submit button can't send action with <a class [duplicate] - css

i want a anchor should act like and input type submit button.
i am using a jquery plugin library that actually uses input type submit but i have styled my buttons on anchors. i dont want to use
<input type="button">
<input type="submit">
i want to use anchors such as
<a href="javascript to submit the form" ></a>
and here is my jquery code where i want to use
var submit = $('<button type="submit" />');
if (settings.cancel) {
/* if given html string use that */
if (settings.cancel.match(/>$/)) {
var cancel = $(settings.cancel);
/* otherwise use button with given string as text */
} else {
var cancel = $('<button type="cancel" />');
how to use anchors instead of button.

If you want an anchor tag to act like a button just do this
<!--YOUR FORM-->
<form id="submit_this">.....</form>
<a id="fakeanchor" href="#"></a>
return false;

Since you're using jQuery, just use $() to select the form element, and call submit on it; hook all this up to the anchor via $() to find the anchor and click to hook up the handler:
$("selector_for_the_anchor").click(function() {
return false;
Probably best to return false; to cancel the click on the anchor.
Off-topic: But note that this makes your page completely unusable without JavaScript, as well as making it confusing even for JavaScript-enabled browsers employed by users requiring assistive technologies (screenreaders, etc.). It makes the markup completely un-semantic. But since you'd said quite clearly that this was what you wanted to do...

<a id='anchor' href="javascript to submit the form" ></a>
now you can use jquery to add an event handler
$('#anchor').click(function (e) {
// do some work
// prevent the default anchor behaviour
now you can style your anchor as you wish and it will act as a regular button

And what about:
<form id="formOne">
link here

you can use input of type image (it works as a submit button for a form) or in jquery:


Add a class to parent element when clicked with Knockout.js

I have a div with a close button on it. The close button has a function fired via Knockout.js that I would like to add a class to the parent of this button, i.e. the encapsulating div. However, in my JS file (see below) the function firing is linked to an object in an array.
<button data-bind="click: $parent.myFunc">
JS file
this.myFunc = function(e) {
// this.addClass('boo'); does not work
I can fire a console.log off in this function, but can't seem to manipulate this element through standard jQuery.
Knockout way of doing it would be to add a css binding to the parent and then manipulate it within your function fired by click event:
<div data-bind="css: someClass">
<button data-bind="click: myFunc">
And within your JS file:
this.someClass = ko.observable("");
this.myFunc = function(e) {
since you tagged jQuery, I assume you can use it, so:
This is my first answer on here but how about looking into jQuery's .parent() api?
I'm not familiar with Knockout.js but perhaps something like this could work..
$('button').data('bind','click: $parent.myFunc').click(function(){

Is there a way in Meteor to immediately re-render?

I currently have a button that when pushed, opens up a text box. I want to do it so that the focus is automatically on this text box when the button is pushed.
I have the following HTML to render the button and input, and toggle between the button/input
{{#if modeIs 'edit' }}
<input class="col-xs-9" placeholder="Enter your new task and press enter" id="insertTask" type="text"/>
<button id="btnNewTask" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" role="button">New Task</button>
Helper function to check the mode.
modeIs: function (modeToCheck) {
return Session.equals('mode', modeToCheck);
This is the code I would like to use when the button is clicked to change the mode and focus on the input.
'click #btnNewTask': function (event, template) {
Session.set('mode', 'edit');
var input = $(template.find('#insertTask'));
The bit to change the 'mode' works and the button changes to a text box when I click on it.
My problem is this query $(template.find('#insertTask')); returns nothing because although I've set the mode, it hasn't re-rendered the HTML yet and the text box doesn't actually exist yet.
Is there a way that when I set the mode to 'edit', to tell Meteor to just immediately re-render the HTML before proceeding with the rest of the function? Is there a better way to structure my code so that I can reference HTML components that don't exist until after Meteor re-renders the HTML?
Use the rendered hook:
Template.insertNewTask.rendered = function() {
var $input = $("#insertTask");
if (Session.equals('mode', 'edit')) $input.focus()
You could set another flag somewhere to indicate when you want to focus the input (eg. if you don't always want to focus it after rendering the edit view, just after clicking the button).

How to apply jquery UI buttons to asp:Button

How do I apply jQueryUI styles to an asp:Button. Here is the problem: jqueryUI button requires you to have the following format <button>Test button</button>
When I try to use an asp button server control, <asp:Button />, asp:Button renders as <input type=button>Test button </input>
Update : I get the standard button styling that jquery provides. However, when I want to make a toolbar out of it, like in this example :, the standard asp:Button fails me....or maybe i am missing something.
Thanks in advance,
Sashidhar Kokku
You can apply the jQuery UI button to a number of different HTML elements: <a>, <input type="button"> and so on.
$(function() {
This will convert all <asp:Button>s on the page into jQuery UI buttons.
This is how you do it: Add the following to your initialize function:
$(function () {
//Converting asp buttons to html buttons
$('input:submit, input:reset').each(function () {
$(this).replaceWith('<button type="submit" name="' + $(this).attr('name') + '" class="' + $(this).attr('class') + '" id="' + $(this).attr('id') + '" >' + $(this).val() + '</button>');
//Adding button icons .....
icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus" }
The jQuery UI button widget is capable of transforming the following button types:
<input type="button" />
<input type="submit" />
Since the <asp:Button> control renders the first type of HTML, you could include the following in your master page to apply the jQuery transform to all ASP.NET buttons:
You should also
to handle submit buttons.
You can assign a style to the ASP.NET buttons, then use the style as a selector to selectively (pardon the pun) apply the jQuery button. For example, if you set the attribute CssClass="special" on the buttons you want to modify, then you would put the following jQuery in your page:
$(function() {
Hope that helps.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#<%= Button1.UniqueID %>').click(function() {
// do something
I'm pretty sure jQuery UI will work fine with button input, as well any other element.
You just need to select the desired element.

Enter button does not submit form (IE ONLY) ASP.NET

I have a form with a textbox and a button. IE is the only browser that will not submit the form when Enter is pressed (works in FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc.). I found this javascript function to try to coax IE into behaving; but no avail:
function checkEnter(e){
var characterCode
if (e && e.which) {
e = e
characterCode = e.which
} else {
e = event
characterCode = e.keyCode
if (characterCode == 13) {
return false
} else {
return true
searchbox.Attributes("OnKeyUp") = "checkEnter(event)"
Any advice?
EDIT: This page on CodeProject outlines what Dillie was saying, and it works perfectly.
Just create a text input in a hidden div on the page. This will circumvent the IE bug.
Example div:
<!-- Fix for IE bug (One text input and submit, disables submit on pressing "Enter") -->
<div style="display:none">
<input type="text" name="hiddenText"/>
The other thing I have done in the past is wrap the form area in a Panel and set the DefaultButton attribute to the submit button you have. This effectively maps the enter key to the submission as long as you have a form element in focus in the panel area.
There is a good write up of this problem here, and a nice jquery based solution:
// Use the following Javascript in your HTML view
// put it somewhere between <head> and </head>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
function KeyDownHandler(btn)
if (event.keyCode == 13)
event.cancel = true;;
// -->
// Put this in your TextBox(es) aka inside <asp:textbox ... >
When using display:none, IE won't see the button and therefore won't be able to use it to submit the form. Instead, you could use z-index and absolute positioning to hide it under another element, e.g. with the style:
position:absolute; bottom: -20px; left: -20px; z-index: -1;
Now it'll still be there, usable by IE, but hidden beneath another element.
Hide the button - not using display:none, but with the following styles:
position: absolute; /* no longer takes up layout space */
visibility: hidden; /* no longer clickable / visible */
If you do this, you won't need to add any other elements or hidden inputs.
This is due to a peculiarity in IE for single text field inputs.
A simple solution is to stop the page having a single text field by adding another hidden one.
<input type="text" name="hidden" style="visibility:hidden;display:none;" />
Does it use a GET instead of a POST? Is the URL too long? I've seen that...
Basically, a form needs either a button, input type="submit" or an input type="image" to enable the builtin behaviour to submit a form on enter. You shouldn't need a javascript to submit it.

What is the best approach for (client-side) disabling of a submit button?

Only disable after user clicks the submit button, but before the posting back to the server
ASP.NET Webforms (.NET 1.1)
Prefer jQuery (if any library at all)
Must be enabled if form reloads (i.e. credit card failed)
This isn't a necessity that I do this, but if there is a simple way to do it without having to change too much, I'll do it. (i.e. if there isn't a simple solution, I probably won't do it, so don't worry about digging too deep)
For all submit buttons, via JQuery, it'd be:
$('input[type=submit]').click(function() { this.disabled = true; });
Or it might be more useful to do so on form submission:
$('form').submit(function() {
$('input[type=submit]', this).attr("disabled","disabled");
But I think we could give a better answer to your question if we knew a bit more about the context.
If this is an ajax request, then you'll need to make sure you enable submit buttons again on either success or failure.
If this is a standard HTTP form submission (aside from disabling the button with javascript) and you're doing this to safe guard from multiple submissions of the same form, then you ought to have some sort of control in the code that deals with the submitted data, because disabling a button with javascript might not prevent multiple submissions.
You could do something like this:
$('form').submit(function() {
.find(":submit,:image") // get all the submit buttons
.attr({ disabled : 'disabled' }) // disable them
.end() // go back to this form
.submit(function() { // change the onsubmit to always reject.
return false;
Benefits of this:
It will work with all your forms, with all methods of submission:
clicking a submit element
pressing enter, or
calling form.submit() from some other code
It will disable all submit elements:
<input type="submit"/>
<button type="submit"></button>
<input type="image" />
it's really short.
I'm guessing that you don't want them to hit the submit button more than once while the submit is processing.
My approach has been to just hide the button entirely and display some sort of status indicator (animated gif, etc) instead.
Here's a very contrived example (it's technically in prototype but I think a jquery version would be very similar):
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleSubmit()
return true;
<img src="include/images/progress-wheel_lg.gif" id="progressWheel" style="display:none;"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" onclick="handleSubmit();"/>
in JQuery:
$('#SubmitButtonID').click(function() { this.disabled = true; });
On thing to be aware of is that you should not disable the button before the form is submitted. If you disable the button using javascript in the OnClick event you may lose the form submit.
So I would suggest you hide the button using javascript by placing an image above it or by moving the button out of the visible range. That should allow the form submit to proceed normally.
There are three ways to submit a form that should be covered. Use both David McLaughlin's and Jimmy's suggestions. One will disable the submit button form element while the other disables the basic HTML form submit.
For the third, these won't disable Javascript from doing a form.submit(). The OnSubmit="return false" method only applies when a user clicks the submit button or presses Enter in a input form element. Client side scripting will need to be handled as well.
How about
Code behind:
btnContinue3.Attributes.Item("onclick") = "disableSubmit()"
function disableSubmit() {
document.getElementById('btnContinue3').onclick = function() {
alert('Please only click once on the submit button!'); return false;
This doesnt solve the problem of what happens if the postback times out, but other than that it worked for me.
