ForActionsMatching an area and controller name? - fluent-security

Is there a way to build a predicate down to a list of actions with a specific name, in a specific controller, in a specific area?

If you're area controllers are in a namespace specific to that area, you should be able to use the following:
configuration.ForActionsMatching(info =>
If you're areas are in an assembly not reference by the application running FluentSecurity, you should have a look at Profiles in FluentSecurity 2.0.


How to restrict/customize the Resource Group Region in ARM templates

When we deploy a Custom template in Azure then a few parameters like Resource Group and Region are automatically popped up in the Azure portal (see the attached screenshot). I want to know how can we customize or restrict the list of regions using ARM templates.
The first "region" dropdown is for the resourceGroup's location - it's required when creating a new one, disabled when using an existing one. For a custom template, you cannot customize or remove that control unless you provide your own ui definition file.
That said, there's also nothing that requires you to use the value from that control in your deployment. If you want to use that value you'd reference it using resourceGroup().location in your template. That would allow you to remove the "duplicate" but also requires that the resources are deployed to the same region as the resourceGroup.
For your own "region" control, you can use the allowedValues property on the parameter in the template and that will restrict the items in the list to what you provide - that's the link that Jim provided in the comment above.
If you supply your own ui definition file there are more things you can do to restrict the list, but requires you to write a bit more code. This would be the starting point:
The docs talk about managedApplications, but the ui is a generic construct that you can use for template deployments, here's a generic example:
[edits post comment]
If you want to leverage the "built-in" region control you can customize the list of locations that appear there by setting the config in the createUiDefintion.json file. More on that here:

ASP.NET Using one controller from another

I am creating an mvc project, for simplification i have two entitys: Movies and MoviesGenre.
I want to display a list of genres and the amount of movies each of them contains.
Now i have a problem with the design. I am not sure who is responsible for it. I solved that by creating a method in MovieController that returns the amount of movies by genre id and created a method on the MoviesGenreController that select all the genres and uses the MovieController(By instantiating an object) method to get their count.
That doesn't seems like good design to me. Which controller is responsible for this? Do I maybe need to create an extra controller for this logic? Thanks.
You need a data layer project which will manage the access of each controller to the underlying database.
I would suggest the following design:
create a library project (DataLayer) project which connects to the database.
Potential methods exposed:
List GetAllGenres();
List GetMoviesByGenre()
You can either inject the DataLayer as a service or just simply allocate a new object in each controller ctor. This is more like a personal preference... The DI approach is more flexible a more in line with the DotNetCore architecture.
Both MovieController and MovieGenreController should use the methods from the DataLayer.

Check if curent user has access to specified MVC path

I need to extend asp:Menu to support linking to MVC routes (my project has a mix of MVC and non-MVC pages). My menu is generated using a custom class which determines if a user should be shown a node based on their priveleges to the file it referes to.
MVC pages are restricted using the AuthorizeAttribute. Avoiding mocking (if possible) I want to
Determine if the path refers to an MVC page or a standard page
If MVC, determine if the user has the rights to access it
Here's my method signature inside the menu generation class:
Private Function CanAccessPage(path As String) As Boolean
Here's the algorithm I used for this,
Based on #SLaks answer here, I was able to determine if the path referred to an MVC route.
If it was MVC, I grabbed the controller type (this required knowing what namespace my controller's were in)
Got the action method by controllerType.GetMethods(actionMethodName) (if you have multiple methods with the same name, you must pick the one your link refers to. Probably the one with an HttpGet attribute).
Used actionMethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(AuthorizationAttribute), False) to get a collection of all authorization filters for the specified action
Called OnAuthorization with the fake context info I build in step 1 for each attribute.
Check if TypeOf filterContext.Result Is HttpUnauthorizedResult and return accordingly

Why we create Entity/Enquiry.php And Form/EnquiryType.php In Seperate Folders Symfony2?

Going through the Symblog tutorial of Symfony2, While creating forms I came to a point where in I create Contact Entity (Entity/Enquiry.php) where I define some fields and some methods to access these fields. Then I create another folder Form/EnquiryType.php to build the form and then a contact.html.twig to display. I am unable to understand why we created 2 namespaces for Entity/Enquiry.php and Form/EnquiryType.php. when they have to deal with each other. Why dont we wrote both the classes within one folder or one file. And one more question. Do they belong to Controller or View part of MVC.
Form types are here to configure how data coming from objects (like Entities) are mapped to a form (and vice/versa).
Entities should'nt be named "entities", they should be just your buisness objects, that can be persisted through a layer called doctrine2.
To answer you on separation of concerns,
Entities are about M,
while form Types are about user inputs (so the VC).
View because it render a human interface to let user enter input,
Controller because that's where you handle the form lifecycle.
The reason is logical separation. Why don't we define all parts of MVC in one folder/namespace? Because it will be a mess. That's why logical separation is needed.
And not all entities have to have related form types — using entities without forms is normal.

ASP.NET MVC View information stored in a data-store

I'm looking for some advice on storing views in a data-store (database, file, other) and display them based on routing data, all using ASP.NET MVC 2 and ASP.NET Routing.
For example, I'd like to be able to display different views based on the following route data:
But in the same vein I'd like to display:
All are based on strings, and the data isn't fixed. So based on the number of segments maybe, use that as the selection criteria into the data-store...additionally, I may not know the segments up front, so they'd all be dynamic.
I'm was hoping we could get a few different methods together here, as kind of a reference for all - I'm sure some methods won't suite everyone...
So, how would you do it?
Branislav Abadjimarinov suggested a Controller Factory which could be used to do the look-up and display the page dynamically. I like this idea, what do you think?
There is no way for MVC to understand from this url's which route to choose. You have to make the routes more specific. For example:
You also have the option to define your own controller factory. The controller factory decides which controller to instantiate based on the route. So you can put some custom logic in it like - check if the {planet} parameter exist and if yes instantiate Planet controller else instantiate Countries controller.
This Post could be really helpful for you.
Remember you always can add a new routing rule : )
Just like this
