How to customize DataTransformer error message in Symfony? - symfony

My simple data transformer transforms a number to an entity and vice-versa. It's pretty like the example in the official documentation.
The reverseTransform method converts a number to an entity and when it fails it throws a TransformationFailedException with a descriptive message:
public function reverseTransform($number)
if (!$number) {
return null;
$issue = $this->om
->findOneBy(array('number' => $number))
if (null === $issue) {
throw new TransformationFailedException(sprintf(
'An issue with number "%s" does not exist!',
return $issue;
However the form field using the above transformer gets a generic error message "This value is not valid". Even changing the exception text (that I would expect to be used as validation message, but it's not...) doesn't change the error message.
How can I display the exception text instead of "This value is not valid"?

In no way, because symfony catch this exception and set own message (field incorrect).
If your want customize this message, you must set validator to this field.
Maybe I'm wrong, but did not find anything.
For example:
public function reverseTransform($number)
if (!$number) {
return null;
$issue = $this->om
->findOneBy(array('number' => $number))
if (null === $issue) {
// Nothig action
//throw new TransformationFailedException(sprintf(
// 'An issue with number "%s" does not exist!',
// $number
return $issue;
And add NotBlank/NotNull validator to field.
And you can set the parameter "invalid_message" in form type.
For example:
->add('you_field', 'text', array('invalid_message' => 'An issue number not found'))


Symfony Messenger with RabbitMQ JsonSerialize problem with requeue

I have created 2 queues in Rabbit. First if main, second should be used when Exception is thrown in consumer. On older Symfony with ampq bundle is all ok, but in 6.2 with Messenger not. There is problem with JsonSerializer. I "copy/paste" solution recomended by manual of Symfony.
Lets have first queue named queue with this parameters (second is queue_retry, but it doesnt matter at this time):
x-dead-letter-exchange: 'queue_retry'
x-dead-letter-routing-key: ''
And class for JsonSerializer
class RabbitMessageMessengerJsonSerializer implements SerializerInterface
public function decode(array $encodedEnvelope): Envelope
$body = $encodedEnvelope['body'];
$headers = $encodedEnvelope['headers'];
$data = json_decode($body, true);
$message = new RabbitMessageMessenger($data);
$envelope = new Envelope($message);
$stamps = [];
if (isset($headers['stamps'])) {
$stamps = unserialize($headers['stamps']);
return $envelope->with(... $stamps);
public function encode(Envelope $envelope): array
$message = $envelope->getMessage();
if ($message instanceof RabbitMessageMessenger) {
$data = $message->getContent();
} else {
throw new \Exception('Unsupported message class');
$allStamps = [];
foreach ($envelope->all() as $stamps) {
$allStamps = array_merge($allStamps, $stamps);
return [
'body' => json_encode($data),
'headers' => [
'stamps' => serialize($allStamps),
When I run consumer and throw Exception, I got this message:
In RabbitMessageMessengerJsonSerializer.php line 46:
[Exception] Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed
In this case is message "copied" and exists in both queues. I need to take it from "queue" and when it fails "move" to "queue_retry". And without problems.
If I remove stamps (set to empty array) message is copied into "queue" many times until I brak running of consumer.
What is wrong?
Thank you very much

Get initial value of entity in FormExtension

In my update form, I want to add a data attribute on the inputs that will contains the initial value of the entity. This way, I will be able to highlight the input when the user will modify it.
In the end, only the input modified by the users will be highlighted.
I want to use this only in update, not in creation.
To do so, I created a form extension like this:
class IFormTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public static function getExtendedTypes()
//I want to be able to extend any form type
return [FormType::class];
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'is_iform' => false,
'is_iform_modification' => function (Options $options) {
return $options['is_iform'] ? null : false;
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform', 'bool');
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform_modification', ['bool', 'null']);
public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
if (!$options['is_iform'] && !$this->isParentIForm($form)) {
//We need to add the original value in the input as data-attributes
if (is_string($form->getViewData()) || is_int($form->getViewData())) {
$originValue = $form->getViewData();
} elseif (is_array($form->getViewData())) {
if (is_object($form->getNormData())) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_keys($form->getViewData()));
} elseif (is_array($form->getNormData()) && count($form->getNormData()) > 0 && is_object($form->getNormData()[0])) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_keys($form->getViewData()));
} else {
$originValue = implode('###', $form->getViewData());
} else {
//There's no value yet
$originValue = '';
$view->vars['attr'] = array_merge($view->vars['attr'], ['data-orig-value' => $originValue]);
private function isParentIForm(FormInterface $form)
if (null === $form->getParent()) {
return $form->getConfig()->getOption('is_iform');
return $this->isParentIForm($form->getParent());
As you can see in the buildView method, I get the originValue from the ViewData.
In a lot of cases, this works well.
But if I have any validation error in my form OR if I reload my form through AJAX, the ViewData contains the new information and not the values of the entity I want to update.
How can I get the values of the original entity?
I don't want to make a DB request in here.
I think I can use the FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA event, then save the entity values in session and use these in the buildView.
I could also give a new Option in my OptionResolver to ask for the initial entity.
Is it possible to have the original data of the entity directly form the buildView? (If I'm not wrong, this means the form before we call the handleRequest method).
Someone wanted to have an example with a controller. I don't think it's really interresting, because with the FormExtension, the code will be added automatically. But anyway, here is how I create a form in my controller :
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer)->handleRequest($request);
And in the CustomerType, I will add the 'is_iform' key with configureOptions() :
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
"translation_domain" => "customer",
"data_class" => Customer::class,
'is_iform' => true //This line will activate the extension
It's probably an opinionated answer. There also might be better approaches.
I'm not a big fan of your form extension, since it's really convoluted and unclear what's happening, at least to my eyes.
What I'm proposing: When the form submit happened, in your controller you should do the following
// ((*)) maybe store customer, see below
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer);
if($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
// easy case, you got this.
return $this->redirect(); // or another response
} elseif($form->isSubmitted()) {
// form was submitted with errors, have to refresh entity!
// REFRESH - see discussion below for alternatives
// then create form again with original values:
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer);
// other stuff
return $this->render(..., ['form' => $form->createView(), ...]);
so, essentially, when the form validation fails, you refresh the entity and recreate the form, avoiding the problem with the changed state of your entity. I believe this approach ultimately is easier then hacking the form to magically not update values or re-set older values.
Now the question remains: how to refresh an entity? Simplest approach: reload from database:
$em->refresh($customer); // easiest approach, will likely run another query.
Instead of giving $customer to the form, you create a customer DTO that contains the same values but on change doesn't automatically change the original object. If the form validation fails, you can just re-generate the DTO.
Instead of refresh($customer), which will most likely run another query (except maybe not, if you have a cache), you could cache the customer yourself via a DefaultCacheEntityHydrator, you would have to create your own EntityCacheKey object (not really hard), generate a cache entry (DefaultCacheEntityHydrator::buildCacheEntry() at the ((*)) above) and restore the entry for when you need to restore it. Disclaimer: I don't know if/how this works with collections (i.e. collection properties, the entity might have).
That being said ... if you really really want a form extension for whatever reason, you might want to form event with a PRE_SET_DATA handler that stores the data in the form type object, then on buildView uses those values. I wouldn't store something in the session for I don't see the necessity ... your aversion to db queries is baffling though, if that's your main reason for all the shenanigans
In the end, I managed to make it work BUT I'm not fully convinced by what I did.
It was not possible to get the original data from the form OR add a new property (the form is read only in the form extension).
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
function (FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
if ('_token' === $form->getName()) {
$data = $event->getData();
$this->session->set('iform_'.$form->getName(), is_object($data) ? clone $data : $data);
What I do here, is simply register the form values by its name in the session.
If it's an object, I need to clone it, because the form will modify it later in the process and I want to work with the original state of the form.
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'is_iform' => false,
'is_iform_modification' => function (Options $options) {
return $options['is_iform'] ? null : false;
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform', 'bool');
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform_modification', ['bool', 'null']);
The configure options did not change.
And then, depending on the value type, I create my "data-orig-value" :
public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
if (!$options['is_iform'] && !$this->isParentIForm($form)) {
$propertyValue = $this->session->get('iform_'.$form->getName());
$originValue = '';
try {
if (null !== $propertyValue) {
//We need to add the original value in the input as data-attributes
if (is_bool($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue ? 1 : 0;
} elseif (is_string($propertyValue) || is_int($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} elseif (is_array($propertyValue) || $propertyValue instanceof Collection) {
if (is_object($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_map(function ($object) {
return $object->getId();
}, $propertyValue->toArray()));
} elseif (is_array($propertyValue) && count($propertyValue) > 0 && is_object(array_values($propertyValue)[0])) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_map(function ($object) {
return $object->getId();
}, $propertyValue));
} else {
$originValue = implode('###', $propertyValue);
} elseif ($propertyValue instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$originValue = \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($propertyValue, $form->getConfig()->getOption('format', 'dd/mm/yyyy'));
} elseif (is_object($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue->getId();
} else {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} catch (NoSuchPropertyException $e) {
if (null !== $propertyValue = $this->session->get('iform_'.$form->getName())) {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} else {
$originValue = '';
} finally {
//We remove the value from the session, to not overload the memory
$view->vars['attr'] = array_merge($view->vars['attr'], ['data-orig-value' => $originValue]);
private function isParentIForm(FormInterface $form)
if (null === $form->getParent()) {
return $form->getConfig()->getOption('is_iform');
return $this->isParentIForm($form->getParent());
Maybe the code sample will help anyone !
If anyone have a better option, don't hesitate to post it !

Callback Constraint doesn't show paylod (Symfony Validator Component)

My controller code:
public function postFilesAction(Request $request)
$validator = $this->get('validator');
$requestCredentials = RequestCredentials::fromRequest($request);
$errors = $validator->validate($requestCredentials);
validate method in RequestCredentials (Callback constraint).
* #Assert\Callback(payload = {"errorCode" = "FILE_FILE_URL"})
public function validate(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
if (! ($this->fileExistsAndValid() || $this->fileUrlExistsAndValid())) {
$context->buildViolation('Neither file nor file_url is present.')->addViolation();
Callback works as expected, but the value of $constraintViolation->$constraint->$payload is null.
When I'm trying to use payload in other Constraints (NotBlank, for example), it works (I can see it in ConstraintViolation object).
Is it Symfony bug or am I doing somethings wrong? Should I use some other solution to my problem? (I need to check if there's at least one of two fields (file or file_url) present in request).
In Symfony 3.0 you cannot easily access the payload in the callback when using the Callback constraint. Starting with Symfony 3.1, the payload will be passed as an additional argument to the callback (see and
I managed to solve this problem with following code in the assertion:
* #Assert\Callback(payload = {"error_code" = "1"}, callback = "validate", groups = {"Default", "RequestCredentials"})
public function validate(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
// some validation code
I think the problem was because of the Symfony Callback constraint constructor:
public function __construct($options = null)
// Invocation through annotations with an array parameter only
if (is_array($options) && 1 === count($options) && isset($options['value'])) {
$options = $options['value'];
if (is_array($options) && !isset($options['callback']) && !isset($options['groups'])) {
$options = array('callback' => $options);
When it is given $options = ['payload' => [...]] (what happened in my case) it turns it into $options = ['callback' => ['payload' => [...]]]
and then '$payload' data becomes inacessable in ConstraintViolation object.
But I'm still not sure whether it's Symfony imperfection or me not getting something and using it wrong.

BindingResult.getFieldValue() returning null in test context for a formatted value

In a spring mvc app, I submit id's and use a formatter to convert that id to an object. It works well in the container.
But in the unit test environment, I'm seeing a problem.
I mock the formatter to always return my test value, this is fine it gets injected into the ModelAttribute. But in the BindingResult, a call to result.getFieldValue("location") for example is returning null, but only in the MockMvc context.
This is the test case:
* Tests the inventory update for existing inventory records.
* #throws Exception
public void testUpdateExistingProductInventory() throws Exception{
VariantInventory oldInventory = new VariantInventory();
Product product = ProductBuilder.buildBasicExisting();
Location location = new Location();
ProductVariant variant = new ProductVariant();
// check the formatter is working
Mockito.when(mockProductFormatter.parse(((String)Mockito.anyObject()), ((Locale)Mockito.anyObject()))).thenReturn(product);
Product p = mockProductFormatter.parse("1", null);
Assert.assertEquals(p, product);
// check the formatter is working
Mockito.when(mockLocationFormatter.parse(((String)Mockito.anyObject()), ((Locale)Mockito.anyObject()))).thenReturn(location);
Location l = mockLocationFormatter.parse("3", null);
Assert.assertEquals(l, location);
// check the formatter is working
Mockito.when(mockVariantFormatter.parse(((String)Mockito.anyObject()), ((Locale)Mockito.anyObject()))).thenReturn(variant);
ProductVariant pv = mockVariantFormatter.parse("2", null);
Assert.assertEquals(pv, variant);
// check the formatter is working
Mockito.when(mockInventoryFormatter.parse(((String)Mockito.anyObject()), ((Locale)Mockito.anyObject()))).thenReturn(oldInventory);
VariantInventory v = mockInventoryFormatter.parse("20", null);
Assert.assertEquals(v, oldInventory);
.param("product", "1")
.param("variant", "2")
.param("location", "3")
.param("status", "ACTIVE")
.param("quantityOnHand", "30.5")
.param("lowStockQuantity", "10")
.param("inventory", "20")
Mockito.verify(mockInventoryService, Mockito.times(1)).updateExisting(Mockito.eq(oldInventory), Mockito.any(VariantInventory.class));
This is the relative part of the controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/ajax/products/update/inventory", method= RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody
AJAXResponse updateProductInventory(#ModelAttribute ProductInventoryFormWrapper formWrapper, BindingResult result,
ModelMap map) {
logger.debug("Getting product data");
if (!result.hasErrors()) {
inventoryValidator.validate(formWrapper, result);
Then skipping a few items, this is the relevant validation that fails, where I am passing location as the field.
ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, field, "required.field", new String[]{label});
The object fails to validate because of what must be a bug.
What I observe if I debug the controller is:
The object is in the FormWrapper, and the properties are there.
But in the BindingResult object, if I call 'getFieldValue('location')` which is what's being called in the spring validation code, it's returning null, and therefore the validator rejects the value.
So for some reason the binding result hasn't registered the formatted fields or something. Note that this only happens in the Unit Test, not in the container.
Does anyone know how to fix?
Quick Edit:
I've done some more debugging, and it's failing in this block of code from AbstractPropertyBindingResult. The value is okay right up until the conversionService is called to convert it. I haven't downloaded the source beyond that method, so I can't see exactly why it's failing, but somewhere in the convert method it's being turned from the proper value, to null. I presume because I'm using MockObjects, and maybe it's calling something that I haven't anticipated to return the value.
protected Object formatFieldValue(String field, Object value) {
String fixedField = fixedField(field);
// Try custom editor...
PropertyEditor customEditor = getCustomEditor(fixedField);
if (customEditor != null) {
String textValue = customEditor.getAsText();
// If the PropertyEditor returned null, there is no appropriate
// text representation for this value: only use it if non-null.
if (textValue != null) {
return textValue;
if (this.conversionService != null) {
// Try custom converter...
TypeDescriptor fieldDesc = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyTypeDescriptor(fixedField);
TypeDescriptor strDesc = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class);
if (fieldDesc != null && this.conversionService.canConvert(fieldDesc, strDesc)) {
return this.conversionService.convert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc);
return value;
Ok that was a tough one, so I didn't really expect anyone to answer. But here's the answer. I was right, the Mock was being called in the validation. So I had to add an additional mock method to the formatters (print):
// check the formatter is working
Mockito.when(mockInventoryFormatter.parse(((String)Mockito.anyObject()), ((Locale)Mockito.anyObject()))).thenReturn(oldInventory);
// this was added
Mockito.when(mockInventoryFormatter.print(Mockito.any(VariantInventory.class), Mockito.any(Locale.class))).thenReturn("20");

Symfony2 data transformer, validator and error message

I asked this question and found out that we can't get the error message thrown by a DataTransformer (according to the only user who answered, maybe it's possible, I don't know).
Anyway, now that I know that, I am stucked with a problem of validation. Suppose my model is this one: I have threads that contains several participants (users).
class Thread
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="My\UserBundle\Entity\User")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="messaging_thread_user")
private $participants;
// other fields, getters, setters, etc
For thread creation, I want the user to specify the participants usernames in a textarea, separated by "\n".
And I want that if one or more of the usernames specified don't exist, a message is displayed with the usernames that don't exist.
For example, "Users titi, tata and toto don't exist".
For that I created a DataTransformer that transforms the raw text in the textarea into an ArrayCollection containing instances of users. Since I can't get the error message provided by this DataTransformer (such a shame! Is it really impossible?), I don't check the existence of each usernames in the DataTransformer but in the Validator.
Here is the DataTransformer that converts \n-separated user list into an ArrayCollection (so that the DataBinding is ok):
public function reverseTransform($val)
if (empty($val)) {
return null;
$return = new ArrayCollection();
// Extract usernames in an array from the raw text
$val = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim($val));
$usernames = explode("\n", $val);
array_map('trim', $usernames);
foreach ($usernames as $username) {
$user = new User();
if (!$return->contains($user)) {
return $return;
And here is my validator:
public function isValid($value, Constraint $constraint)
$repo = $this->em->getRepository('MyUserBundle:User');
$notValidUsernames = array();
foreach ($value as $user) {
$username = $user->getUsername();
if (!($user = $repo->findOneByUsername($username))) {
$notValidUsernames[] = $username;
if (count($notValidUsernames) == 0) {
return true;
// At least one username is not ok here
// Create the list of usernames separated by commas
$list = '';
$i = 1;
foreach ($notValidUsernames as $username) {
if ($i < count($notValidUsernames)) {
$list .= $username;
if ($i < count($notValidUsernames) - 1) {
$list .= ', ';
'%usernames%' => $list,
'%last_username%' => end($notValidUsernames)
return false;
This current implementation looks ugly. I can see the error message well, but the users in the ArrayCollection returned by the DataTransformer are not synchronized with Doctrine.
I got two questions:
Is there any way that my validator could modify the value given in parameter? So that I can replace the simple User instances in the ArrayCollection returned by the DataTransformer into instances retrieved from the database?
Is there a simple and elegant way to do what I'm doing?
I guess the most simple way to do this is to be able to get the error message given by the DataTransformer. In the cookbook, they throw this exception: throw new TransformationFailedException(sprintf('An issue with number %s does not exist!', $val));, if I could put the list of non-existing usernames in the error message, it would be cool.
I am the one that answered your previous thread so maybe someone else will jump in here.
Your code can be simplified considerably. You are only dealing with user names. No need for use objects or array collections.
public function reverseTransform($val)
if (empty($val)) { return null; }
// Extract usernames in an array from the raw text
// $val = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim($val));
$usernames = explode("\n", $val);
array_map('trim', $usernames);
// No real need to check for dups here
return $usernames;
The validator:
public function isValid($userNames, Constraint $constraint)
$repo = $this->em->getRepository('SkepinUserBundle:User');
$notValidUsernames = array();
foreach ($userNames as $userName)
if (!($user = $repo->findOneByUsername($username)))
$notValidUsernames[$userName] = $userName; // Takes care of dups
if (count($notValidUsernames) == 0) {
return true;
// At least one username is not ok here
$invalidNames = implode(' ,',$notValidUsernames);
'%usernames%' => $invalidNames,
'%last_username%' => end($notValidUsernames)
return false;
So at this point
We have used transformer to copy the data from the text area and generated an array of user names during form->bind().
We then used a validator to confirm that each user name actually exists in the database. If there are any that don't then we generate an error message and form->isValid() will fail.
So now we are back in the controller, we know we have a list of valid user names (possibly comma delimited or possibly just an array). Now we want to add these to our thread object.
One way would to create a thread manager service and add this functionality to it. So in the controller we might have:
$threadManager = $this->get('thread.manager');
For the thread manager we would inject our entity manager. In the add users method we would get a reference to each of the users, verify that the thread does not already have a link to this user, call $thread->addUser() and then flush.
The fact that we have wrapped up this sort of functionality into a service class will make things easier to test as we can also make a command object and run this from the command line. it also gives us a nice spot to add additional thread related functionality. We might even consider injecting this manager into the user name validator and moving some of the isValid code to the manager.
