I have QGroupBox which using QVBoxLayout:
QVBoxLayout *vbLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout(groupBox1);
A height of the group box is big enough to store more than two elements so when I add to the layout only two elements as above, the first appears in the middle of the group box and the second in the bottom. I want to set an alignment where elements are placed in the group box from top to bottom with some small spacing. How to achieve such alignment ? How set spacing between elements ?
My widget has two layouts. The main layout is outerLayout, and it should always occupy the entire widget. This contains a QLabel and a second layout named innerLayout.
innerLayout should be centered inside outerLayout and it should only be large enough to contain its widgets. I've set size constraints for both layouts, but in the following code, innerLayout expands to fill outerLayout.
outerLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
innerLayout = new QGridLayout();
outerLayout ->addLayout(innerLayout);
If I set the size constraint for both layouts to SetFixedSize, both layouts will be reduced to their minimum size. But I want the outer layout to occupy the entire space and the inner layout to use the minimum possible space. Any ideas?
Use spacers as extra widgets of outerlayout. In other words: the spacers will be siblings of innerlayout and will push inner layout to it's minimal needed surface. You will need horizontal and vertical spacers.
I'm making a custom gridPane as a form and have the alignment for the left column on the right and the alignment for the right column of the left.
The last row is always the buttons (save/cancel), but I would like the padding for those to be higher so they're more spread out.
Is it possible (probably) to set the padding/margin for the specific cell (fe the right button)?
I have a QDialog window like this and I want to delete the space between 'Length', 'n', 'm' and corresponding QLineEdit input boxes. How can I achieve that ?
If you use gridlayout, I am not sure why your output looks like that. Generally Qt will not leave huge empty space like that, There are three possibility I can think of:
You have many SPACE after Length:, M: or N:
The layoutHorizontalSpacing is too large in your grid manager.
The layoutColumnStretch was set to in favor of label in your grid manager, should be "0,0", not "1,0". I mean, stretch of Label should not be higher than lineedit.
Still, I would use a simple form layout in your application.
All you need to do is reset the alignment of the labels:
label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlighVCenter)
This can also be done in via the Property Editor in Qt Designer.
You have to decide what to do with the space you want to remove :
Reduce the whole widget : it depends on the surrounding layout, adding an horizontal layout on right or left of it will put the space out of your widget.
Space on the left of your labels : you can align the label text to the right as ekhumoro suggested, or directly reduce and align to the right the whole frame by adding an horizontal spacer on its left (in the surrounding layout).
Space on the right of your line-edits : like above you can add horizontal spacers or reduce and align the frame.
Expand the line-edits : remove their fixed width (default horizontal policy is expanding) or set a bigger one.
The point is : the space has to be somewhere except if you reduce the parent widget or enlarge some the inner widgets. Size-policy is useful to tell which widget should take the available space, spacers are useful to let empty space between widgets.
I'm confused as to why setting the Label.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT) does not affect the alignment of a label that is then added into a GridPane? The only way to do it is seemingly through the grid (e.g. ColumnConstraints) or by e.g. adding the Label to a HBox that has right alignment.
Why does setting the alignment of the label to CENTER_RIGHT have no effect? I can see the API says: "Specifies how the text and graphic within the Labeled should be aligned when there is empty space within the Labeled." But how do I get empty space in a label?
TL:DR version: instead of label.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); use GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT);.
JavaFX uses a top-down layout. So the scene sizes the root node to the size of the scene, the root node sizes and positions each of its child nodes depending on its layout strategy and the amount of space the scene gave it, each child node then sizes and positions its child nodes depending on its own layout strategy and the amount of space it has available, and so on down the scene graph.
According to the documentation for Label, the alignmentProperty
Specifies how the text and graphic within the Labeled should be aligned when there is empty space within the Labeled.
Of course, the amount of space available to the label is determined by its parent, which in this case is the grid pane. You can of course find out about the grid pane's layout strategy and how to configure it by reading its documentation. In brief, though:
By default, a grid pane will allocate each node its preferred size, and, if the cell it's placed in has additional space, will align the node in the top left of the grid cell. The preferred size for a label is of course the computed size: just big enough to hold its content. Hence you see that simply placing a label into a grid pane and setting alignment on the label will not have any effect, because the label is sized just large enough to hold its content, and there is no extra space to align the text/graphic. You can visualize this by placing a background color or border on the label.
So you could set the alignment on the label to CENTER_RIGHT, and then instruct the grid pane to let the label grow. This needs two things: first, tell the grid pane to let the label fill the width of the cell:
GridPane.setFillWidth(label, true);
and, since the grid pane will also respect the child node's maximum size, and the label by default uses its preferred size as its maximum size, allow the label to grow:
Then the label will grow to the size of the cell, and so if you also have
it will align its own content to the right.
A more sensible approach is probably just to tell the grid pane how to align the label in the cell:
GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT);
Then let the label take on its default size and alignment and everything will work.
You can also use a ColumnConstraints object to set the default alignment for all labels in a particular column, which is by far the more convenient approach if you are building a form.
I am working on a FLEX / AIR Spark list which lists a collection of images with differing width and height.
I am using a custom layout which works this way:
decide how many images can be fit in the current row based on their widths.
justify them in such a way that first image in the row obeys the "left" margin and the last image in the row obeys "right" margin, so with the "top" and "bottom" as specified by the user, let us say 10 pixels.
As an example, assuming that the current row has 4 images, the images 1 & 4 will have 10 pixels each as "left" margin "right" margin respectively. But the left and right gaps between 1-2, 2-3 & 3-4 will be equally divided based on the varying widths.
now i would like to draw a background that will fill the dynamic area. Please see the image below to get an idea:
Layout requirement Image
** In the image, The grey area is the background I would like to draw, and the colored rectangles represent images of differing widths and heights.**
the "rowHeight" is variable based on the maximum height of individual images within the row.
a) Now I would like to draw a background (see the grey area in the pic) that fills the background area of the list. I know the current item's width & height, but I don't know the rowHeight decided by the layout, left and right margins between the images.
Something like:
bgRect:Rectangle = new rectangle ( 0, 0, (imgWidth + (LeftMargin/2) + (Right Margin/2) ), rowHeight)
b) How / where should the background be implemented? if i add the BG area within the item renderer based on the layout, again the layout will be relaid.
Children should be added in the createChildren method. Drawing (painting) the background should happen in updateDisplayList method.
You can pass data to your itemrenderers via an itemrenderer factory. See - Flex - Sending a parameter to a custom ItemRenderer?.
var productRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(ProductRenderer);
productRenderer.properties = { showProductImage: true };
myList.itemRenderer = productRenderer;