where to include google analytics tracking code - google-analytics

I want to use google analytics in my website, but I don't understand where I have to put the tracking code. I built my web page using Yii and php, and I am also using templates. I read the google page about the tracking code, and it says:
If your website uses templates to generate pages, enter it just before
the closing tag in the file that contains the the section.
I tried to put the tracking code before </head>, but it didn't work. Please, someone could help me? I don't understand what google means.

You should be placing it within your views, preferably before the </head> tag. When you say it didn't work, what is it doing? Did it throw an error - if so, what?


Automatic checking of GTM Tags

Is there is a tool or a solution that automatically checks if the GTM (Google Tag Manager) tags are working properly on a page?
I don't need it to do anything else except retrieve the bag of tags and let me know which any URLs where there is a problem with a tag.
I can only find manual validation checking and I would need to implement a solution for a large number of tags so automation would be most helpful.
There are a few paid services that I can think of:
Tag Inspector
I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones I've used.
You can also use GTM's error tracking to log client-side JS error. Doesn't really check to see what tags are firing, but will let you know when your JavaScript is having problems.
Good blog post here: Using Google Tag Manager to log JavaScript errors in Google Analytics

How do I embed code to appear on every product page in shopify?

I am trying to add some Google Analytics related code (addition to the standard code) on every product page. I tried adding it to the bottom of the "product.liquid" file but it doesn't seem to pull through to the live site. Could it be to do with some special Shopify security function that stops unusual looking javascript from being used?
Kind regards,
Benet Hitchcock.
Yes you can do this through your app. You need to take read|write_theme scope at the time of installation of you app now go to theme setting->temeplate editor
Open themes.liquid file and paste your code there
Then its appears on all page

How to run Google Experiment within Google Tag Manager

I have been trying to get this to work for sometime and there seems to be very little information on how this works.
First, I would like to say that I tried the below method to get it working, so please read this before posting a solution.
What I tried:
I added the google analytics experiment code in a custom HTML block and had it fire only of the original page as stated by google. This doesn't work and seems to create a loop for users. A white page appears when users get to the experiment pages.
Does anyone know how to get this to work? Much appreciated
The Javascript versions of Google Content Experiments are not actually supported in GTM at the moment (they have do do either redirects or change the site on the fly and since it's hard to say in advance at which point during page load the tags fire, and it which order, this does not work very well - in the very best case the original page would load completely before the visitor is redirected to a variation).
The features page for GTM lists A/b testing tags as "coming soon" but does so since at least a year ago, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
However you can do variations serverside (you'd have to implement your own logic to display the proper variation to each users) and pass and experiment id and the variation number to GA via GTM. I do not think there is another (reliable) way to do this, at least not yet. If you need to do it with javascript you should add the experiment scripts to the page code instead of deploying them via tag managemement.
Having said that, there are descriptions for hacking around the GTM limitations using the Experiments Javascript API and some jQuery (here is one). When Google says that something is "not supported" it might just mean they didn't want to test all possible edge cases and err on the safe side. So you if you absolutely have to use GTM for Content Experiments you would have to test if something like this would work for you.
I hope that I understand your problem well. If yes, you can use Google Optimize instead of Google Experiment. The Google Optimize works with Google Tag Manager by default.
Here's what worked for me
For the pages in the Experiment, I implemented Google Analytics the "old fashioned way" with analytics.js instead of GTM.
I tested (with Realtime analytics) this and the Experiment page and the Google Tag Pages both report data.
I did post asking if there might be conflicts from ths.
It's possible to modify the Google Tag Manager (GTM) snippet to run synchronously by removing the j.async=true; line and placing it at the top of your page, immediately after the opening <head> element. Like so:
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
You can also retain support for users without Javascript by inserting the <iframe> part of the code in the original location specified by GTM (after your opening <body> element).
<noscript><iframe src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-XXXX"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe</noscript>
It's then possible to insert the Google Analytics Experiments code as a Custom HTML tag in GTM. Just make sure you check the 'support document.write()' checkbox.
Just don't forget to update GTM-XXXX with your container ID.

Google Analytics Implementation

I'm looking at implementing Google Analytics and was wondering:
Can the tracking code be put in an external file, with the rest of my js then minified? If not, can the js be minified to one line then used on my page?
Or does the code have to go in my ? In some examples I've seen it after the body tag at the bottom of the page, why is this?
yes you can put it in your external .js file.
No It doesn't matter really where in the page you place it. Some people put it in the Head tag others in the footer. Personally I place it in the head tag that way I can add event tracking and custom dimensions though out the page as its built. But its really personal preference where you place it.

Set a tag to track links from a visual basic app in google analytics

I hope I can explain myself.
See. I have this little program where I put a link to my site, what I want to know if there's some way to add a tag into the URL so Google Analytics can count the amount of visitors coming from that program.
Like when you parse the GET in php.
something like http:\\www.stackoverflow.com\?something_to_google_analytics_to_read
If this is possible, I assume that I need also to configure that Tag into Analytic's, or?
As #SLaks pointed, I can find a step by step guide for create what I wanted in:
It is called Campaigns.
