-System.
Like This:
make sure you have Admin-Privileges and the File is allowed to be read, change and execute, then it should work.
There is another Option
i recommend to Setup Wordpress to "DONT SORT UPLOADED FILES" to seperate folders like "per month", "per year" and this kind of Stuff, its better to have them Uploads all in ONE-Directory.(Thats my experience)
In the past i also had my Problems with the Uploads, and it all occurred just because of the "Multiple Folder Uploads" that Wordpress makes.
To change that go to:
Settings -> Media -> Sort Uploads by...
I recommend you to get a Free-Webspace for testing purposes, in my opinion its more comfortable to work online, and you can access it from everywhere you are :) Work never stops
you can add any custom field with this module https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/. And can easily add it to your pages and posts.

SilverStripe 3: Load/Create page outside of the CMS

is it possible to create a page outside of the cms?
For example:
I would like to use jquery .load() to load a segment into a current page.
Is it possible to create a html or .ss file somewhere in the theme folder eg: self-contained-page.html so if I then visit www.domain.com/self-contained-paged.html I will be able to visit this page.
While you can of course serve static files, you can also "ajaxify" parts of your page. Not sure if that's what you want to do, but in case someone else is trying to do something similar.
While you could use some fancy tools like pjax or history.js, you can also do it manually. I've recently done this with SS 2.4, but SS 3 should be pretty similar:
In your controller, add a public function so you can access it via /yourpage/load (or whatever you want to call it):
public function load(){
return $this->renderWith(array('AjaxLoad'));
In your templates/Layout add a file AjaxLoad.ss.
If you only want to serve that page via your jQuery .load(), simply add the content right inside the file.
If you want to use the piece of content both on your regular page and want to replace it with the ajaxified version, use <% include PageSnippet %> both on the general and the ajaxified page. Then simply define your content in templates/Include/PageSnippet.ss.
You can see it in action at http://www.contentaward.at/content-lab-vienna/608#details (click on the small images at the bottom of the page). Hope this makes it clear.
there is no problem with serving static html files from anywhere in your silverstripe installation, just note to always add the file extension to your urls, as otherwise silverstripe's url routing (using mod_rewrite, see the .htaccess file) will kick in.
also note to always use the full path to the file, so in case you placed your file in 'themes/mytheme/test.html' the url will be 'http://www.domain.com/themes/mytheme/test.html'
You can of course reference a html file in the theme folder just as you would do with a css file, f.e. :
If you dont mind to not have it in the theme folder you can also place it into root dir.
Or you can modify your .htaccess and apply some mod_rewrite or redirect rules to point into the theme folder.
If you want to use .ss files you probably have to use CMS pages.

drupal 6 /user/permissions checkbox page core module

Does anyone know where i can find the code that makes the user/permissions checkbox page in drupal? I'd like to see how it's done to make something similar for a custom module i'm building.
The function you're looking for is theme_checkbox($element) and can be found in root/includes/form.inc. If you ever want to know what function/template is responsible for a certain HTML element then Theme developer is your friend.
Enable the module, set the permissions and you'll see a small checkbox Themer info. Then just point to the HTML part you're interested and see what theme function/template is doing the rendering.
i think on default module folder there is user folder on user.admin.inc file contain code for permission function is user_admin_perm(); see this code

Adding images into blocks html

I've added some html code in my Blocks content and enabled Full HTML filter.
I've used relative paths for my images, such as "sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png"
I guess this is not correct because I need to change my paths depending on I'm in the home page or "node/id" page.
I guess I cannot use PHP inside blocks, thus I cannot use $base_url... how can add images path with only html ?
The previous answers provide a part of the solution, but here's a fuller scoop:
Hand-written HTML
If your site lives at example.com (i.e. it's the "root" site), then adding a front slash to your relative path will solve the issue, as others have suggested:
<img src="/sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png">
However, if your site lives at example.com/my-drupal-site, then you'll need to write it like this:
<img src="/my-drupal-site/sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png">
It really is better if you can use PHP to determine the appropriate path. If you're calling an image from a theme, you can use the Drupal function drupal_get_path to get the path like this:
$img_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen') . '/zen/image.png';
And then you could be really Drupaly about it and use the theme_image function to generate the HTML for the image:
$img = theme('image', $img_path, 'My Image - Alt Text', 'My Image - Title Text');
Where $img now holds the HTML for the <img> tag and its src, alt, and title attributes. See the API documentation for drupal_get_path and theme_image for more information.
Point-and-click Solution
As jeffreymb points out, your easiest bet is to use a combination of a WYSIWYG editor and a built-in file handling module called IMCE to gloss over all these details for you. If you don't have access to the "PHP code" input format, this is the best solution.
So, steps:
Install the WYSIWYG module, as well as a WYSIWYG editor (I suggest CKEditor).
Install the IMCE module and IMCE WYSIWYG Bridge module, and enable the IMCE button for your WYSIWYG editor in its configuration settings for available Buttons.
See this post for a little more detail on that setup process, and make sure to read the documentation that the WYSIWYG module displays on its configuration page.
Once you have IMCE installed and integrated with your WYSIWYG, when you click the "Image" button in your WYSIWYG toolbar, your normal dialog should appear but with a new little icon to open the IMCE file browser. This file browser allows you to browse your files folder for images or to upload new files. It also supports a modicum of image manipulation, and will automatically generate the necessary HTML once you've selected an image.
I would recommend using the Pathologic module for this case. It is a filter that you can add to your input formats to convert relative URLs like that into proper URLs using your site's base URL. Plus it's useful if you have images in your RSS content as sites that re-publish the content (like feed aggregators, etc.) have the link to the full URL.
I use the CKeditor and IMCE modules to do this on my sites.
It is very user friendly and not that hard to set up.
Instead of the relative path, use the absolute path. So it'd be:
<img src="/sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png">
Note the slash at the beginning. The slash should be the only thing you need to do to convert your existing relative paths to absolute ones for use in straight HTML.
If you start your image paths with a slash ("/sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png") this will always be relative to your drupal root directory.
You could also simply select "PHP code" as the Input format, and use $base_url as you say.
I does this with cck blocks . The cck blocks is drupal module,it can put drupal fields into blocks
