Targeting itemprop in CSS? - css

I have the following two sections of code generated by a Wordpress theme.
This first section of code is generated for a WP Page:
<div class="postinner">
<div itemprop="name">
<h1 class="pagetitle">My Title</h1>
<p>First line of text</p>
<p>Second line of text</p>
This second section of code is generated for a WP Post:
<div class="postinner">
<article itemtype="" itemscope="" role="article">
<div itemprop="headline">
<h1 class="pagetitle">Hello World!</h1>
I cannot figure out the CSS selector to specifically target and center the text of the H1 tag within the "itemprop DIV" for the 1st section of code.
Also, I would also like to target and style the H1 tag in the WP Post with a different text color but again, cannot figure out CSS selector.

You could try using CSS Attribute Selectors, such as:
div[itemprop="name"] h1 {
color: red;
div[itemprop="headline"] h1 {
color: yellow;

The [att=val] selector (as suggested by Stuart Kershaw’s) works if the itemprop attribute has only this token as value.
But the itemprop attribute can have multiple tokens as value, in which case the [att=val] wouldn’t match anymore.
So you might want to use the [att~=val] selector, which matches in both cases: if it’s the only token or if it’s one of multiple tokens.
Although both span elements have the name token as value of itemprop, only the first one is matched by the CSS rule with the [itemprop="name"] selector:
[itemprop="name"] {font-size:200%;}
[itemprop~="name"] {color:red;}
<div itemscope>
<span itemprop="name">'name'</span>
<span itemprop="name headline">'name' and 'headline'</span>


Applying style on children does not work in Tailwind

Let's say I have this markup:
<div class="">
<p>First text</p>
<span class="bold">Bye</span>
If I use text-red-400 on the parent element, I see that all of the children become red.
However, when I use [&>.bold]:text-red-400, the span element that has bold class won't be changed.
What is wrong here?
Because > CSS selector is direct children only selector
The child combinator (>) is placed between two CSS selectors. It matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are the direct children of elements matched by the first.
Utility [&>.bold]:text-red-400 basically is equivalent of
.utility > .bold {
color: red;
Every direct child with .bold class will be red
<div class="[&>.bold]:text-red-400">
<p class="bold">I'm red</p>
<span class="bold">I'm not</span>
If you wish to target every .bold element just remove > selector and replace it with underscore _
<div class="[&_.bold]:text-red-400">
<p class="bold">I'm red</p>
<span class="bold">Me too</span>
So if you want to change the text color for only the span element with bold class then you need to specify the position of the child element as well. You can try the following code:
This is mentioned in the tailwind documentation a well for more help: tailwind doc

How to get different class selectors using nth-child in css

I have these codes
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
Now I want to get second child of .tag2 selector.
I try this code and it's not working, but when I use .tag1 it's working.
.test .tag2:nth-child(2) {
background-color: #000;
How can i fix this?
:nth-child works on elements, not on other selectors. Here your .tag2 element is the 4th element in the list.
When browsers begin to implement the Selectors Level 4 standards we'll be able to achieve this using the :nth-match structural pseudo-class selector, but unfortunately that's quite a way off yet.
A Potential CSS Solution (Markup-dependant)
If your markup will always be that the first .tag2 will only ever follow .tag1 and the second .tag2 will only ever follow .tag2, you can fake it with this:
.tag1 + .tag2 + .tag2 {
background-color: #000;
This selects the .tag2 element which immediately follows a .tag2 element which immediately follows a .tag1 element.
A JavaScript Solution
If you can't do that then you'll have to go for a JavaScript solution instead (or implement something on the back-end which generates the content).
The below example pulls all .tag2 elements within your .test container, then grabs the 2nd one ([1] here, remember the 0 index: [1] = 2nd), then applies the style to that element.
You'll need to add in some checks to ensure this element exists before applying the style.
document.querySelector('.test').querySelectorAll('.tag2')[1].style.background = '#000'
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
I know your question isn't tagged with JavaScript, but a good solution with JS is as follows:
var alltagtwos = document.getElementsByClassName("tag2");
alltagtwos[1].className += " secondel";
.tag2.secondel {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 2</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 3</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 1</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 3</div>
What I've done here is add all elements with the class .tag2 into an array-like object using getElementsByClassName. I then select the second element which has the class .tag2 (index starts at zero, so I've select [1]) and appended another class to it (.secondel) which I've then styled with CSS.

What is css "[class*=my-class] .my-subclass" doing?

I inherited some css and I have searched everywhere online to understand what is being expressed by a block of css that looks like:
[class*=wrapper] .logo {
padding-top: 32px !important;
What is the asterisk and square brackets doing?
It is hard to search for [ and * on google... Sorry if the question is dumb.
It selects an element with class logo that has an ancestor that has wrapper somewhere in its class attribute. For example note that the class burgerwrapper also leads to the element being selected below.
[class*=wrapper] .logo {
color: #f99;
<div class="logo">Not selected</div>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="logo">
<div class="burgerwrapper">
<div class="logo">
See for some background information on attribute selectors.
what square brackets doing
Attribute selectors
CSS 2.1 allows authors to specify rules that match elements which have
certain attributes defined in the source document.
Attribute selectors w3
What is the asterisk
Substring matching attribute selectors
[att*=val] Represents an element with the att attribute whose value
contains at least one instance of the substring "val". If "val" is
the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Substring matching attribute selectors
To sum it up in you example:
[class*=wrapper] .logo {
color: red;
<div class="wrapper">
<div>not this</div>
<div class="logo">this</div>
<div class="logo">this</div>
<div>not this</div>
<div class="logo">not this</div>
<div>not this</div>
Select child elements with class .logo that their parent element has attribute class with value wrapper appears somewhere in that attribute.

CSS Inheritance involving div

I've been reading a lot about CSS inheritance but I haven't been able to find anything about this question, and I'm confused. Please consider the following:
<style type="text/css">
.anc {
background-color: blue;
color: red;
.des {
background-color: inherit;
color: inherit;
<div class="anc">
<p class="des">
One <!-- Blue background, red text. Clearly inheritance. -->
<p class="anc">
<div class="des">
Two <!-- Why is nothing inherited here? -->
The "One" text is working as I'd expect. But I don't understand why the "Two" text doesn't have a blue background and red text as well.
Is there some special rule about inheritance for block elements as opposed to inline elements? Or something special just about div? What am I missing here? Do you have an online reference to a very thorough explanation of inheritance? Everything I've seen (and I've been looking a long time) just explains examples like "One", but doesn't address issues like "Two".
I know that there are many (better) ways to get the same visual effect I'm asking for here. But this example is about me trying to understand inheritance in general, not trying to get any particular effect on this HTML code.
Thank you so much for your help!
A <div> inside <p> tag is not valid HTML. If you check the rendered HTML, it probably looks something like this:
<p class="anc"></p>
<div class="dec">TWO</div>
The browser fixes the invalid nesting, but that breaks your CSS definition.
You can't nest block-level elements inside a <p> - the opening <p> ends up acting as a self-closing element and pushes the descendant div out of the <p> as a succeeding sibling. The paragraph also creates an empty <p> after the div; the structure ends up looking like:
<p class="anc"> </p>
<div class="des">Two</div>
A <p> can only contain inline elements. It is invalid to put a <div> in a <p>.
You swapped <div> and <p> in the second case. Also your css specifies .des, whereas your class name in the HTML is dec See working jsFiddle here.
<div class="anc">
<p class="dec">
One <!-- Blue background, red text. Clearly inheritance. -->
<div class="anc">
<p class="dec">
Two <!-- Why is nothing inherited here? -->
.anc {
background-color: blue;
color: red;
Also, there's no need for the inherit as the child will be rendered within the parent, whose style you set already.

What's the difference between CSS classes (without space) and .foo .bar (with space)

Would you please explain me the difference between these two CSS classes syntax:
.element .symbol {}
.element.large .symbol {}
I don't understand the difference between the two. The first line indicates two different classes to which are applied the same styles. But about the second, what's the meaning of '.large' which is written attached to '.element'?
.element .symbol
means .symbol inside .element
means .element that has the class symbol as well.
.element.large .symbol
means .symbol inside .element that has the class large as well.
I think you got a slight misunderstanding what the first one means.
.element .symbol {}
Means that those CSS settings are applied to any HTML element with the class .symbol that is inside an element with the class .element.
<div class="element">
<div class="symbol" />
In this example your first CSS entry would affect the <div> tag in the middle.
Your second example means that the first class requires two classes to be affected. Other than that it's equal to the first one.
<div class="element large">
<div class="symbol" />
So if the HTML looks like this, the CSS values will be applied to the inner <div> tag as well.
If you want to set CSS tags that apply for multiple classes separately then you need to split them up using a comma. So it looks like this:
.element, .symbol {}
Edit: By request the link to the documentation of the CSS selectors.
refers to an element with both classes:
<div class="element large"></div>
rather than a descendant of an element:
.element .large
meaning that in:
<div class="element">
<div class="large"></div>
<div class="large"></div>
is 'receiving' the styles.
Basically, being separated by a space implies two elements with a descendant relationship.
You would use .element .symbol this where you have an element inside of another element. For example:
<div class="element">
<i class="symbol"></i>
If down the road you wanted to differentiate some divs, you could add an additional class to target only those that differ, and target it with .element.large .symbol. So, for example:
<div class="element large">
<i class="symbol"></i>
In your second example, the first part of the selector is simply an element with two classes, as in <span class="element large"> or <span class="large element">.
In general, each part of a selector applies to one HTML element.
table[border].clname means a table with a border attribute and a class of clname, while table [border] .clname means an element with class clname, in an element with a border attribute, in a table.
(Edit: well, I say "one HTML element", but of course you can have more than one table that this applies to. You understand.)
Without whitespace, you are simply more specific with the selector. Because classes can appear several times in the html dom. But two or more classes in one element is rarer and therefore more precise.
Selectors with a whitespace (.a1 .b2) say search for the class a1 and see if there is a child or child-child element with the class b2 in this element.
An even higher degree of accuracy can be achieved with the >selector (.a1 .b2 > span). This states that only span elements should be taken into account which are direct children of the class .b2 located within an element with the class a1.
.a1 .b1 {
color: green;
.a1.a2 .b1 {
color: red;
.a1.a2 .b2 {
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
.a1.a2 .b2 > span {
color: orange;
<div class="a1">
<div class="b1">Hello France</div>
<div class="b1">Hello Spain</div>
<div class="b2">Hello Sweden</div>
<div class="a1 a2">
<div class="b1">Bye France</div>
<div class="b1">Bye Spain</div>
<div class="b2">
