Is there a way in Meteor to immediately re-render? - meteor

I currently have a button that when pushed, opens up a text box. I want to do it so that the focus is automatically on this text box when the button is pushed.
I have the following HTML to render the button and input, and toggle between the button/input
{{#if modeIs 'edit' }}
<input class="col-xs-9" placeholder="Enter your new task and press enter" id="insertTask" type="text"/>
<button id="btnNewTask" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" role="button">New Task</button>
Helper function to check the mode.
modeIs: function (modeToCheck) {
return Session.equals('mode', modeToCheck);
This is the code I would like to use when the button is clicked to change the mode and focus on the input.
'click #btnNewTask': function (event, template) {
Session.set('mode', 'edit');
var input = $(template.find('#insertTask'));
The bit to change the 'mode' works and the button changes to a text box when I click on it.
My problem is this query $(template.find('#insertTask')); returns nothing because although I've set the mode, it hasn't re-rendered the HTML yet and the text box doesn't actually exist yet.
Is there a way that when I set the mode to 'edit', to tell Meteor to just immediately re-render the HTML before proceeding with the rest of the function? Is there a better way to structure my code so that I can reference HTML components that don't exist until after Meteor re-renders the HTML?

Use the rendered hook:
Template.insertNewTask.rendered = function() {
var $input = $("#insertTask");
if (Session.equals('mode', 'edit')) $input.focus()
You could set another flag somewhere to indicate when you want to focus the input (eg. if you don't always want to focus it after rendering the edit view, just after clicking the button).


ngBootstrap Capture click event on typeahead suggestions

when I type 'ala' it displays 2 states in suggestions 'alabama' and 'alaska'. Now what I need is as soon as I click on 'alaska'/'alabama' any item in list it should call my method
//Some complex logic
alert("Method called.");
Sample code link click here
I tried blur, focus, etc events on text box they didnt work way I need. Click do not triggers on item selection it triggers when I click inside text box.
You just need to use the selectItem event from ng-bootstrap's ngbTypeAhead API
<input id="typeahead-template" type="text" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="model"
[ngbTypeahead]="search" [resultTemplate]="rt" [inputFormatter]="formatter"
(selectItem)="methodABC($event)" />
See updated sample code

autofocus on input in bootstrap modal

I'm using bootstrap 3 to create a modal box. I want to have it autofocus on the input area. I tried with jQuery, but I don't know, what is the problem?
$('#click').click(function () {
Here is a demo on JSFiddle
I've updated your JSFiddle. When using the bootstrap modal window there are a number of custom events you can use. one of those is wich runs after a modal is fully shown (and your input field is focusable). Remember that the event will be triggered on the modal, not on whatever opened the modal.
$('#myModal').on('', function () {
This may be hard code but add a Timeout function to focus it.
The fact is the modal isn't here yet so the browser can't focus an element in it.
$('#click').click(function() {
I am also use this code
function setFocusOnModal(){
$('#searchModal').on('', function () {
Where #searchModal is modal div ID and #q is input element ID
Use this code in button
<button type="button" onclick="setFocusOnModal()">Open Modal</button>

Dialog window with text field in Jira serlvet

I made a Jira servlet that executes a search in an issue, but I want to be able to add a filter to that search, so I need to be able to get text as a parameter before I execute the search.
Is there a way for me to make it so a dialog window with a text field and an OK button pops up when I press the servlet button, and the request executes after I press the said button, with an empty string or the current string as a parameter?
Actually any way of dynamically setting a parameter before the request executes might help.
It sounds like you want to use the InlineDialog pattern. Have a look at Atlassian's AUI Sandbox for an example.
Something like this should do the trick in a recent version of JIRA
Button HTML:
<button class="aui-button " href="#" id="popupLink">
<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-search-small">Search</span> Search on this issue
Behaviour JavaScript:
AJS.InlineDialog(AJS.$("#popupLink"), 1,
function(content, trigger, showPopup) {
'<h2>Search something</h2>'
+ '<form action="/path/to/your/servlet" method="get">'
+ '<input name="q" placeholder="Search query..." >'
+ '<input type="submit" value="Search">'
+ '</form>'
return false;
This should give you an InlineDialog similar to the image below:
Also by adding a data-default-value attribute to your button, you could easily prepopulate the search field in the InlineDialog.

submit button can't send action with <a class [duplicate]

i want a anchor should act like and input type submit button.
i am using a jquery plugin library that actually uses input type submit but i have styled my buttons on anchors. i dont want to use
<input type="button">
<input type="submit">
i want to use anchors such as
<a href="javascript to submit the form" ></a>
and here is my jquery code where i want to use
var submit = $('<button type="submit" />');
if (settings.cancel) {
/* if given html string use that */
if (settings.cancel.match(/>$/)) {
var cancel = $(settings.cancel);
/* otherwise use button with given string as text */
} else {
var cancel = $('<button type="cancel" />');
how to use anchors instead of button.
If you want an anchor tag to act like a button just do this
<!--YOUR FORM-->
<form id="submit_this">.....</form>
<a id="fakeanchor" href="#"></a>
return false;
Since you're using jQuery, just use $() to select the form element, and call submit on it; hook all this up to the anchor via $() to find the anchor and click to hook up the handler:
$("selector_for_the_anchor").click(function() {
return false;
Probably best to return false; to cancel the click on the anchor.
Off-topic: But note that this makes your page completely unusable without JavaScript, as well as making it confusing even for JavaScript-enabled browsers employed by users requiring assistive technologies (screenreaders, etc.). It makes the markup completely un-semantic. But since you'd said quite clearly that this was what you wanted to do...
<a id='anchor' href="javascript to submit the form" ></a>
now you can use jquery to add an event handler
$('#anchor').click(function (e) {
// do some work
// prevent the default anchor behaviour
now you can style your anchor as you wish and it will act as a regular button
And what about:
<form id="formOne">
link here
you can use input of type image (it works as a submit button for a form) or in jquery:

Custom callback url when clicking main button in twitter bootstrap Modal

I have a bootstrap page that lists items in a table. Each item has its own delete link that launches the modal.
<a href="#modalDel" data-idtodelete="<?php echo $value->id; ?>" class="deletelink">
Delete this item
var id2del = $(this).data('idtodelete');
jQuery("#myModalLabel").html("Delete item: "+id2del); //works great
I can pass data to the modal easily, but now I have to make the main button in modal to reflect the dynamic url and call to it (only) when this button is clicked
Any ideas? Thanks
PS: cannot use the hidden event for this, because modal can also be hidden with the cancel button. Also, modal should be closed after/before calling the dyn. delete url of main button
I'll hazard a guess at this. Haven't tested because I'm not really sure about the setup.
var $ = jQuery; // using as a shortcut
function() {
// Composes delete URL with arguments
var dynUrl = composeUrl(args);
// assuming the modal button is an anchor element
$('#modalButton').attr('href', dynUrl);
// Also closes the modal box after being clicked
function(e) {
