Google tracking code validation doesn't work - google-analytics

So, in order to see interests/demographics/etc on google analytics, I need to make a one line change to my tracking script on the website ( ). So, I simply copied the code and pasted it in my website's base template. Everything works! Realtime analytics, google's debug script gives no errors, but... when I click demographics tab, or any other one requiring the script change, I need to validate the tracking code. When I click that button, nothing happens... Anyone had similar problems?
My website:

I had the same problem; I knew I implemented the code correctly, still the validation didn't work. I hesitated to press skip, though, but it worked when I did! After that, it said on the web page that it will take 24 hours before data reports start to show.
"If you are certain that you’ve made the correct change, you can click Skip validation." (Solution source)
Edit: Just noticed that the question was solved in the comments.

Check again tomorrow. Can take anywhere to 24 hours for demographic data to start populating.


Know what the user does when a specific error happens using Google analytics?

I have a website that sells products and I'm using google analytics to know some statistics about the website. Sometimes, errors happens for various reasons and purchases doesn't go through. You then have to refresh the page and try again, then everything works. The website displays the message telling the user to refresh and try again. I'm curious how many people actually do that. My question is, is it possible to know what users do when this error happens? Do they refresh and try again? Do they close the tab or do they do something else?
The question is quite broad at this moment, but there are a couple of improvements to your measurement setup, that can help you to investigate this customer behavior.
What I would do, is to implement an event tracking to indicate, that this error has occurred. You can find details about event tracking in this guide. Although I suppose, that your users are not likely to enter the website at this page, it might be a good practice to set the non-interaction flag of the event, as it is not actually generated by a user interaction.
I'd also create tracking for page reload, either by creating an other event for this, or by adding -reload suffix to these repeated pageview URLs. You can find good resources for this on SO as well, e.g. this one.
If you have a special URL for this error page (e.g. purchase-error.html instead of purchase-success.html), it is also easy to track the exit rate specific to this page.
Besides of Google Analytics, you might also want to set up heatmap or screen recording tools to understand this behavior. Hotjar, Lucky Orange are a few examples. (No affiliation.)

Long delay after button is clicked

I'm just learning ASP.NET using VB 2010, and although I've had a lot of good progress, I am stumped by one issue that I can't resolve. I've also the web for answers, but I haven't found anything that is exactly what I am dealing with. ...though I may not be using the correct search terms.
Anyway, this is an app that will run on our company internet site which requires users to enter information into text boxes and click a button to accept it. Then it will show a modal pop-up asking the user to confirm. The pop-up has a "Confirm" button and a "Cancel" Button. The cancel button works immediately (hides the confirmation pop-up), but the confirm button hangs up for several seconds before it moves to the next step, which is a modal "Thank You" pop-up. The Confirm button writes data to a database.
Now, that's how it works inside the development environment. However, when it's on the production server, it will sit there for who-knows-how-long before it does anything. I can tell that it is writing to the database, and then displaying the data on the page, but the Confirmation pop-up stays up, and the Thank You pop-up never shows up. Also, the app is supposed to send an email to the user as acknowledgement, but it doesn't do that.
When it hangs up like this, I have never waited long enough to see when it catches up. And when it's live like that, I don't know of a way to debug it.
More info about the page: There are several update panels, one that responds to a timer tick every second to update fields on the page. The others are set to "conditional," being updated by other events. For example, the Confirmation and Thank You modals are in conditional update panels which respond to different events.
So I have two questions: Can anyone advise me about the hangup, and is there a way to debug from a live site? Oh, and maybe a third: Can you have too many update panels?
Update: Follow up question: Can it be going off on a different thread, going off track from the correct thread? I've never really understood threading, but this seems like a possibility.
This could be any number of things, so it's going to probably be something you're going to need to dive into and troubleshoot and it's probably not something we'll be able to help with too much.
First, the obligatory request: please post your code :)
Now, something that works quickly and dev and slowly in production is usually a resource issue or a code/data issue. First, take a quick look at the server and make sure it's up to the task for multiple users and all of that. It's worth a quick look, but it's usually an issue with the code or data.
What is that update command doing? Is the SQL behind it written well and efficiently? Are there any database locks that might be happening where another user is doing something and your code is actually waiting for it to complete before doing the updating? How many rows are in the database / how many are being effected?
I'd start by running a SQL trace to see what's really happening and to get an ideas as to how many database calls there are an how long each one takes to execute. If that's not the answer, look at the VB code and see if it's efficiently written. If not, go back to the server resources. Without seeing any code or having any idea what the application is supposed to do, I'd bet on the database queries being the culprit.
My bad. I hadn't mentioned one aspect, because I had no idea it would be a factor, but it is. Part of the process was to log certain events into a log file. The way it's set up in our IIS, that's a big no-no. So it was throwing an error, but the error was only manifesting itself as a long delay. I commented out the code that opens, writes to, and closes the log file, and it's all good.

Google Analytics multiple codes

Normally when I add a html piece to my site, it will create a box that lets me know it's there. It' finicky though and the box didnt show up. So I added the html again, and it didnt tell me it was there. So I published the website and then went to a few pages to see if it worked. It did, and now each page is being tracked multiple times. Then I had the bright idea to redo the tracking code and add that hoping the new code would only be seen once. Not only is it picking up the new code, but the old one as well. Each pageview is being seen as three.
And like I said, my html builder blocks are not showing up on my builder, so I cant get rid of them. Is there a way I can fix this, or do I have to delete my whole file and re-do my analytics? If so, can anyone help me do that?
Tracking code show the real time data or the data of past day.
So if anyone has the above mentioned issue, he need to wait at least 24 hours to get correct reporting through Google Analytic.

Analytics receives events, but does not log them in reporting

I've been all over google and SO looking for answers here. I've checked code against google's tracking code suggestions and I've even tested with their sample code. But I cannot get the events to be properly tracked in Google Analytics. My code has been live on the site for some time (~ a month), so this should have overcome any lag on the reports there.
I'm using analytics, the async version, which works fine for page tracking and other 'normal' features. Trying to set up event tracking, I followed the example, and waited a week. Still nothing. I've been debugging and I'm not having any of the 'normal' problems (as far as I can see).
Example tracking code fired:
This triggers an event, which according to ga_debug.js, is fired successfully. Checking the network panel I can see the request and _umt.gif returns status 200.
I've checked the request string in there. All seems good.
But checking GA, there is nothing in the reports. But when you go to GA Realtime > Events, you can see the events being fired!?
I can trigger the events on page or fire them from the console and corresponding events show up in the realtime section, but they have no data (Category, Action or Label).
This is odd, that even firing Google's own example code nothing is showing up.
If anyone has any ideas of where to start debugging for this (or has experience of anything similar), it would be great to hear.
I have been struggling with this issue for three days. I know this thread is old, but I stumbled upon it during my searching. I wanted to post what my personal resolution was in case someone else comes across this.
My Solution:
Here is where I finally found it:
Under: "Using Custom Variables" > "Traditional (ga.js) Snippet" (We are using the ga.js still... for now.)
I had a similar problem and ran into this issue:
In summary, I was setting the userId property via below. Removing that started historical tracking for me.
ga('set', 'userId', username);
This question gets asked a lot and the answer is almost always "Google Analytics standard SLA is 24 hours". The logs are processed in batch behind the scenes. At peak times, this takes a while.
It can take up to 24 hours for the Google Analytics servers to update -- Source: Google Documentation - Check your web tracking code setup

Google analytics event tracking not working

I have this code setup to track image downloads throught Google Analytics.
<a href="/media/37768/CC20100117m001_thumb_2000.jpg"
onclick="pageTracker._trackEvent('Image', 'Download', 'file.jpg');"
class="hi-res track">
But the events don't ever show up in the GA reports.
I thought maybe the the browser was following the link before the javascript was being run but setting href="#" doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
Your browser may be following the link before Analytics can make the call logging the event. Check out this page for Google's solution:
I don't know what your error is but to find out what it is you can:
Install firefox
Click on the link
Go to Tools | Error Console
Look at the error
This doesn't look correct to me--for one thing, you're using 'pageTracker' to call _trackEvent. In fact, _trackEvent is called by an 'event tracker' object, which is instantiated with _createEventTracker.
There are a couple more steps you haven't mentioned so et's go through them all. (There could be more than one correct way to do this--i'm not sure. So what i can do is compare your code with the steps i follow every time i set up Event Tracking, and which so far, have worked every time.)
Enable 'Event Tracking'. (Do this in
your profile.)
Create the 'event tracker' instance and insert it just after the last line of the pageTracker script. This is usually a single line of code that in your case would look something like this:
var ImageTracker = pageTracker._createEventTracker("Image")
Set up the call to the _trackEvent()
method in your html. I think all you
need to do here is replace
'pageTracker' in your code with 'ImageTracker' (the
event tracker instance you created
in step 2 above).
I faced a lot of problem then I realize it's easy steps and want to share with everyone.
First change your script code, link is
Second add a button like this.
<>button onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'button3', 'clicked'])">Press<>/button>
Enjoy :)
