How to edit blog titles in Wordpress - css

I'd like to edit the titles of the blog posts but can't see how to do this on Word Press. I've managed to make them bold but that's as far as I could get. I'd like to change the size and font and perhaps centre them.
This is the blog:
(Also, if there's anything else you could suggest which you think would make the blog look a little nicer then any advice would be much appreciated!)

This essentially comes down to the theme that you use. And on which pages you want to make the edit. The best advice i can give you is go into your themes main folder and look at "single.php".
What you're looking for is a line that says:
<?php the_title ?>
It should be there along with around the same area. You should be able to style it yourself from there by seeing what classes are being used in that section.

There are many themes with a GUI to edit the entire header (logo,title, font, and more options), usually the "responsive" themes have this option.
Look for a new theme under "Appearance" section.
If you want to edit something specific you can also use the CSS editor too under appearance.


No access to the WordPress appearance panel

I am struggling with one thing I am not so into and any extra help could help.
I just received the WordPress website from the design company. The agreement was to make it editable, change more than just a content by the time. After the end of cooperation, I started to edit some parts of the website but there is no such an option as Appearance in my Wordpress option panel. I asked the developer how can I change basic CSS of some elements on the website but he argued that it is restricted to change any HTML or CSS because it might cause some errors in the code after rewriting it. I get it, but there should be another way to get to the files, how else I could style the new elements? Is there a no way to add Appearance option to the panel? I am not the expert, it just seems too unrealistic for me to say: it is restricted because of this and that and there is no way to add it. Any experience with that, please? Do we have to find Wordpress developer to go through it, or it is just the fact that I can not edit it anymore?
Thank you for any comment!
Best regard,
You can easily edit any wordpress appearance by edit the theme, take a look into wp-content/themes, there should be the files of the theme usually php and css files

My first child theme wordpress - color issue

Hi there I've been fiddling with a problem and am hoping for a straight forward answer before I invest a lot of time in customising this theme.
I'm using an EDIN Wordpress theme and I need to change the color and feel of the website. Basically - I want to replace all the #xxxxx color with my own #xxxxx color.
Normally I would grab the Edin theme - CTRL+F the color, and replace it with my own.
However, I learned It's better to create a child theme, and customise from there. The problem is, now i can't CTRL+F the color and replace it with my own and I am using chromes developer tool to figure out where all the colours are located. So I've done a couple, no problem. But it looks like I need to do it for every media query the theme is coded for.
What I'm actually looking for is:
turn all #xxxxx into #xxxxx
Does this exist? If not, whats the best way to go about changing the main color of the theme - which is blue, and found all over the website.
After making a child theme - the CSS stylesheet is completely empty. This is making it difficult for me to find all the parts of the website.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nathan the best thing would be to copy over the stylesheet from the parent theme into your child theme and then make all your changes to that. Your child theme stylesheet will then be used instead of the one in the parent theme. WordPress looks at the child theme first for files, then the parent theme.
If you have the time you could then go and find all your changes and copy them out one by one into a new stylesheet and then use that instead like an override.
The thing to keep in mind is if the parent theme updates... if so then if you are overiding the stylesheet and they make any updates, your child theme will not get those updates. In that case it is worth the time to make the new style sheet containing just your changes.
You would have to change everything manually. Unless there is an implemented option already in the admin panel to change colors etc, not all themes have this option.
The example you gave how to change all the colors at once, it is doable if you are using less. Then you can change same colors or parameters in one place and it will change it everywhere. I would have posted this in the comment section but I don't have enough rep yet.
This is just my opinion, maybe someone will do some research on your theme and will give you a better answer. Cheers

HTML page, how to convert it to a theme

I have developed a website's "index.html" with all the sections (header, content, footer, etc) made with Bootstrap 3.
It is meant to be the "design" to show to the user.
Now I have to port it to make it a Wordpress theme (because we are using Wordpress).
This is the first time and I have to do it quick,
Does Wordpress offer a base skeleton to apply my HTML sections and CSS/JS? I mean just a "blank" theme, maybe object oriented (like Symfony).
Yes. You can use starter themes to make your work easy and quick.
Find a list of starter themes below:
The first one is my favourite though. But feel free to try them all out and make your pick.
Take a look at the WordPress Template Hierarchy; Will do u a lot of good:

drupal panel or regions?

I want to make my Drupal 7 site look like exactly like
what should I do?
the difference is that I want to add three views of latest content types instead of that three columns below the biggest image... and I want to change the pictures.
what should I do? should I user panels or customize drupal regions? It looks like simple.
if the answer is panels,my site has some ajax problems with panels,that I don't know how to fix this at the moment.[issue is here and here ]
and which theme should I use? the only thing is to add border-bottom to the h1 tags! I think....
is there any theme that I can make this subtheme simply with drag n drop??
thank you masters
Use Zeropoint theme it have three regions option and copy paste the page.tpl.php and rename it to page--front.tpl.php and customize it to your requirement. website is very simple, you can easily make a copy of this site.
I'd suggest using regions. It's more flexible and maintainable.
And if these blocks are going to be present ONLY in the front page, it will be better to use a separate template for the front page page--front.tpl.php.

Drupal 7 theme "Busy" customization

I am a starter of Drupal 7.
I like the "Busy" theme a lot, especially this one in its screenshot of demos.
Yet, after I installed this theme, it seemed pretty far from what it looks like in the screenshot above. I tried to customize it but so far, I did not make much progress.
I see a lot of people saying this theme is good. The usage statistic shows a lot of websites are using this theme. I do like its neat layout, but as a starter, I really need some advice on how to work with this theme. How to make it look like the screenshot?
Any advice is appreciated.
What exactly are you having trouble with?
I don't know your level of experience with Drupal so I'm just going to give you a couple ideas.
If you go to (yourSiteName)/admin/structure/block/demo/busy it will show a demo of where you can place blocks on the page to make your site look more like the picture.
(yourSiteName)/admin/appearance/settings/busy will take you to the settings screen where you can change colors and toggle features on and off.
(yourSiteName)/admin/structure/block will take you to the blocks page where you can change the layout of each block and also configure individual blocks.
I hope this helps, if you can give a more detailed question, you'll probably get a better answer
